Posted on Apr 18, 2017
What are your recommendations for someone looking to purchase quality gear (boots, mag pouch, etc.)?
Posted 8 y ago
Responses: 30
To begin with, you got a family? Better see what your income is and what your living expenses will be first. Get your priorities straight. The army will issue you what you need to start out with. Yea, you can get out and buy all the hi-speed stuff and look real cool, but step back and look, do you really need it or is it wants?
As far as foot gear goes, there are a lot of allowed / not allowed, so I'd wait until you get to a unit and see what the SOP is.
As far as foot gear goes, there are a lot of allowed / not allowed, so I'd wait until you get to a unit and see what the SOP is.
Only officers like me don't get the new boots or uniforms unless deployed. The SGM is right. Don't max out your uniformed clothing AAFES account when your S4 rep in your Battalion can give you a Sh!tload of free issued stuff including boots, goggles and cold weather gear. Budget and spend your money wisely. Don't go out and buy a Dodge Hellcat or SRT8 yet LOL!
CSM Charles Hayden SMSgt Minister Gerald A. "Doc" Thomas SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SGT Damaso V Santana MAJ (Join to see) CPT Pedro Meza LTC Stephen F. LTC Stephen C. MAJ David Potter PFC Talal Al-Tunsi
CSM Charles Hayden SMSgt Minister Gerald A. "Doc" Thomas SMSgt Lawrence McCarter SGT Damaso V Santana MAJ (Join to see) CPT Pedro Meza LTC Stephen F. LTC Stephen C. MAJ David Potter PFC Talal Al-Tunsi
SPC Matthew Connor
Sir you and I both know dang well that's the first thing the Boot is doing after AIT lol
CPL (Join to see)
A lot of the issues stuff I've used I didn't particularly care for so I figured if I'd be doing this every day vs once a month it wouldn't be so bad to spend a few bucks to get some better equipment
SSgt Jim Gilmore
Then why did you ask the question? You are apparently bent on spending your money needlessly BEFORE seeing what you will be issued. If it were a matter of life-saving gear and it was not available, then I could see your point. Otherwise, SEE WHAT YOU GET ISSUED, FIRST!
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