What are your thoughts on Trannsexuals in the military.
This issue is a microcosm of the greater issue our force has been struggling with: how do we define professional military service?
In the last five years we have revisited subjects such as sex with regard to military occupational sepcialties (I say "sex" because in this thread with gender as a subject, the difference between sex and gender should be defined). We have looked at outward expression- grooming standards, tattoos, piercings. We have dealt with sexual orientation. Now we face gender identity as a subject of discussion.
What does a US Soldier / Sailor / Airman / Marine look like in the 21st century?
I can't speak for, "the majority," but I can tell you what this one SFC would like to see as the definition: An expertly trained, highly-disciplined, physically fit, and uniquely motivated warfighter capable of effective communication, operation in conventional and assymetrical environments, and use of lethal force in pursuit of US military objectives.
There are troops and leaders in our formation who will resist the integration of people who meet my definition because of other factors of the individual's identity. That is an unfortunatel reflection of society as a whole, where sections of our nation continue to maintain divisive attitudes towards ethnic groups, sexual orientations, religious choices, and other factors. It needs to be an organizational decision to terminate those values within the force, as well as the service members who propagate them.
In the meantime, I'll take those troops in my platoon/company, and be proud to serve with them.
Limited education on this subject is a key contributor to many of the alleged complications listed here for military service. Gender and sex are quite different topics. Transgender and transexual are different categorizations, with vastly different implications for service.
Being transgender has no impact on a male or female APFT standard, as Male and Female are references to sex. It is a moot point with regard to the subject of this thread, transgender service in the military.
Obama to Joint Chiefs: We Need Funds for Military Transgender Surgery
New Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said Sunday that transgender people shouldn’t be prevented from serving in the U.S. military solely based on their gender identity, noting it should not “preclude” them from service. ” (W)e want to make our conditions and experience of service as attractive as possible to our best people in our country. …
1. Stop.
2. Slap yourself.
3. Did that fix it?
3a. Yes! Go about your day.
3b. No. Seek help.