Posted on Jan 11, 2019
SGT Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
I want to drop a packet to be part of SOF. My leadership has suggested it and has given me their support. I have the PT and weapons qual to build a competitive packet.

My end goal is to follow in my grandfathers footsteps and be a part of SF. Once I’ve done my time i want to apply for the Army’s PA program.

I plan on spending a good portion of my life in the army so i am by no means in a hurry.
From people I’ve talked to they’ve suggested i try to go Ranger or Soar 160th first to gain some good medical experience and then drop a packet for SFAS. But i can find little to no information on what the 160th does and how they differ from the Regiment. If any seasoned soldiers could drop some advice or knowledge I’d really appreciate it?
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Responses: 5
SFC Retention Operations Nco
If your end goal is to be an 18d then why are you wasting time applying to other organizations?
18d is an entry-level job Special Forces. Going to another organization is unnecessary and will not guarantee that you will be selected 18d. I was a medic when I was selected and they chose 18e for me.
Joining other organizations believing that you need experience in them prior trying out for another entry level organization, is a red herring. I personally believe that Ranger regiment and the 160th are exceptional organizations, especially for a medic, but you are going in the wrong direction and away from your goals. By the time you assess and select into one of those organizations plus W1, plus serve in that organization, then assess and select into Special Forces, finish the Q course, and serve your minimum three years 8 to 10 years will have elapsed from now. By that time you will need a time in service and age waiver just to apply to the physician assistant program
Narrow down what you really want to do and focus with laser precision on that one thing. If you try to do everything you will only end up half-assing everything. It's better to whole ass one thing
SFC Retention Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
6 y
SFC Jack S I didn't attend QC, I turned down my course date after my third kid was born. I realized it wasn't going to be a lifestyle that benefited my family. Now I'm a single father of three and I can definitely say it was the right choice for me. But my last assignment was in group, I have plenty of friends who are W1 medics, 18Ds and instructors and who were or are instructors at SWC.
While I agree that that best SF guys usually came from Ranger Regiment, this kids request is to go to Ranger Regiment and take the W1 course so that he can handle the transition to take the W1 course. He doesn't even care about being a Ranger medic or 160th medic, he just thinks one will make it easier for him to handle the transition. 18D is still an entry level MOS and it's the same exact W1 course for all three jobs.
The time line I layed out is a fairly aggressive one. That assumes that he doesn't get caught up actually enjoying his job and stay an extra year, get selected above his peers for SFC prior to SFAS, and that he is able to obtain the time in service and age waivers he will require for commissioning. That's not usually a big issue for PA school, but he will still absolutely need waivers. He will only have that one opportunity to apply because once he's at 15 years TIS by course start he's no longer eligible to apply at all.

Your point is that being a Ranger will make him a better 18D, which is true. Mine is that being a Ranger and 18D is unnecessary and counterproductive to becoming a PA.
SFC Retention Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
6 y
SFC Jack S it is an entry level MOS for SF, in fact we now have 18X program for accessing initial entry soldiers. Gone are the days of requiring Soldiers to have a few years under their belt prior to attending selection.
The whole point to my advising him against going to both Ranger medic and 18D is because if he enjoys his job as most decent 18Ds do, he will run out of time to become a PA. If he started his career in Ranger battalion, or if he started as an 18X, he would have enough time. But starting regular Army, then attending a W1 course and owing years to that unit, then going to 18D pipeline, owing years to that - he's running dangerously close to an unwaiverable time in service for the PA program.
More importantly, he doesn't care about being a Ranger medic or 160th medic. He wants to know what will help him prepare better. He doesn't need to spend 4 years going to school and owing time to the unit in order to prepare for a school that's two years long and designed to successfully create 18Ds from guys coming off the street.
SGT Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
SGT (Join to see)
6 y
SFC (Join to see) SFC Jack S Thank you both for your input.
When i came in i knew i wanted to be SOF. I didn’t have the luxury of time to wait for an opt 40 or 4 contract because of some personal things that were going on in my life..

As i stated earlier my grandfather was SF but he never talked about what he did i only know because my father told me he was 5th SF group. He passed when i was 5 and other than him i had no other military members of my family or have i been able to find a proper mentor that has the experience and guidance I’ve sought after so i turned to here.

My ultimate goal was/is to make it through the SF pipeline and become an 18d. I want it more than anything in the world but my idea was to try to get some experience in other areas first hand and then shoot my shot. However, the luxury of time does need to be considered as well.
i said i wanted to do the PA program so I had some real world skills once i got out and had my fun to be able to secure my family’s well being.

I already went to school and received my degree but the job i was doing wasn’t fulfilling and I wanted something challenging with a purpose. I only went to school because i had no idea what else to do with my life and thought “that’s what everyone does” till i realized i didn’t feel/think like everyone else did. The reason why i mention that is because i have about 1/2 of my pre req’s done for the IPAP program.

Awhile back i had a good friend of mine pass away he was stabbed right in front of me & passed in my arms. It’s a regret i live with everyday and i wish i could have and known to have done something to have maybe increased his chances of surviving. We promised to enlist together but unfortunately that never happened.

After listening to the input of everyone here I’ve decided of dropping my SF packet. Also along with my decision if i am not selected i will go back and try again, and again, and again till I’ve brought the skills they are looking for to the table and accepted into the training pipeline.

I thank y’all for your input. I’ve read several books about selection, watched several videos, and done about 6 years of research, but the info and advice I’ve been given from this post has been more than informative and motivating. It’s good to know there’s NCO’s out there that actually give a shit about young soldiers and their endeavors. It’s much appreciated.
SFC Retention Operations Nco
SFC (Join to see)
6 y
SGT (Join to see) if your end goal is to be an 18D I suggest you start out as a Ranger medic. If your end goal is to be a PA, then I suggest you start as and 18D or Ranger medic and drop your PA packet once you finish your prerequisites. One or the other not both, you don't have enough time for that at this point in your career. I'm biased toward 75th and would recommend that you join Ranger Regiment over the 160th or SF if you want to be a PA. But, that's also because it's where I started from and believe it's the best start point for any career.
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MSG Ortho Tech
A great soldier that I know and you should too is Col Mabry. He started out in the Rangers then went SF. After that he did the PA program then went and earned his MD. Just food for thought.
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
6 y
1980, 40th ID, CAARNG, Division Surgeon, COL Miller wore a CIB and a CMB. He was respected!
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SFC Michael D.
I'm not ever sure if the Night Stalkers (160th SOAR) have Flight Medics. In Desert Storm the 45th Med CO. Air Ambulance flew with them and provided MEDEVAC.
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