Posted on Nov 11, 2015
CH (MAJ) William Beaver
Fast food and other service workers are uniting to demand the minimum wage be set at $15 an hour. They also want a union. What are your thoughts? The personal feelings I have are mixed. Fast food is supposed to be a starter job for most. Of course I don't live in a large city. But then again, most fast food workers I have encountered aren't the sharpest spork in the plastic wrap. What say you?
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Responses: 130
SSG (ret) William Martin
Is this part of the President's "redistribution of wealth" which I find to be a little socialist sounding? If an employee makes $15 an hour, are they going to work harder and not get my order wrong in the drive through at east 8 times out of 10?
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SGM Matthew Quick
My 16-year just got a job...hopefully he'll make $15 per hour! haha
SFC Daniel Schoonover
SFC Daniel Schoonover
>1 y
I retired from the military in 2009, I did active 10 years. And finish out on the national Guard side. Went to the cilivian side. Jobs they are at a very low standard. For over 100 years we have been trained to go to school. Get a job for 40 years. Be on time and loyal to the company and then you receive an nice pension. But let you go from your job right before you retire .
SFC Daniel Schoonover
SFC Daniel Schoonover
>1 y
I'm glad he has a job, don't get me wrong. I just hope he finds what he is looking for. They say you enjoy your job, you will never work a day on your life. I have many pictures on my face book of jobs that I do. And some jobs are worth doing. Good luck to your Son!!!
SSG Pod Load Technician
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>1 y
No offense but why would anyone want to work a min wage job? If you are a 30 yr old still making min wage, then you have problems. I havent seen min wage since I was 18
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SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
I am suspicious of any issue that is merely a feel good attempt at rectifying that issue. Doubling income sounds good to politicians that make 200 dollars an hour. Make that wage 200 an hour and you will have an insurrection.

If this is an attempt to destroy fast food then it will work and those jobs will go away because those companies will be bankrupt.

And even if these companies did survive, their big Macs will go up correspondingly.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Nice April Fools the only one I heard was $11 dolars which is an improvement. Who the hell would Bitch about more money. As Far as Perspective though let me throw this in the Mix. I am a Technician by trade but Technical Companies don't want you once you are 40 Plus, They get sued they lose but that doesn't change the fact they dump you. Of course the one thing ex military and ex cops can count on is a Private Security Job. What I am doing now because I am an old man. Starting in the KC Metro for Private Security is $10. Some of the companies do pay as little though as Minimum Wage. Just food for thought. When I was a Civilian Network Operations Specialist I was making $23.50 an Hour.
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SGT(P) Delivery Driver
When it came out that the minimum wage would be raised to $10.10, my previous employer began looking for ways to eliminate jobs.  This act would not have affected me, since I was already paid above minimum wage, but many temporary workers were told they were no longer needed.
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SSG Section Sergeant
The way my grandfather explained it to me back when I was a teenager was to look at the cost of everything you buy as hours wage if you think about it a hamburger fries and coke cost around 1 hour wage of min. wage was that way when min wage started liked that in the 90 when I was working fast food like that today. I have been working civilian sector for 18 years as an adult and the biggest thing that I have seen that the min. wage sector is yes there is a hard time with finding jobs but even harder when you have to find one that  doesn't drug test. I know several people that has degrees that have to work in the fast food industry for this reason.
SSG Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
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>1 y
So we should raise the minimum wage so that Pot Heads can support their families??
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SSG Fire Support Specialist
there are several problems with increasing the minimum wage one being inflation the people that are barley getting by now making more then minimum wage will no longer be able to survive because the cost of living will go up because companies will have to increase the cost of their services to pay the new wages and still be profitable and the people working the minimum wage jobs still will not have as much disposable money as people would like to think because they will be in a new tax bracket requiring them to pay more in taxes and with the new health care laws requiring everyone to purchase healthcare or be fined by the government they may actually bring home less money and still not be able to afford to live. In the end if the minimum wage increases all we will do is create more poor people that can not live on the wages they are getting causing more people to rely on the government to survive and a bigger tax burden on everyone else. 
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SFC Student
MSG Quick,

Raising minimum wage raises the bar to employment. All it does is make it harder to enter the job field, increasing your chance of life long dependency on the government, as well as increase the cost of living. I could make $1m a month, but that's pointless if my rent is going to be 60% of that. People pushing for a so-called "livable wage" need to understand that those in poverty in America typically live better than the rest of the world, including most "middle classes" in prominent nations such as France, Great  Britain, Poland, Germany, Brazil, etc.

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SFC Michael Hasbun
If companies can afford to pay athletes millions of dollars to play a game and hawk sneakers, I think they can afford this..
SPC Squad Member
SPC (Join to see)
11 y
I believe that there is no one to blame for their ridiculous salaries but ourselves. If we didn't pay what we do for tickets, buy the merchandise, pay $6 for a hotdog, etc. then they could not afford to be paid such large sums of money. 
SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Michael Hasbun
11 y
Few who can do what they do? There are countless children all across the nation playing the very same games for free. And they are contributing just as much to society. The only difference is, as children, they don't expect compensation for playing what is, in the end, still just a kids game..
SSG Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
SSG (Join to see)
11 y
Their salaries are tiny compared to the revenue that they bring to the teams that they play for. In the private sector, worker's pay is based on the amount of money that they have the potential to make for the company that they work for. That is why companies are in business, to make money.
SSG Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
SSG (Join to see)
9 y
Once again, it's simple economics. If people weren't willing to pay to watch professional sports, or buy the teams' merchandise, there wouldn't be money to pay the high salaries. Since people are willing to pay, the salaries can b justified. If people decide that a Big Mac is worth $20, there would be money to justify paying someone $15 an hour to make it. If you can find someone to pay your kid t play hopscotch , go for it.....
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SGT Tom Cal
Andre Toman - I do not follow your thought experiment.  Is anyone proposing we raise wage of all workers?  Correct me if I am wrong, but who has proposed we double the wage of folks earning more than $15 per hour?
PO1 Brian McGuire
PO1 Brian McGuire
>1 y
if minimum wage where raised to 15 everybody above minimum wage would need an equal percentage increase just to keep the same buying power, because as history teaches us, when minimum mwage goes up the price of goods goes up to maintain profit margins, which are calculated in percentages.
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