Posted on Jun 12, 2016
ENS Ansi Officer
50 innocent people were slain when a gunman identified as Omar S. Mateen, a 29-year-old Florida resident and U.S. citizen (who is alleged to support ISIS/ISIL) went on a shooting rampage in Orlando Florida.

Immediately, many liberals and politicians have began shouting this is the fault of guns. Articles already stating that an "assault rifle" was used. Clearly, disregarding the fact that the shooting was a lunatic who supported ISIS.

In my opinion, if guns were "banned" people would only be that much more vulnerable. Those intending to do harm would either find a weapon, or make one. A knife wielding man can take down dozens of people - a suicide bomber, even more.

This event could arguably have been stopped if someone had been open/concealed carrying in the area and taken a shot. Instead, dozens of innocent people lost their lives waiting for Law Enforcement to arrive on scene and put an end to a madman's rampage..

I'd love to hear your thoughts..
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 66
SFC Personnel  Sergeant
HRC is off and flying her broom stick to ban guns I'm sure. Guns don't kill people, Cars don't kill people. Crazy extremist do kill people.
PO3 Michael James
PO3 Michael James
>1 y
Direct and to the point.. Well stated, Thank you
SFC Alfred Galloway
SFC Alfred Galloway
>1 y
remove the word extremist and that would be more accurate
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Cpl Justin Goolsby
Unfortunately, I find it sad that in the wake of a tragedy, opportunists would use it to push an agenda. Common sense is not a common virtue.
PO3 Michael James
PO3 Michael James
>1 y
True, Very True.. Cpl Goolsby, Well said..
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SrA Edward Vong
Edited >1 y ago
No one is going to ban anything. This is a politician's attempt to rack up votes by using the anti-gun demographic.
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CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
ENS (Join to see) Apparently a security guard did attempt to intervene and the terrorist made it into the nightclub anyway where he started his massacre. When Chicago (a highly regulated gun free zone) becomes the model for gun control then perhaps we should sit up and take notice. The terrorists are already in place and armed (apparently), so you can turn your personal safety over to others or assume that responsibility for yourself. Government cannot save you from a determined foe dedicated to your destruction; they will bring the chalk to outline your body and write reports about it.
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Sgt Tom Cunnally
Edited >1 y ago
They heard Obama mention gun control in his message today about the Orlando shooting so that was probably their reason to keep brining it up?? Omar Mateen was on an FBI watch list because of his ISIS comments on his blog & association with an ISI suicide bomber but was allowed to purchase a hand gun and rifle a few weeks ago, and worked for a Security Company.
Capt Seid Waddell
Capt Seid Waddell
>1 y
Sgt Tom Cunnally, I had heard that he was cleared by the FBI due to time constraints. If evidence is not found within a certain time period the case must be closed.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Tom Cunnally
>1 y
Capt Seid Waddell - FBI Director Comey just addressed that issue in his press conference. But there is the question if they notified the Orlando Police. This happened in Boston when two brothers were on the FBI watch list and then dropped. But the Boston Police had not been notified about these two terrorists & they were highly pissed off as you can imagine.
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
>1 y
Sgt Tom Cunnally Mateen was on multiple radars. At least his body was quickly identified, right?
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Tom Cunnally
>1 y
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS - The FBI Director said yesterday they are learning more about this guy & he will present the facts when they have more to report.
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CPT Jack Durish
Edited >1 y ago
It's already happened, right here on RallyPoint. This was posted even before the bodies were cold...
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish - Well sir, this post here appeared just two hours after the one you're pointing to. Were the bodies cold by then?
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
SMSgt Jeff Samuelson - Your point being...? Sorry, I could take this several ways and I don't want to assume anything. This discussion began with an expectation that another anti-gun rant was going to inspired by this incident and I merely pointed out that it had. And, subsequent to this posting, President Obama and Hillary have both made it official.
1px xxx
Suspended Profile
>1 y
CPT Jack Durish - Simply that pro-gun arguments - like the one offered in the original post here - appear just as quickly.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
SMSgt Jeff Samuelson - And? To be fair, the defense followed the offense. That seems reasonable, doesn't it?
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ENS Matthew Fleming
There are so many factors here. Even if the firearm used were illegal, I believe that most states would still have allowed this bonded, licensed security agent who was employed by a federal contractor to purchase the gun directly from Sig Sauer under their discount program. Furthermore, I am very grateful that this murderer did not take a cheaper route and visit his local feed store and gas station to take the Ammonium Nitrate route. The death toll would have been much higher. All this to say, even putting aside the lack of any data supporting the success of gun bans, a ban would have made no difference in this case. And no matter what gun control is passed, it will not change the fact that there are angry, deranged people out there who will find a way to kill.
ENS Ansi Officer
ENS (Join to see)
>1 y
Absolutely true.
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SSgt James Atkinson
When I look at the situation in Orlando, I look at the background of Mateen, and then I look at his parents, and how they and he got into this country as refugees from Afghanistan, and given his age, and the GWOT it is unlikely his homicide streak was born in the United States, but rather it originated in the Middle East, and merely festered as he got older. Much like the Boston Marathon Bombers, he appears to be a radical militant who was living in the United States and festering his/their hatred of this country. The killings in Orlando could have been much, much worse, because he could have used pressure cookers, and in that densely packs on a building the deaths could have been 5 to 10 times higher. It is the fault of the politicians, the fault on Congress, the fault of both Houses, and the fault of all the political parties, and most especially the fault of the Executive Branch.
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1LT John Heddens
*We've always had guns- but we haven't always had the 24 hour news cycle, internet, and culture glorifying perceived victimization.*
I think a lot of these mass shootings have a lot to do with the attention seeking behavior our country is plagued with. Everyone wants to be a victim, everyone wants to be famous. Capping a bunch of people is a morbid way to achieve both- in a mentally ill mind. These people see the incessant 24 hour media coverage and romanticizing of the perpetrators, and they picture immortality and perpetual victimization. Just like the shooters at Columbine, who were attributed the motive of being bullied and misunderstood- then had literal decades of news specials and documentaries about them.
*Stop glamorizing this madness. Stop justifying bad behavior because of typical life stressors. Stop the 20-20 Specials, the Dateline baloney, and everything else that gives attention to these wack jobs.*
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PO1 Cryptologic Technician (Technical)
Edited >1 y ago
Anyone with a brain knows that banning guns (rifles, handguns, shotguns) will not stop terrorism or violence, in general. It will lower our defense capability as not as a country, but as citizens. Those who use weapons to defend and protect (policemen, military, etc.) how will we defend when we are fired upon? Shoot bean bags at them, taser them, mace? What if someone is too far of a distance but is still able to cause damage, what do we use then?
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