Posted on Sep 22, 2015
Cpl Mark McMiller
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Responses: 36
LTC Joint Clinical Director
Unnamed sources? Doesn't smell legit. There were a lot of eyes on that training....and the eyes have mouths. The NCOs I know throw BS flags loud and proud, I think the moral courage of our Ranger Instructors would have been real-time vocal if they didn't meet the standard. Do I believe we should change huge policies based on what a microsample can do? NO. Do I think there is any value in undermining what these women accomplished? ABSOLUTELY NOT.
Cpl Mark McMiller
Cpl Mark McMiller
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) Of course the sources are unnamed; that's how our whistle blower law works. But the article does say it was Ranger instructors who blew the whistle even though they were ordered to remain silent.
SFC Joseph Weber
SFC Joseph Weber
>1 y
Seems odd that People magazine is the source for the article. I thought they were more into Kim Kardashian and who wore what to whatever.
CW4 Guy Butler
CW4 Guy Butler
>1 y
Are these the same instructors that leaked the "fact" that the President would be attending the Ranger graduation so that everyone would know the "fix" was in?
AB (Other / Not listed)
AB (Join to see)
>1 y
Unnamed sources often come up with the good stuff.
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SSG Warren Swan
Rep. Steve Russell, R-Okla - Sir, why waste peoples time with "silly" tedious reports when someone could easily talk to the school commander/commandant (not sure of the proper term) and get the answer directly. Here's a real issue that has no political bias; you might've heard about it a time or two; 22 a day. That's not $22 dollars, 22 cars or trucks, but 22 LIVES PER day, DEAD Lives Sir. I would like to think that you and your staff would have more pressing issues at hand like improving the VA care in your state, improving the transition from troop to civilian (you do have Ft. Sill, Altus and Tinker AFB and various armories in OK), following other states in with the end of vet homelessness. Maybe using your congressional prowess to maybe get a caucus going of congressman who will no longer take what has been given to the service members and finally hear our voices and say NO MORE? I'm FAR from the smartest man alive, but I know too many vets suffering from PTSD, TBI, various mystery ailments that suddenly have names 40 years later, or missing limbs, and destroyed lives. I doubt for a second any of them are worried if the books were cooked for women in Ranger School, when it's been put out over and over again that it wasn't. Or Sir, I'm wrong. This report that you want (all 25 pages of it) isn't "silly", but represents a very dire need in the military. Maybe with this report and your congressional prowess we can ensure that hard charging women in all branches are relegated to high ranking sammichmakers with no chance of being the professional warriors they already are. I mean there is a Silver Star awarded Medic....but the awardee's a woman and I guess that equates to an LOA (with valor) or a CDR's Coin for the men; the real warriors huh? Sir let's get past the ranger school BS and fight the good and very important fight. Every member of our armed forces at one time in their lives are going to have to hang the uniform up. It's a bittersweet moment filled with tears, hurt, regret, excitement and fear. Let's band together across party lines and make it so that no matter your branch, when you exit service you're given the BEST damn information possible to make good decisions. The process isn't a rubber stamp anymore, you feel part of the team you were in for so long and that in your heart, they never left you nor you them. Let's get the SecofVA some real support. Less with the harassing, and more with the demands for progress. Make it easier for him to get rid of non performers, yet keep those who want to make a difference. Help him help us, the SAME WAY all the warriors (regardless of sex) in this country helped you.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) - Ok you've just violated a cardinal rule, and no it wasn't walking on CSM's grass...but close. You made sense. Now push until Trump actually becomes POTUS for real and not in his own mind.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
SSG (Join to see) - BOOMER!!!!
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
>1 y
SGT Ben Keen - Believe this or not, but that post with MSG Howell was an eye opener. Not in a negative sense but because both of us believed in something so bad that was on opposite ends of the spectrum, but were on the SAME spectrum. I mean we BOTH believe we want the best for the Army or military in general. I missed that while going back and forth, but when you came in and I had the chance to look back at it, that's all we wanted; the best for the service. This gentleman plainly has an axe to grind to show what I have no idea. That these women can't be "real" Rangers? Can't be "real" leaders? Rep Charlie Rangel is a Ranger, GEN Colin Powell is a Ranger, the whole movie crew from Black Hawk Down were Rangers (ok made that up), but none of the actual Rangers could GAF. They know the battle is outside with the enemy outside. Congress is almost (I stress ALMOST) the enemy inside. People with too much time, too much power, too much money, and nothing to do. Now this happens. To me it's men like MSG Howell who will fight, argue, and defend the TEAM, who are the actual team. But the moment you go outside and try to dissect the TEAM, you get what this congressman is doing. BTW MSG Howell, I still don't agree with you, but I know that you mean well and want the Army to be as good a fighting force it can be. NO subtle digs here, just acknowledgement of plain fact and simple respect. DUTY FIRST!!!
SSG Squad Leader
SSG (Join to see)
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SSG Warren Swan - SOONER!

Of course, that comes a bit late after your other reply. :D
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LTC Instructor
Maybe his district has already solved homelessness, hunger, crime, and the economy, so this is all they have left to worry about. You never know.
LTC Instructor
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
SCPO Eddie Wilson, speaking of ad hominem. My Values are intact, sir. You are attacking my dignity and honor without cause.

My point is that this issue is a non-issue. Even before women were allowed in Ranger School, "old-timers" have been charging that the school's standards are slipping. So, why now do we have congressional interest in evaluating class standards? There is simply no credible evidence that the standards were sacrificed on the political altar. It is paranoid speculation to presume that standards are being lowered because doing so would be malfeasance. Simply put, this is looking for a problem unsupported by evidence.
LTC Instructor
LTC (Join to see)
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You have no arguments, only assertions that my values are skewed because they do not align with your thoughts. How small-minded.
SGT Jeremiah B.
SGT Jeremiah B.
>1 y
LTC (Join to see) - I find it useful to avoid engaging people clearly using big words to sound smarter than they are.
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