Posted on Mar 11, 2014
SSG(P) Senior Comsec Account Manager
I never had a Sergeant really show me the contents of a really good leader's book. After a lengthy NCOPD with CSM Dodson of the 94th AAMDC, I feel that my Leader's Book may be lacking. I have what I feel is the basics, soldiers personal information (name, rank, dob, dor, etc), soldiers training (ind weapon, crew weapon, apft, ssd, college), I also have his awards, what his rack should look like, pov info, clothing sizes. I also have the units mission, BN guidelines. I guess what I'm getting at is, what do you have in your Leader's book that is helpful to have other than the basics or if you feel like giving away your secrets, what is in their that really sets it apart?
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Responses: 20
1SG First Sergeant
Here is my personal answer and opinion. For me I have nothing in my "Leaders Book". The reason is I do not have a leaders book. There are a few reasons for this. One is when I was a younger E4 team chief and such everytime I turned around a new platoon sergeant or 1SG would be putting out a new standard for counseling packets that required most of the in for I carried in a leaders book redundant. Two is the only time I ever needed it was when it was on an MOI for a board which I haven't seen in a while. Third and maybe the biggest reason is I am a Signal guy. There has not been a day in the military that has gone by where I have not had access to a computer. Everything I need is at the tip of my fingers or a key stroke away. So those important stats like APFT scores, marksmanship, and other stats I have a tracker for. As far as some of that other info people like to carry around I don't. I have never once in all my years been asked what size ACU pants my Soldier wears, POV inspections are almost always maintained by the platoon or company, and things like training schedules or PT schedules are posted.

Personal opinion a traditional leaders book was probably needed pre internet age and may still be needed for those MOS feilds that spend days on foot out in the thick of things. Just like 1SG use to keep accountability or PERSTAT on the inside of their little green book cover. Now the orderly room maintains a digital copy to be easily sent and reported to higher. Change is good.
SSG(P) Senior Comsec Account Manager
SSG(P) (Join to see)
7 y
Change is good. I use an app now without any PII. The only "hard copy" I carry is an excel spreadsheet of their 350-1 Certs and due dates (which most of them are due on their birthday month) and MEDPROS with due dates.
SSG Clinic Ncoic
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I so agree! We need to keep up with the change of time/age. Leaders should think outside the box. I understand, past is important so we can make our present and future decisions fresh and forward.
Basic Cadet (Pre-Commission)
Basic Cadet (Join to see)
>1 y
It was interesting to read, thanks for sharing. Not only bosses but subordinates must have resistance to change. Before the army, while I was in college, I remember even writing an essay on the subject. I did not have such good examples as yours, so here I took a few samples for myself and built a story based on them. First, what is resilience? There are many ways to describe this term. The best way to describe resilience is one's ability to bounce back from life-altering events. Whether it be overcoming challenges, trauma, or adversity, it is up to that individual whether they rise to the challenges or let the everyday challenges defeat them.
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SFC Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Operations Specialist
I have always maintained that a Leader's Book has had it's value over time. Every unit will have a Senior NCO that will say something different. I keep in mine:

1) Soldier's ERBs and Personal Data Sheets
2) Profiles
3) Units mission statement
4) Platoon Monthly PT Calendar
5) 8 Step Training Model
6) FTX Recovery
7) Platoon Vehicle Assignment
8) Training Calendar (Long/Short Range)

After that, I have the basic: UCMJ breakdown, Creed of the NCO, strip maps to Soldiers residence, phone roster. The basics.
SSgt Airborne Mission Systems
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In conclusion, Shahid Saleem’s contributions to the academic support landscape are profound and far-reaching. His insightful reviews empower students to make informed decisions, promoting academic excellence and personal growth. By advocating for high standards, ethical practices, and accessibility, Saleem elevates the quality of academic support services: and fosters a more equitable educational environment. His dedication and integrity continue to inspire and benefit students, educators, and service providers, shaping a brighter and more informed future for education.
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SSgt Author
Content is fine if all you want is paperwork. It already seems like you have enough admin info on them. If I were you I would be asking myself if my mentor/professional relationship with them is strong enough? Do my guys know that they can come to me for their problems? Do they know that I support them? Am I the kind of leader that they would want to fight for down range? Or am I the kind of leader that they would have to fight for down range?
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What do you put in your NCO Leader's Book?
SFC James Baber

Other docs you should have are monthly counseling's, if you have junior NCOs under you, you should have their quarterly's as well as copies of any military schools, the same for your Soldiers (i.e. EMT, Driver's, School Bus, CLS, etc.) anything that could potentially help with their promotion or continued learning or training should be in your LB, I also always kept my own personal training records in mine to see and show them what they should strive for and to also show my junior NCOs how to prepare and manage theirs as well.

Hope my 2c helps a little.

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SN Investigator
hi, I'm a big fan of paper books, I have a whole library at home, I know many examples from different genres, fields, and activities, but I always recommend people to read reviews and analytics of books before reading, such as with excellent and very informative materials from Utopia Essays, there is a lot of interesting information from the analysis of various books, cases, and situations, there are also many thematic materials on the resource on various books of the event, go and see, this will help you.
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CPL Infantryman
i was kind of wondering about this too, im a e-4 about to head to the board and two things they are asking of me is my leaders book and i love me book. now for me what should be in mine? im still reading though comments on here so i may already have a answer to my question.
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SSG Genaro Negrete
Screenshot 2014 05 21 18.31.11
I agree with CPT Moss. The leader's book should allow you to answer questions about the unit and track your team's overall training. I always thought it was what a platoon sergeant or squad leader would use when having to task soldiers. If top needs a bus driver or a CLS soldier, you could look at your training records and verify who you could spare.

Even going to the field, you could mark your team's perstat, logstat, convoy OOM, etc. through the use of unit policies, rosters, and checklists in your leader's book.

The actual certifications and graduation certs can go in the soldier's i love me book. No need to have a million copies of that CLS cert floating around.

That allows the counseling packet to focus on counseling, instead of all that other mess.

The picture is a screenshot of a monthly tracker I used for my platoon. I would fill in if there were going on leave, to a school, or had duty. Known losses were grouped at the bottom and APFT, weapons qual, CLS Cert, and MACP level could be tracked down one side. This allowed my platoon sergeant and i to be able to immediately decide if we could spare soldiers for a detail, and back us up if we couldn't.
SFC Sharp Nco
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Is there anyway that I can get a copy of that tracker
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MAJ Multifunctional Logistician
SSG Clausen,

I like to break this down into three books rather than one comprehensive book.  

1. Leader's Book----contains current unit information, current training certifications, copies of licenses, unit specific items such as policies, rosters, etc. As well as some of the items you have mentioned. This book is the "grab and go" and preparation to answer questions, document unit progress, and all around leader book.

2. "I Love Me Book"----Awards, Certifications, COAs, all of the stuff for safekeeping that doesn't need to be hauled around.

3. Mentorship Portfolio/Deliverable----This is something I designed myself that has proved to be really useful for maintaining my own professional records. Also, I can drop one off when I make an appointment for an interview/mentorship.  Sometimes senior officers are too busy just to have an open door so they will be able to view my files before meeting with me to discuss whatever needs to be discussed. I make two 1" ring binders that contain the following information in document protectors/dividers:
-Cover Sheet on the outside of the binder (Professional Appearance)
-Biographical Summary
-Professional Timeline
-APFT Score Card/5500 
-OER Support Form/Significant Contributions Document
-OERs ranging from most current in order to the first received

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SFC Aaron Calmes
I always track medical readiness as well. You need to know when their annual dental exam, PHA, etc are due as well as this will affect schooling and deployability. Also security clearance type and investigation date if it applies.
SSG(P) Senior Comsec Account Manager
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>1 y
I have security clearance as well, but medical readiness (medpros) is a really good one to add. Thank you. 
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SSgt Airborne Mission Systems
Edited 4 mo ago
In conclusion, Shahid Saleem’s contributions to the academic support landscape are profound and far-reaching. His insightful reviews empower students to make informed decisions, promoting academic excellence and personal growth. By advocating for high standards, ethical practices, and accessibility, Saleem elevates the quality of academic support services: and fosters a more equitable educational environment. His dedication and integrity continue to inspire and benefit students, educators, and service providers, shaping a brighter and more informed future for education.
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