Posted on Aug 23, 2016
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
I keep hearing and reading this title. What exactly is a Company Gunny (besides being a Gunnery Sergeant), and what is their role in a Marine Company?
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1stSgt Eugene Harless
The Company Gunny is in charge of getting the company what it needs. He's the go to guy for logistics . The building and grounds NCO/ Police Sgt, Supply NCO and Armory answers to him. He honchos training rosters and serves as the point of contact between the Battalion S-3 and S-4 and the Company. He is the one who usually holds Formations and passes word to the Marines, He assists the First Sgt in Administrative matters when needed and helps develop NCOs. He talks with and tasks the Platoon Sgts daily. He also is a key member when it comes to inspecting weapons, uniforms, equipment and billeting.
He can, and often does, fill in during the absense of the First Sgt. He also tends to be very well schooled in the Military Occupational Skill of Unit members. A goods Company Gunny makes a unit. He is the CO, XO and First Sergeant's right hand man.
Cpl Cary Cartter
Cpl Cary Cartter
>1 y
Walking on water, parting of said waters, and using said waters in the creation of recreational adult beverages are not required skill sets, but they are held by some of the best Company Gunnies.
Pvt Kenneth Mayberry
Pvt Kenneth Mayberry
>1 y
Yes he and we had a good Company Gunny and I was his second in charge Sir.
CWO3 Retired
CWO3 (Join to see)
>1 y
That’s correct 1stSgt Eugene Harless, I’d used to be one a long time ago.
GySgt Derrick Staten
GySgt Derrick Staten
>1 y
1st, you are spot on!
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SGM Steve Wettstein
He would be compared to a company Operations Sergeant for the Army.
SSG Medically Retired Disabled Veteran
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Correct. However, the Company Gunny basically takes on much of the role carried out by the First Sergeant in the Army. The Company Gunny usually holds Company formations and as far as anyone is concerned the Company Gunny is "The Man." The only time you see the First Sergeant in most Marine Corps units is during ceremonies and when you have royally effed up. Otherwise, the Company Gunny "runs" everything.
1stSgt Eugene Harless
1stSgt Eugene Harless
>1 y
Actually in a Marine Weapons Company in an Infantry Battalion, although he may be called the Company Gunny, he actually is an Operations Chief when the unit is tactically deployed. The Individual Platoons go out as detachments to the Line Companies or where the CO directs. The T/O for the billet is a Master Sergeant (E-8) and he works in the S-3 during Battalion Field Operations.
Cpl D L Parker
Cpl D L Parker
>1 y
when I was in boot camp the SERIES CHIEF DRILL INSTRUCTOR was the company gunny
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
>1 y
In the USAF the 1st Sergeant is the direct link to the Commander, there is an orderly room staff to assist him and the Commander.with the paperwork, Administrative and personnel. Other functions fall under operations which isn't connected to the orderly room but still responsible to the Commander assisted by the 1st Sergeant. The Commander and 1st Sergeant are key to formations, all ceremonies and discipline and good order within the Squadron. (Squadron = Company in other services )
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GySgt Buck Jr. Tschanz
It's a billed assigned which is recognized as a leadership billet below a first sergeant. A company GySgt is the right hand man and does whatever a 1st Sgt tells them to do.
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