Posted on Mar 14, 2014
SrA Zachary Bolling
<p>I recently heard a story pertaining to Trans Genders in the military and a group is fighting for the right for these people to join the military. I have not been in the military for almost 6 years so I have no idea what it could do. I was not in when the "don't ask don't tell" policy was removed so I have not seen the effects. What is your opinion? Here is the latest news story.</p><p><br></p><p></p><div class="pta-link-card"><div class="pta-link-card-picture"><img src=""></div><div class="pta-link-card-content"><div class="pta-link-card-title"><a href="" target="_blank">The Military’s Ban on Transgender Service Members Is Prejudice, Pure and Simple</a></div><div class="pta-link-card-description">When the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy ended in 2011, the ban on transgender service remained in place, contained in a different set of regulations distinct from the DADT law. For some, ta...</div></div><div style="clear: both;"></div><div class="pta-box-hide"><i class="icon-remove"></i></div></div>
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Responses: 24
SFC Sergeant First Class
Edited 11 y ago

This issue is a microcosm of the greater issue our force has been struggling with: how do we define professional military service?



In the last five years we have revisited subjects such as sex with regard to military occupational sepcialties (I say "sex" because in this thread with gender as a subject, the difference between sex and gender should be defined).  We have looked at outward expression- grooming standards, tattoos, piercings.  We have dealt with sexual orientation.  Now we face gender identity as a subject of discussion.


What does a US Soldier / Sailor / Airman / Marine look like in the 21st century?



I can't speak for, "the majority," but I can tell you what this one SFC would like to see as the definition:  An expertly trained, highly-disciplined, physically fit, and uniquely motivated warfighter capable of effective communication, operation in conventional and assymetrical environments, and use of lethal force in pursuit of US military objectives.



There are troops and leaders in our formation who will resist the integration of people who meet my definition because of other factors of the individual's identity.  That is an unfortunatel reflection of society as a whole, where sections of our nation continue to maintain divisive attitudes towards ethnic groups, sexual orientations, religious choices, and other factors.  It needs to be an organizational decision to terminate those values within the force, as well as the service members who propagate them.



In the meantime, I'll take those troops in my platoon/company, and be proud to serve with them.

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SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SrA Bolling I am sick of this social engineering.   It is disruptive and unfair to SM serviceman.  
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SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
Edited 11 y ago
With all the challenges facing our military this issue is just inane.   Personally I do not care what people do but how about spending more time worrying about more important things than about gay marriages and transgender issues.    
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SrA Zachary Bolling
Personally I would have had no problem serving next to anybody willing to dedicate themselves to their country. Live and let live.
SrA Michael Waldo
SrA Michael Waldo
11 y
"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist." - Nietzsche. Probably one of my favorite, the simplest and most profound quotes to live by.
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SSG (ret) William Martin
SFC Tierney, I just read this article on Yahoo.&nbsp; I believe AR 670-1 will have to be changed in reference to males wearing women's clothing.&nbsp; I am not sure where to start on this subject.&nbsp; I will just say lift the ban and allow our soldiers to live as they want, as they feel who they are.&nbsp; If anyone&nbsp;here believes this is immoral or unethical, I will say don't judge others to your standards.&nbsp; I hold nothing against people who believe they are in the wrong body or when they want to start the transition process.&nbsp; They should be able to serve in the military freely.&nbsp; I support all my soldier no matter gay or straight, atheist or religious or even if they want to change their sex.
SFC Platoon Sergeant
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
SSG Martin,<div><br></div><div>I think there will need to be a lot more to change than just AR 670-1. &nbsp;I think we will need to revamp PRT, the ABCP, uniforms, grooming standards, civilian clothing standards, barracks assignments, shower and latrine facilities, etc. &nbsp;This would require a major overhaul of how the Army operates. &nbsp;But I do agree with you that we should support our Soldiers regardless of their beliefs. &nbsp;As long as they live the Army Values and meet the Army standards, we should never pass judgement on anyone else simply because they are different from us.</div>
SFC Special Operations Recruiter
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
If there are changes to regulations, it should be for the Army's best interest. &nbsp;Not to accommodate soldiers and their beliefs. &nbsp;Set one standard for everyone to adhere to. &nbsp;I support people's decision to be who they want, but a soldier is a soldier. &nbsp;We shouldn't sacrifice&nbsp;the combat readiness to accommodate needs. &nbsp;But there should be support for the soldiers when their not performing their duty's. &nbsp;But then again we are soldiers 24/7 so it's a double edged sword. &nbsp;The Army's changes have led to lack of discipline. &nbsp;The backbone of the Army "NCO's" are having complete power stripped from them.
SFC Practical/Vocational Nursing
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
This issue came up recently in a civilian cross fit competition which brings up one of many problems with this decision. &nbsp;The APFT standards would be debated because the men trans would have an advantage due to muscle development and the woman to man trans would have to compete with the men's standards. Not to mention the medical issues that the military would then be responsible for. Not in favor of this.
SFC Sergeant First Class
SFC (Join to see)
11 y

Limited education on this subject is a key contributor to many of the alleged complications listed here for military service.  Gender and sex are quite different topics.  Transgender and transexual are different categorizations, with vastly different implications for service.

Being transgender has no impact on a male or female APFT standard, as Male and Female are references to sex.  It is a moot point with regard to the subject of this thread, transgender service in the military.

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Capt Jeff S.
This is being pushed on the military for political reasons. It makes no sense that our Cmdr-in-Chief would be pushing for this when it is going to cost the military more to cater to transgenders... and what benefit do we gain that justifies the additional expense? Is it worth it? I personally don't think so. I really don't see this as improving our military capabilities and don't think it sends a good message to our allies. In fact, it may simply embolden our enemies to despise us.
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SPC Christopher Smith
Personally, who cares? I'm not having "relations" with these people. Ultimately, I just hope they can do their job, and do it well. Sexuality and birth sex do not need to be connected for that.
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LTC Instructor
Combating prejudice is hard. You have to convince someone they are wrong. The problem with prejudice is that the person you must convince is someone who is willing to pass judgment without first having all the facts.
LTC Instructor
LTC (Join to see)
10 y
Also, if you plan on arguing that SMs will change their sex to have easier PT standards, please follow these easy steps.
1. Stop.
2. Slap yourself.
3. Did that fix it?
3a. Yes! Go about your day.
3b. No. Seek help.
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SrA Ipee Journeyman
Edited >1 y ago
It's also a question of open service SrA Bolling. We're already in the military, we've been here quite awhile and we've proven with continued service and constant mobilization to deployed combat zones that we are as fully able bodied as the next guy. To my knowledge there hasnt been any adverse effects from the lifting of DADT. Im sure i would have seen some huge news report about it by now. Open transgender service isnt on the forefront of anything at the moment in the US. There are 13 other countries if i remember correctly have this open service and have had it for close to 20 years. Im sure it wouldn't be too hard to piggy back off of them when it comes down to revision, but i dont see it coming for a long while still. Most of the comments i read were actually very professional and to be honest I was shocked. I joined in 2009 when DADT was just starting to face the chopping block and i remember how hostile that environment could be. Transgender individuals aren't looking to bring Ru Pauls drag race to your unit. Its not perverted looking men in fishnet stockings and boa's sporting their mothers lipstick, and lesbians in ties and suits claiming to be the worlds first pregnant man. I have a 99% pass rate on my base meaning no one identifies my legal gender correctly on a daily basis aside from personnel in my squadron whom i was antiquated with as "female" to my distaste. I blend in with everyone else, the same as everyone else and i don't call attention to myself in any capacity until "someone else"key words here, does. Same as DADT, Its not a question of " Are we capable to serve", but " are you capable to remain professional around change". I get that we are an "interesting" group of people, but we're not so different from the rest of you. And if you throw out the stigma surrounding us you'll realize that's true. Everyone in the military is held to a standard, those who can not maintain are weeded out. If we can uphold the same standard as everyone else, you'll see this isn't an issue and will have little impact on how we operate as a force.
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SSG Human Resources Specialist
how would you know if they were transgendered? 
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