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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Mar 30, 2016
CSM Battalion Command Sergeant Major
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Responses: 13
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CSM Richard StCyr
Sounds like a good system. The rater profile reminds me of the struggle the BC's used to have with racking and stacking the officers and balancing who was really top notch compared to just good, so when they picked the best they actually were.
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1SG Bn Ssa
This was a great read. I do like the way the evals have changed, but the units have failed in properly instructing their NCO's on these changes. We cannot just email a PowerPoint that is pretty basic to everyone and say there you go you have been informed. The only issue I have so far since I've written about 8 using this new form is that there is now less room for writing bullets. A standard 2 line bullet on the old 2166 now turns to three lines on the new form. So you barely have room to formulate informative bullet comments. I know it will just take some getting used to but it has definitely been a challenge for me and my peers so far this year. But overall I applaud the changes in the way we are rated against each other. It should definitely help with all this NCOER inflation. Now we just need a way to fix our awards system and I'll be happy for a while.
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SSG Robert Webster
This is all well and good if it works. I can fully understand why this needs to succeed, but an additional area will need to be fixed in the near future that can have an impact on this is the awards system and how it is implemented. An example that is well worn in some units where two soldiers one a SSG and one a SFC holding the same position as a platoon sergeant (same type of platoon) and the SFC is awarded a Bronze Star and the SSG is awarded either an ARCOM or nothing at all; and both met the same objectives and completed the mission at the same level. Then that SSG is told that he did not get a Bronze Star because it is unit policy that SFC and above get that award.
COL Vincent Stoneking
COL Vincent Stoneking
9 y
SFC (Join to see) - While stated in different terms than I would use, I think you have the essence of the new NCOER "top block" correct. It is the same as the logic that the OER system has used in one flavor or another for at least my entire career. Most recently, they expanded the "top block" limitation to OER raters (it had been just senior raters).

In the end, there can be only so many "stellar" NCOs for rating purposes. In fact, there can be just under one in four. As MAJ (Join to see) has rightly pointed out in other discussions, and here, this does mean that TIMING and profile management will have a lot to do with who gets them.

This implies, and should drive, greater though in the dispensing of ratings. Whether it does, and what form it takes, remains to be seen. Do you just watch your profile, and give an ACOM to whomever needs a rating at just the right time? Do you purposely give less than the maximum number of ACOMs you could, so that you have a cushion for when you really WANT to give one to a Soldier? Do you believe that if 24% is the "max" that it should also be the "min"? Are you rating people against their peers, or the entire Army population? There are a lot of things that senior NCOs and Junior Officers will need to become fairly sophisticated at thinking about regarding NCOER and their philosophies. Because this is how the OER system has been, I have opinions on all the above, but I know peers that have come to different opinions.
SFC Automations Ncoic
SFC (Join to see)
9 y
Seen that one too many times where a Ssg is not awarded a BSM when the majority of SFCs and above are blanketed BSMs. Stings when you know you poured your heart and soul into a deployment and end up with the same award as the junior leader meanwhile the SFC managing the MWR tent gets the higher award...
1SG Bn Ssa
1SG (Join to see)
9 y
Lol that's funny, this was one of my first thoughts as well. Now that we revamped NCOERs lets go after the awards system as well.
SA Daryl Foster
SA Daryl Foster
6 y
Thanks for the lengthy response. I will be presenting aspects of it in class tonight. https://happywheels2.io
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