Posted on Mar 7, 2020
SGT Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Operations Specialist
My commander told me to find every step in kicking a soldier out of the Army for APFT failure.. (ARMY RESERVE) .. if anyone can help, i appreciate it
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Responses: 2
LTC Jason Mackay
AR350-1 covers the APFT
AR600-8-2 covers Suspension of Favorable Action (flag)
AR635-200 Enlisted Separations
AR600-9 Army Body Composition Program

Your supporting Command Judge Advocate office (not TDS) should have a worksheet checklist for you to follow. Here's is one from TDS to get you started.

Soldier will need to be counseled:

Short version (APFT failure only, ABCP failure is different, Chapter 16)
1. Initial APFT failure. Soldier counseled. A retest will be given, see AR350-1 for the time period. Soldier placed in special population PT to improve PT.
2. Flag initiated. Counsel soldier.
3. Record APFT administered at specified interval. If the soldier passes, lift the flag. If they fail due to ABCP, then flag for that separately
4. If they failed the second APFT, counsel the soldier that they could be separated.
5. Command decides whether to retest (dont have to, many do) or initiate chapter.
6. Initiate chapter with servicing CJA, provide copies of all documentation including the flags, bars if used, APFT Card DA705, ABCP Body fat worksheets if used, and all DA4856s, memos assigning soldier to special pop PT, official training schedule designating the APFT as record, MOI for the APFT that designates all the personnel to run it (minimum of 4) and notifying soldiers taking it as record or diagnostic.
7. Chapter goes t the approval authority for action
8 soldier notified of decision, soldier can go to TDS.
9. I will defer to a 1SG on this piece, but they manage the soldier through escorts and appointments for the ETS process.
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MSG Intermediate Care Technician
Your commander already knows the steps. Your best bet is to either GTS yo....or seek out your JAG, since they also know the steps and are required to review the packet. I am guessing that your Commander is trying to teach you a lesson
SGT Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Operations Specialist
SGT (Join to see)
5 y
New commander! 1st term ever as a commander, appointed me NCOIC for the APFT, wants me to coordinate, and enforce a strict standard, etc, thank you for your feedback
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
5 y
SGT (Join to see) - Unless your commander has never been to Pre-Command Course....or you have a 1SG or Detachment Sergeant that hasn't been....your initial answer is bunk since that stuff (ARs, etc..) is taught at PCC. Not to mention that this information should have been covered in BLC. That information is easily found on the internet. Either way, you got fed a BS bowl of soup. Also, as an NCO, you should have immediately googled the APD (Army Publishing Directorate). If you didn't know about APD....not quite your fault (but kinda sorta)....even though it's been around for a spell. However, here is your references you should/need to know:

US Army Suspension of Favorable Actions (FLAG): Army Regulation 600–8–2
ATP 6-22.1 The Counseling Process
ADP 6-22 Army Leadership
Army Regulation 135–178: Enlisted Administrative Separations (USAR and USANG)
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