Posted on Jan 24, 2017
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
RP Members and Connections I found this picture very interesting and thought I would create some discussion. What are some of the things we can actually do without Government Permission?

Serve our Country in the Military? (Need permission, right?)

Is our Government too involved in our Freedoms and Rights?

Taking Drugs for me meant prescription drugs!

Your thoughts & comments are welcome.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 110
SSG Program Control Manager
Edited 8 y ago
In order to be free you need to have money and preferably own your own home. Most Americans are wage slaves. If they don't work, they will lose everything within a matter of months... that's because the bank really owns their house, their car(s), and almost everything else of value. Our freedom is not restricted because of government, it's restricted because we allow ourselves to be enslaved in order to have that nice house, the new car, etc...

When it comes to laws, a lot comes down to where you live... I don't need a permit to put up a building in the county... I just have to build it to a certain code and have that verified. If I don't meet certain requirements I may not be able to insure it. I can drive a car all day long on my own land, I only need license, registration and insurance when I put the car on a public road. Same goes for fishing, I can fish all day long on private property... not sure about hunting, however who is going to stop you? If you have money and property, you are still relatively free.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
MSgt Robert C Aldi - Not really a new meaning, things just haven't changed that much... especially in the eastern parts of the county.
SFC Charles McVey Sr.
SFC Charles McVey Sr.
>1 y
Maj John Bell - Arizona used to have a law that you could not tie you gun holster to your leg, if you did you were a gunfighter which was against the law. Not sure if it is still on the books or not.
SFC Charles McVey Sr.
SFC Charles McVey Sr.
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) - I have a CCW, and in Colorado (Open Carry is allowed Accept in Home rule cities read that as Denver) you can go into any place that serves alcohol, with your Concealed Firearm, (excludes open carry) you just cannot drink alcohol. If you do drink and have your firearm on you person then the police can arrest you even if it is only one drink. You can loose your CCW for up to one year, and up to 30 days in the county jail, first offense is a Misdemeanor, after that your a felon.
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
SFC Charles McVey Sr. - Sounds like enough to discourage drinking while carrying.
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SGT AH-64 Attack Helicopter Repairer
One can drop out of school at a certain age without government permission..... overall, it does make one think. Now the other side is, are these society norms as opposed to permissions?
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
SFC Kelly Fuerhoff
>1 y
SFC Dave Beran - You can drop out in Nebraska with parent's permission. My best friend's little brother dropped out when he was 16. I think he went and got his GED later. Except I believe after doing a Google search that changed and a bill was getting sent through the legislature to not allow 16 year olds to drop out. But that was in 2012. He dropped out in 2004ish. In fact it was passed in 2012. So 18 year olds can drop out in Nebraska. 19 is the age of majority.

This was the law before 2012: Currently, Nebraska law requires children to attend school until they are 18 or they get a high school diploma. But if a parent or guardian approves, they are allowed to drop out after their 16th birthday.
SFC Charles McVey Sr.
SFC Charles McVey Sr.
>1 y
SGT William Howell - It is those very Government education mandates which is why I now Advocate to Parents to home school their children.
SFC Charles McVey Sr.
SFC Charles McVey Sr.
>1 y
PVT James Strait - I agree with you, but I am going to add something that should stir up a heated debate. The Constitution, Bill of Rights as well as the other 17 Amendments need to be taught in school at least once a week from 7th Grade throuh 12 Grade, as well as the Federalist Papers (As written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison), and the Anti-Federalist Papers. I also believe that every person who decides to become a Lawyer should also Have to take a full semester of Constitution 400 level before they get their law degree. I alsoslitest believe that every person running for any Political office, (Municipal, County, State or Federal) should have to pass a comprehensive test on the Constitution, Bill of Rights, the other 17 Amendments as well as the Federalist Papers. To many politicians do not have the least idea of what the Constitution says or means. I would include in the study of the Bill of Rights that they would have to study James Madison's Proposed Amendments as he submitted to the very First Session of the very First Congress on June 8, 1789 so that they have a full understanding as to the real intent of the Bill of Rights.
SP5 Lori Pong
SP5 Lori Pong
7 y
You can only drop out of school at a certain age without government permission if you have parental permission, otherwise you are stuck until you are 18.
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Wanda Afualo-Carey
I know one thing I can engage in - that the government has no say in! Well, I mean after I became of "eligible" age!!! ;-P But I digress...
SPC Randy Torgerson
SPC Randy Torgerson
>1 y
For now maybe.....
Wanda Afualo-Carey
Wanda Afualo-Carey
>1 y
SPC Randy Torgerson Whaddya mean "for now"?! Don't tell me I'm gonna have to rogue to continue enjoying this freedom!!!???
SPC Randy Torgerson
SPC Randy Torgerson
>1 y
Wanda Afualo-Carey - haha, You might end of being the official real life "Rogue One" (little tribute to Star Wars)
Wanda Afualo-Carey
Wanda Afualo-Carey
>1 y
SPC Randy Torgerson You've gained 5000+ bonus points in my book with that Star Wars reference!
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Lt Col Jim Coe
I thought I would put, "walk my dogs in my neighborhood." Then I realized there are laws and ordnances that effect that activity. The state traffic laws dictate that I should walk on the left side of the street facing the traffic. Both of the dogs have "dog tags," meaning they were registered with the County. The dogs are on a leash for their protection and control, but the County and City have leash laws requiring them to be leashed. Even the Homeowners Association doesn't care if I walk the dogs--as long as I clean up if they relieve themselves in the "common areas." I don't have to ask the City, County, State, or Federal Government for permission to walk the dogs, but they do influence the activity.
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SGM Retired
You just hit on the reason I'm a Libertarian. No, I didn't vote for Gary Johnson. He's the best advertisement I can think of for why marijuana is bad. (I'm going to quit for 6 weeks so I can clear my mind to run for President.)

Government should be as small as possible, consistent with protecting citizen's from harm. If I'm going to connect up to the city water supply, or the power grid, the government has the right to regulate that to protect everyone else. But a license to cut hair? A license to be an interior decorator? Did anyone ever die from a bad haircut or because a Louis 14th end table was matched with a brocade couch?

You ought to have the right to kill yourself, as long as you don't take someone with you who doesn't want to go. That should include smoking, drinking, and drugs, all of which are slow motion suicide.

Governments make monopolies possible. Check out Dr Milton Friedman on the Interstate Commerce Commission and how it led to government monopoly on railroads.

Governments do really stupid things, like the $17.8 billion California has spent on water projects since 1987, without capturing one single drop of water for use. Meanwhile the population has doubled and they are running out of water.

Less government is better government!
SGM Retired
SGM (Join to see)
>1 y
SPC Randy Torgerson has a point, PO2 Robert Moore but as I said above, "If I'm going to connect up to the city water supply, or the power grid, the government has the right to regulate that to protect everyone else."

The question is, is anyone REALLY protected by government licensing? Did licensing Flight Schools keep hijackers from learning how to fly, leading to 9/11? Have licenses prevented medical errors? Do automobile licenses prevent auto accidents?

I think one clear purpose of government is to protect us from harm from another person, but there is no way to guarantee that. So while I agree that there should be some kind of inspection of a boiler in the floor above yours, I don't think it justifies the government getting into personal business. Most occupations, like I mentioned above, could get by just fine without government oversight.
SPC Randy Torgerson
SPC Randy Torgerson
>1 y
SGM (Join to see) - Or at least business could get by with "little" oversight. I don't think anyone believes that having no regulation is good, we do need some.... but my god, we could stand to reduce it considerably.
SGM Retired
SGM (Join to see)
>1 y
SPC Randy Torgerson - I think we are saying the same thing. The government has the right to protect you from harm by me, but let's try to make use it's as LITTLE oversight as possible.

Most licensing is really just protectionism for those who have licenses. That's why cab companies HATE Uber and Lyft.
SPC Randy Torgerson
SPC Randy Torgerson
>1 y
SGM (Join to see) - I agree completely and that's why I use uber and not taxis. If they don't like competition I don't like to give them my business.
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PO1 Kevin Arnold
Free to speak our minds 1st amendment. This is a double edged sword sometimes because people use it to express their views which could be good or bad. For example burning the flag is not illegal because people have the right of freedom of speech. Certain freedoms have been taken away due to government control. Like if I get accused of a crime and it goes on my record I could not get a job. That is again a double edged sword for if I now can't get a job to work then how will I be able to be a productive part of society. We are free to get old and die. It's just how we die we are not free, i.e suicide. I am free to worship Jesus my Lord and savior. I am now just not free to show it in Schools. We used to be free to punish our children if they misbehave but now viewed as child abuse or child endangerment. Yes some parents went to far with beating their child constantly but what is wrong with paddling them a little on their bottom when they are young. I only had to get a little spanking from my parent 1 time and knew not to do that behavior ever again.
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MCPO Roger Collins
All this shows how prescient George Orwell was with his book "1984". If you haven't read it, you should. Even down to the point of your TV spying on you.
AA Joseph Moody
AA Joseph Moody
>1 y
If you want to do some uncomfortable reading, google "child monitoring software" and get yourself a throwaway laptop to experiment around on.

Hell for that matter, just download teamviewer and fool around with that for a weekend.
Wanda Afualo-Carey
Wanda Afualo-Carey
>1 y
Oh dear... in that case I most likely have a "public indecency" file out there somewhere, when I think about what little I'm wearing whilst chilling out at home! #NotMyFaultYoureTheOneSpyingOnMe
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
I took a couple of military legal courses. Send me some videos and I’ll give you an unbiased “legal” opinion.
AA Joseph Moody
AA Joseph Moody
>1 y
Actually though, on the topic of remote utility, between teamviewer and resilio sync you can pretty much set up and admin your own cloud server with a minimal of hardware and skill. Which is kinda useful if you want to have access to things that you don't want to hand carry through an airport, although you will still need some form of isp connection.
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SP5 Robert Ruck
Breath, so far but I'm afraid EPA will eventually get around to regulating our exhales as it involves CO2 which is a poisonous gas according to them. I hear California now regulates cow farts. It's only a matter of time before humans in California are no longer allowed to break wind.
SPC Randy Torgerson
SPC Randy Torgerson
8 y
Oh I think we're included in sub section (b) paragraph (2), the liberals just didn't want to advertise that......
SP5 Robert Ruck
SP5 Robert Ruck
8 y
SPC Randy Torgerson - Ha,ha. Made my day Randy.
SPC Randy Torgerson
SPC Randy Torgerson
8 y
SP5 Robert Ruck - Thank you sir, haha.
Wanda Afualo-Carey
Wanda Afualo-Carey
>1 y
Considering mere metabolic processes in the body on a daily basis can produce up to 1-2 liters of gas... I dread to think the outcome of Californians going forward!

Oh & leave it to us Aussies to talk about this on our government health sites:

"Flatulence, commonly referred to as 'farting', is caused by gas in the bowel. Ordinarily, the intestines produce between 500 and 2,000mls of gas, which is passed out of the anus at regular intervals. The gas, or 'flatus', consists of a number of gases including methane, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. The varying smell depends on the ratio of gases, which is influenced by the foods we eat.

Flatus is generated by swallowed air, digestion, high-fibre foods and the by-products of intestinal bacteria. Some digestive system disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome, can produce excess gas."

MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
TMI, Wanda. Love you Aussies, though.
SSgt Clare May
SSgt Clare May
>1 y
MCPO Roger Collins - lol...yep yep yep...
AA Joseph Moody
AA Joseph Moody
>1 y
Note to self: Chilli cook off in California needs to happen soon.
SPC Randy Torgerson
SPC Randy Torgerson
>1 y
AA Joseph Moody - Yes, I wish someone would take the reigns on this...????
SFC Charles McVey Sr.
SFC Charles McVey Sr.
>1 y
AA Joseph Moody - In the State Capital in the Parking lot at the Capital Building while the Legislature is in Session.
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Well, some of these things can be done without permission......but then that makes the acts there's that. As for leaving the country....I would argue against this one, depending on the route you take to leave the country.
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SFC Joseph Weber
Probably that thing I've been doing more than any other thing I do since I was about 13. The priests said it was bad but I don't think it's against the law.
Wanda Afualo-Carey
Wanda Afualo-Carey
>1 y
MSG James Hughs In the case of Mr Pee Wee Herman - that was exactly his problem - he chose to be "seen"... indecent exposure is not that within the confines of your private room & no, I'm not endorsing "online" private rooms! Some things just need to stay out of general public consumption!
Wanda Afualo-Carey
Wanda Afualo-Carey
>1 y
SFC Joseph Weber Interesting! So that's the trick huh?! Think I may skip shaving my legs & just stand in front of tail pipes from hereon!!!
MSG James Hughs
MSG James Hughs
>1 y
My point was we do control that behavior..... even private behavior....I am sure Pee Wee 's desire was not to be watched.... but merely to gratify himself .... never bothered to research the event but unfortunately .... from experience these people often cover themselves with a raincoat or jacket....but when a jacket jumps up and down in your does not take a genius to know what is happening (NO....not me.....but I and my wife were victims of one such display)..... the point is / was almost everything is "governed" can not even spit without the risk of being arrested in many places
SPC Randy Torgerson
SPC Randy Torgerson
>1 y
Wanda Afualo-Carey - That shaving "burn" won't be the same..... :)
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