Posted on Aug 16, 2021
SSG Carlos Madden
I can't say I'm surprised that this is all happening. Right now I'm just sad and frustrated.
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Responses: 535
SSgt Jeri Foley
Edited 3 y ago
I support the President in his decision completely. What really pisses me off is all the civilians in the news that are quick to point out all the faults. How many times are they going to throw Biden under the bus before they have satisfied their blood lust? I cannot say that I support everything the President does but at least he had enough balls to make a very hard decision like this. And here are some more of my 2 cents - if one of the congress's grandchildren had been shot at one of the schools, do you think the gun laws would have changed? I am not against guns, but we all know that a lot of times the "bad" people ruin it for the "good" people. Just like this virus crap. Look what's happening now because the government is such a bunch of pussies that they couldn't mandate that everyone get the shot. Well, I hope the nonvaccinated are enjoying their "freedom" while their children get the virus and die. How's that working out for you?
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
3 y
1SG (Join to see) - True. But you cannot deny the others have blame as well.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
3 y
1SG (Join to see) - And if it wasn't Biden it would have been another president.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
3 y
1SG (Join to see) - Woulda shoulda coulda.
Biden is the President. He caused this. We will never know what a President Beto or Warren or Sanders would have done.
But it is hard to imagine any of them would have screwed it up worse.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
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TSgt Ann Smith
Someone insinuated that Biden moved the date to August so that we'd be all cleared out and squeaky clean by the 911 anniversary. Gross! You think he did this so he can have a sweet 911 remembrance day under his belt? Totally in bad taste now. Backfired. He needs to forget ALL about a 911 ceremony now!
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SA Carisa Doughty
Pissed, feeling betrayed, and disheartened. First to just up and leave with no thought of the American civilians they were leaving behind. Nevermind the Afghani people. For the past twenty years they were able to "breathe". Now our fucking weak ass President takes away their "oxygen". Unfuckingbelievable. I tell everyone now. I am a proud American and I love my Country. But this isn't the America I know anymore. So sad.
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CPO William Stoop
Leave it to the WEAK DEMOCRATS that are ruining our Country and our dominance around the world... They're all USELESS especially the Brain Dead Duo that are supposed to be in charge. 2022 and 2024 Can't get here soon enough to vote these Rotten Bastards out of power once and for good. Stay Strong. Stoop out...
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
3 y
If the republicans can't produce a viable candidate then i will have no other choice than to vote independent or democrat.
CPO William Stoop
CPO William Stoop
3 y
Well hopefully some strong willed Man will come to the forefront that doesn't have the last name of Trump.
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SFC Philip Warren
This is totally on Biden, yes Trump was correct on pulling our troops out. It was time to withdraw after 20 years however this was done a cowards way. This is Biden’s fall of Saigon albatross, he said that the buck stops here. He slapped all of the gold star families and all of the 20,000 plus injured veterans. We all deserve better from our elected leaders.
1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
3 y
You mean trump getting 5,000 taliban prisoners freed in his "negotiations". But yeah his plan was going to work...smh.
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1SG Matthew Widner
The US has not "won" a war since WWII. We have allowed politicians to profit from conflict while obstructing the military's ability to break our enemy's will to fight. I am not at all surprised that we lost this war. I knew the Taliban was simply playing the waiting game while the US and allies were playing the political correctness game. We should have left 15 years ago if we never had any intention to win. I am glad we are leaving now, but I believe the Biden Regime once again showed it is not qualified to run a fruit stand let alone plan an effective evacuation.
1SG Matthew Widner
1SG Matthew Widner
3 y
1SG (Join to see) - we didn't win the war, we quit before they surrendered. We basically just completed a mission, but that was it.
1SG Matthew Widner
1SG Matthew Widner
3 y
SPC Eduard Romanov - War was not actually declared. It was just a presidential action against communist influence.
1SG Matthew Widner
1SG Matthew Widner
3 y
SPC Eduard Romanov President Regan believed otherwise.... maybe it would help to do additional research. ... here's a start.
1SG Matthew Widner
1SG Matthew Widner
3 y
Hence, no war.
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MAJ Byron Oyler
It stings but comparing Afghanistan to Vietnam is a bit off. The Vietnamese were fighting for their independence, we supported the corrupt side, and North Vietnam unified the country. Afghans are more interested in man love Thursdays, opioids, and having little responsibility. I respect Vietnamese, Afghans not at all. Take away our air power and the Vietnamese could hang with us; the Taliban not even close. imagine if the men who stormed Kabul Airport had picked up a rifle.
PO2 Sam Goforth
PO2 Sam Goforth
3 y
Good points about the commitment of both countries Major.
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SSG Brad Moscou
This is going to be a political meltdown. The military is just gonna be pushed aside in this and the politicians are going to use this as a jumping point for the agenda. It's been that way for over a hundred years. To be a pawn in a game means you only do what others need
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Maj Roger Wenman
There goes Biden's second term. His foreign policy will be known as "Wheels up, Good by".
SFC Michael Peterson
SFC Michael Peterson
3 y
He wouldn’t get a second term anyway. He hasn’t done a single thing right. The southern border is wide open, inflation is at an all time high and, I’m not sure what his definition of “better” is but, he’s not building anything back “better”. He’s worse than Jimmy Carter and Obama.
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Sgt George Notarpole
As a Vietnam Vet I remember when Thieu started pulling troops back from the central highlands and just knew that he could never regroup. Then Sen. Kennedy and a few other political idiots reneged on Congress' promise to resupply arms to South Vietnam, despite North Vietnam's violation of the Paris Accords by invading the South. It then became pretty clear that we just could not be trusted as an ally as our political winds keep shifting. And here we are again. I have yet to read of any heroic resistance by Afghan troops that as vets we could rally around. When you lose your country in less than a month after 20 years of training, there' not much left to respect. Yes, we should never have gone into Afghanistan. That's pretty clear. But 20 years?
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