My DD214 has an RE code of NA. (Honorable discharge after 5 years) Googling suggests this is either because I was commissioned or because I still owed IRR time.
Can anyone clarify?
Can anyone clarify?
Posted 1 y ago
Responses: 5
You're a Naval Officer or Midshipman (BUPERSINT 1900.8E*, Enclosure 1, para 3jj(2))
* https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Reference/Instructions/BUPERS/BUPERSINST%201900.8%20CH-1%20%20CH-2.pdf
ref: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/References/MILPERSMAN/1000-Military-Personnel/1900-Separation/
* https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Reference/Instructions/BUPERS/BUPERSINST%201900.8%20CH-1%20%20CH-2.pdf
ref: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/References/MILPERSMAN/1000-Military-Personnel/1900-Separation/
Reenlistment code, determines your eligibility for reenlistment. RE1-4, 1 is golden, 2 can result in delays in reenlistment, 3 is often a bar for reenlistment in one particular service and 4 is never again. I got 80% disability from the Army and 200% VA, so I'm RE4; a complete medical wreck. If I was a vehicle, I'd be totaled! So I can inly be recalled by avt of congress. RE codes are based on medical limitations and good or vad behavior .
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