Posted on Aug 2, 2023
Maj Scott Kiger, M.A.S.
The VFW which is appropriately titled "Veterans of Foreign Wars" has been a topic of discussion for many of today's Veterans. Should they one day changing their Policies to include Veterans who do not have a Overseas or 'Foreign' Way on their DD214. This has been an issue or at least a question for a long time. Veterans who serve do so at the whim of a detailer who sends them where needed. Many Marines I served with Volunteered for Afghanistand and/or Iraq dozen of time to no avail. In many cases they were 'NEEDED' elsewhere due to their expertise in a 'non-combat' field or MOS. One in particual was a Black Belt Marine Corps Martial Arts Program 'MCMAP' Trainer and trained new Officers at the OCS academy where young Lieutenants went to train and learn their 'Combat' skills. He was never allowed to deploy due to his expertise and eventually got out of the service without a Foreign Deployment through no fault of his own but now he is 'Penalized' for not having a Deployment. He has been told to 'Go join the American Legion' but all of our freind groups are VFW...
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Responses: 114
PO3 Eric Kerns
I think it’s a great idea to think outside the box and it would help with recruitment in these dying organizations. Not that everyone should join but those that served during a specific era of extended conflict. You could base it off eligibility of the National defense medal. That is given out during times of conflict. Also continue the campaign, expeditionary, and combat awards as well. Maybe even those that can prove hazardous duty pay as well.
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Cpl Landing Support Marine
I don't see why they would. The organization is pretty clear on why they exist. The only reason I could see to change the policy is if we have another war fought on American soil. Then I could see dropping the foreign part, but even then it would have to be a full on war like the civil war or the war of 1812. I am a US Marine, I have never been to combat (they announced the pullout of Afghanistan when I was in boot camp) and I have no problem not being in the VFW. I am not a veteran of a foreign war. There are plenty of organizations for all veterans such as the American Legion, and there are even some like the Marine Corps Club in my area that accepts people of other branches. If you want a veteran based charity, I personally know Army soldiers that are working with Toys for Tots. With so many other organizations, I see no reason why we should change an organization for which there is a specific need.
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SFC R. Lee Linebarger
The VFW ought to consider merging with the Amercan Legion or AMVETS. My humble opinion.
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LCDR Rex Roebuck
That's what the American Legion is for.
1SG James Kelly
1SG James Kelly
7 mo
Was a member.
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SPC Terry Martin
It's a Great organization and I've attended, but I wouldn't join because of what its name implies and stood for
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TSgt Chuck Mankin
I think allowing associate membership w/out voting rights into the organization isn't a horrible idea. It would help posts maintain membership and allow better numbers when engaging the politicians in DC. They could only be Associate Members w/out some sort of congressional action to change full membership requirements. Many posts already do "social members" to get more people into their bars. It's not legal according to the National By-Laws but it's still done.
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SPC Michael Tierney
Edited 10 mo ago
Fraternal organizations are all struggling to attract members. I am a life member of the DAV because their service was invaluable when I was discharged and seeking VA compensation for a gun shot wound. But I have never set foot in a DAV meeting place. Nor have I gone to a VFW.
All these organizations (not just veteran oriented) need to do all they can to get people in as dues paying members. Or they will go out of business.
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MSG Barbara Lawson
My husband served in Iraq for 9 months. He, rightfully, joined the local VFW. My Reserve unit was activated in support of Desert Storm and I did not qualify to join the VFW as an active member. It was suggested that I join the Women's Auxiliary. However, that was not an acceptable suggestion as I had my own career in the Military. It was then suggested that I join the VFW as an Associate Member. Basically, I had my own access the the VFW except I could not attend Regular Meetings nor Vote. I was able to buy drinks, participate in events, buy 50/50 and other gaming tickets. I was definitely okay with that. You should check and see if that VFW has an Associate Membership option. BTW ... me application had to be voted on and approved by, I believe, the Executive Committee. IMO the VFW is for the military personnel that actually had "boots on foreign soil" and become Regular.membership. Associate membership can be the solution for the military personnel that want to associate with the VFW but don't meet the membership requirements.
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CWO3 Robert Fong
There should be no change; this is why we have the American Legion.
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MSgt George Murray
I was in Panama for 18 months and 2 TDY's in Vietnam, including the Saigon Pullout in April of 75. I'm a member of the American Legion and will not be renewing my membership. Why? Because of two reasons. One is the only time I hear from them is to sell me life insurance or similar. The second reason is that I requested to be transferred to my local branch. Never heard a peep out of them. We have a local VFW but they can't even keep up with their website and other events. I'm not one to spend time in clubs so I'm not worried about either one. I do believe that the VFW needs to open up to regular veterans.
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