Posted on Jun 3, 2015
SSgt Timothy Butterworth
We as veterans need to engage congress and The VA to make Veterans ID cards available to all honorably discharged veterans. The DD-214 is not good enough and currently only Texas seems to have a Veteran Identifier on their drivers license which is a larger hassle to get.

It is currently almost impossible for homeless honorably discharged veterans to receive this ID even if they are getting services through the VA.

Simply put the DD-214 is not good enough and we should not be expected to turn over so much PII information to companies offering hiring incentives or discounts to prove we are veterans.
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SCPO David Lockwood
Edited 10 y ago
I would say yes to two separate IDs. One for veterans and one for retired members. This since the benefits are different for each group.
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CPO Ed Ball
Veterans that are residents of our county, stop by their local County Veterans Service Office, if they do not have a military I.D. or a VAMC I.D. we will make them a veterans I.D. upon receipt of DD-214/AGO-53 along with a second I.D. to confirm they are who they say they are.

Local vendors i.e., Lowes, Home Depot, etc.. give 10% discounts for veterans. Our office is operated on a .5mil levy on county property tax, hence the requirement for residents of this county.
SSG James Arlington
SSG James Arlington
10 y
I'll be right over! ;)
MAJ Keira Brennan
MAJ Keira Brennan
10 y
Thanks Chief! I was going to post something just like this!
SGT Thomas Seward
SGT Thomas Seward
>1 y
Lowe’s is best to create a Lowe’s member account. Then they track your purchases, warranties, and also automatically give the discount. All you need when making a purchase is your phone number, which can be changed if needed. Plus, if you’re using a Lowe’s credit card you get an additional 5% off. These discounts are valid even on sale and clearance items! I’ve saved thousands.
It also makes it much easier for your spouse to use the discount.
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I currently have an ID Card issued by the VA in addition to my retired card. I believe that any veteran that is enrolled in the VA system can get a card.
TSgt Key Spouse
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>1 y
CW4 Abdulaziz Bulling, that's absolutely correct. The VA also recently changed to a more secure card, the VHIC (which replaced the VIC), which is designed to better protect the veteran's information.

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