Posted on May 22, 2014
TORN WEATHERED FLAGS! Is there a policy for businesses who choose to fly our nations colors to maintain it? Does it bother you seeing it?
Every time I see a state building or local business who chooses to fly the national colors have it flying high all torn up and weathered gets me upset! Do you feel the same way?
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 56
When my boys were in scouts, our troop bought some and we had business that heard what we where doing and they donated flags to us as we needed them. And, than we went around and changed them out and than had a retirement ceremony for the old flags.
I think it shows a lack of respect for our country and those who fought for her.
It drives me crazy when I see this. I cannot stand home owners, small business owners, or state buildings that do this. I think if you fly the flag on your property, you have to know the standards for upkeep, disposition, and disposal.
At the hotel I once worked at we had flags that flew in several locations. When A flag became tattered and torn we replaced it and sent the damaged flag to the VFW to be properly retired.
Sgt James Clark
This has driven me nuts lately! Â Sadly, there don't seem to be any stiff enforcement of regulations on this, if such regulations exist. Â
Truth is, you can fly a flag upside with a hole in it and it is considered freedom of speech.
I hate it, and I've strongly considered writing an article for my local newspaper with pictures of flags from around my local area - good flags and bad flags. Â After all, I have freedom of speech too!
Truth is, you can fly a flag upside with a hole in it and it is considered freedom of speech.
I hate it, and I've strongly considered writing an article for my local newspaper with pictures of flags from around my local area - good flags and bad flags. Â After all, I have freedom of speech too!
LCpl Steve Wininger
It has me too SGT Clark. There is no stiff enforcement other than dedicated veterans and service members reminding people. I Am in the process of writing an article myself that I plan on posting and sending everywhere I can think of.
Another thing that saddens me is home owners organizations disallowing veterans, service members and patriots from flying the flag on their own property.
We all fought and sacrificed so that those who wish to complain could, but also so those who wish to show their allegiance to the flag and this country could also.
Another thing that saddens me is home owners organizations disallowing veterans, service members and patriots from flying the flag on their own property.
We all fought and sacrificed so that those who wish to complain could, but also so those who wish to show their allegiance to the flag and this country could also.
PO1 G. Leslie /Stiltner
I agree several of the flags we retired this past weekend were so bad they were missing stripes. How do you not realize your flag is missing stripes.
LCpl Steve Wininger
It is difficult to not notice PO1 Stilner.
There was one time at the hotel I worked at that a veteran called to complain that one of our flags were torn and should be replaced. Although it flew on top of a roof 7 floors up, was no excuse. we made sure after that we checked it regularly.
There was one time at the hotel I worked at that a veteran called to complain that one of our flags were torn and should be replaced. Although it flew on top of a roof 7 floors up, was no excuse. we made sure after that we checked it regularly.
Some flags I have seen look so badly worn seems to have been up for a century. SMH...
1SG (Join to see)
What a great idea, I've never thought of it. Thinking now of starting something that would allow it's too collect battered and worn out flags and retire them properly. Maybe with some soldiers from the unit. It may help build some more respect for old glory.
PO1 G. Leslie /Stiltner
SFC Ryan H. there are many flag retirement ceremonies out there. The one we do is pretty Simple If you would like a copy of it let me know. We also retire each flag either in Memory or in Honor of a Person that was in the Military or Still Is in the Military or other public service like Fireman, or Policeman. They get a letter and certificate explaining what took place and a key chain made out of the grommets. I also video tape it and they get a copy of the video.
Whew whoooo, somebody feels the same as me. I have actually walked into a business and office building and sought out the party responsible and let them know that it should not be flown and should be properly disposed, not thrown in the trash. I seriously bothers me and my wife is tired of me stopping to address the issue, but I think I will never change, something happened to me in 1987 when I was sworn in, haven't been the same since! A damn good thing!
A torn, weathered American Flag should definitely be replaced. In my opinion, it is the responsibility of the business and/or facility to maintain a serviceable flag. The weathered American Flag should then be disposed of in the correct manner, and not defaced.
If you cannot maintain a serviceable American Flag, you should not be flying one. I understand it is a symbol of American pride, and shows support to our nation's service members.. but the symbol of our country should be cared for as much as our nation is.
If you cannot maintain a serviceable American Flag, you should not be flying one. I understand it is a symbol of American pride, and shows support to our nation's service members.. but the symbol of our country should be cared for as much as our nation is.
I was stationed in Hawaii for four years... Saw a local business flying the Hawaii state flag above the national colors... Infuriated me.
CW5 Sam R. Baker
Seriously? Wait, it was Hawaii and some people there (native) still don't acknowledge the fact....
"These colors don't run!" It burns me up when the flag flying is worn out and/or frayed! Either replace the thing or leave our country! Too many people die fighting for our country and that should be respected.
I had a friend with an american flag hanging outside of her house that was faded almost all to white and ripped to shreds. Drove me nuts! I ended up renting the house from her and one of the first things I did was properly dispose of the flag. I got my daughter in on it to and we made a big deal out of it. No disrespecting the flag in our house!
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