Posted on Mar 28, 2014
1SG First Sergeant

Is it justified considering the military is still taking cuts and only received a 1% pay raise? Don't get me wrong, I truly appreciate all their support and they deserve to be compensated...but at 3x the amount service members receive? Do they do 3x the work? They are allowed to receive performance based bonuses and promotions. This is not about right or wrong. I'm just asking if you feel it's justified. Everyone is entitled to have their own opinion on the subject. [login to see] 41&rank=3

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Responses: 7
CSM Michael J. Uhlig

I believe they DO deserve a pay raise but, my perspective is that they DO NOT deserve a 3.3% raise, but a similar raise like we received (1%) this year look at the numbers & listen to my reasoning here.

I've had the opportunity to be deployed with some great Americans - both military and civilian (Federal employees and contractors), most recently I redeployed from Afghanistan last April as the Senior Enlisted Leader for the CAAT and we had some great Federally employees making a huge strategic impact which has and will continue to save large numbers of American and Coalition lives.

Looking at the Federal employee pay raises since Desert Storm, you see a complete linear pay raise of 205% for the 23 year period.  So if an employee had a $30,000 salary in 1990 (the year Iraq invaded Kuwait), 23 years later the pay (based only on annual pay raises, and including the 2014 raise) would be $61629.83 as an annual salary. Here's a link for multiple references concerning the Federal employee pay raises (see page 11):  (if this link does not work, copy the link and paste it into the web browser)

(the multiplier for the 20 years is 2 [login to see] 65314, but also includes pay freeze and included is also the 2014 raise)

Now lets look at military raises during the same period:

If you take the same base military pay amount as I used in the example above ($30,000 base pay) and use the linear multiplier (roughly 214%, the multiplier is below) it gives us an annual salary of $64055.81

(the multiplier for military base pay from 1991 to current is 2 [login to see] 946)

Here's the military pay raise chart (over 50 years of documented pay raises on the chart):

Again, the cumulative pay difference is $2425.98 which equals a $202.165 monthly difference.  I believe the hardships our Soldiers endured coupled with multiple deployments equates to a much larger pay differences earned by the service member.

Understand there are benefits on both sides that are almost intangibles (military members can receive non-taxed benefits such as BAS & BAH; federal employees can receive Thrift Savings Plan matching funds up to a specific percentage) so understand I did not take those figures into account however, I tried to give you the information to make your own educated opinion.

1SG First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
11 y
CSM, Thank you for information breakdown. I'm all for rewarding our great civilian workforce, I'm just asking that the federal government to be fair across the board. Service members didn't have to go without pay like so many civilians did inthe furlough, but we did have to pick up the slack and were not compensated for that either, so it goes both ways, in my opinion.
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SGM Matthew Quick
It's just another slap in the face to our servicemembers by our civilian leaders.

“Federal workers deserve to be compensated for the vital role they play in the lives of millions of Americans,” one co-sponsor, Rep. Jim Moran, D-Va., said in a statement. “These are the men and women finding lifesaving cures at NIH, catching criminals, supporting our troops, and protecting the environment. They have bills to pay and families to support. After three years of pay freezes and too many furloughs, they’ve earned this modest, decent raise.”

Really?  After 12+ years of constant combat, the military deserves 1%?  Double standards.
SPC Charles Brown
SPC Charles Brown
11 y
I say draft the idiots and make them work for the same pay as an E-1 for 6 months and make them earn each promotion with commensurate pay for each pay grade. Then see how they like it.
CSM Michael J. Uhlig
CSM Michael J. Uhlig
11 y

Many of our federal employees are retirees, veterans or family members and have your best interest in mind.

I'd not stereotype them as idiots however, I am not insinuating there are no ID-10-T's in the civilian workforce.....

1SG First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
11 y
CPL Brown, not sure who you are saying should be drafted, but like the CSM stated, many of the federal employees are good people. I'm just asking if you feel Congress is justified in proposing a higher raise than what was given to servicemembers.
SPC Charles Brown
SPC Charles Brown
11 y
I believe that congress as a whole should be drafted and paid the same amount to start as the lowest member of the enlisted services. If they are veterans and they are drawing a pension then they are already being paid and as such should not be receiving any further government pay. This is my opinion, I am not stereotyping I am exercising my right to free speech that I earned when I was born in this country, at least while I still have it.
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Maj Marty Hogan
I am a dual status Guard technician and the civil service side has moved little in the last 10-15 years. Usually corresponds to our health insurance increasing 2-4% as well. One thing I will point out on the civil service side is they increase locality pay and not base pay. Why should this concern people? They can take away locality pay with a stroke of a pen- base pay not so much. No to answer do we do 3x the work- in our case yes. We are not your typical federal worker- that is how we are paid, but we deploy in status along with AD counterparts and in a lot of cases more. I have not received a performance award after being rated outstanding every year because of the shortage of money in the system. Federal worker is a very broad term.
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