Posted on Feb 14, 2016
What is your Go-To Manual / Regulation Citation?
Responses: 24
I don't have a go to Reg quote. I stick with don't hit em, steal from em, or screw em.
CPT Pedro Meza
That is Zun Tzu The Art of War "A wise general makes a point of foraging on the enemy"
1SG (Join to see)
SSG Ryan R - As a PSG TC 7-22.7 (FM 7-22.7) should be your best friend. But absolutely stay in 623-3 especially with the newNCOER. Don't focus to much time on 40-501 as a PSG but become familiar because as a 1SG it helps with everything from your ABCP, chapter packets, and reenlistment.
AR 600-20 as it defines that the commander is responsible for a Soldiers well-being. This extends into areas such as spiritual, financial and personal life. When people make their lives the commanders business there is pretty much nothing off-limits if it impacts work.
SSG (Join to see)
Yes, I spent time in a lot of regs, but the AR 600-20 turned out to be a wonderful guide for me as a Platoon Sergeant.
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