Posted on Apr 7, 2020
David Lee Kelley
Posted in these groups: C4289f1 RE Code
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Responses: 4
SFC Michael Hasbun
It means you were an Entry Level Separation that received an uncharacterized discharged.
BLUF: As far as the military is concerned, you did not fulfill the minimum requirements to be a service member, you are not a vet, you ATTEMPTED to serve, but did not.
David Lee Kelley
David Lee Kelley
5 y
SGT Eric Davis Thanks, I appreciate the help
SSG Intelligence Analyst
SSG (Join to see)
5 y
You got a failure to adapt in the Air Force? So you got separated and received some sort of UCMJ that warranted you getting the boot. With all do respect, no branch really needs or wants someone who had disciplinary problems. Your RE Code was likely left blank in error, you would likely have an RE-3 meaning you would require a waiver to join, and it’s highly unlikely you would receive oneDavid Lee Kelley
SP5 Peter Keane
SP5 Peter Keane
5 y
A1C Chris Pointer - Where in hell did you ever get that notion ? I got an Article 15, and went before SSG promotion board at 3 years TIS
SGT Eric Davis
SGT Eric Davis
5 y
Oh that’s irrelevant now but thanks lolA1C Chris Pointer
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LTC Jason Mackay
Edited 5 y ago
Are you looking at the right copy of the DD214? Member 4 has it on bottom front, box 27 unless you are retired or you had an uncharacterized discharge. Box 26 has the separation code.

Member 1 copy doesn't have it.

Reading the rest of the comments, I don't think this was your problem. It sounds like you did not make it 180 days on Active Duty, although you made it through Basic and Tech School and were subsequently separated for reasons known only to you and your command. The 214 has the separation authority, for Army separations the "chapter" from the AR 635-200 or the title of the chapter is used.

My understanding is that this type of uncharacterized discharge is like you were never there. Unless there is more to the story like an injury, discharge inlieu of courts martial, etc not sure what the forum can provide you for info. As for reentry, it depends on your desired branch's regulation and business rules. The AR is 601-210 for the Army.

Recommend you actually click on the RE Code tag in your topic and look at the resources posted there. Each branch has an entity that provides a channel for discharge upgrades and records correction. Since your AD discharge is uncharacterized, there is nothing to upgrade.

Yes, RC Soldiers have uncharacterized DD214s from IET because they haven't hit 6 months Active Duty. They usually don't get one until they have bee next deployed, serve as an AGR, or some other Active Duty qualifying period. ARNG soldiers get a NGB22 for the period they served. Reservists get some sort of memo, they don't seem to have an analogous form.

So others who were IET uncharacterized separations on RP , simply went back to a recruiter and started over. If you did get some sort of characterization, an RE Code, and separation code, it is unlikely it would help you. More questions from the recruiter and MEPS team.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
5 y
Looking at AFI 36-3208 para 1.19 on uncharacterized discharges and 5.49 below.

5.49. Minor Disciplinary Infractions. A pattern of misconduct consisting solely of these infractions in the current enlistment makes an airman subject to discharge. The infractions under this section may involve failure to comply with nonpunitive regulations or minor offenses under the UCMJ. Infractions of this type result, as a rule, in informal (reduced to writing) or formal....

Note "failure to comply" appears to be the authority for discharge. 1.19 says initial entry separation, release from custody or DFR.

AFI 36-3202 governs preparation of the DD214 but does a craptastic job explaining HOW determinations are made on what's to enter in the fields of the 214.

AFI 36-2606 applies to RE Codes. And I'm done looking.
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CPL Earl Kochis
Is it copy 4 your looking at???
SGT Eric Davis
SGT Eric Davis
5 y
Right I wanna see it
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