Posted on Nov 10, 2015
SFC Motor Transport Operator
did you know that ICE-T and Chuck Norris are Vets? So is Morgan Freeman and Clint Eastwood.
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Responses: 115
Charlene Anderson
Larry Wilcox from Chips was a Marine in Vietnam.
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1SG Signal Support Systems Specialist
J.R Martinez is one on my list
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SGT Bryon Sergent
Flt. Lt. Donald Pleasance, Royal Air Force
Before trying to calm Michael Myers down or escaping from a POW camp in The Great Escape, Donald Pleasance was actually in a German POW camp. He flew in WWII with the 166 Squadron, RAF Bomber Command, and was captured after being shot down. Interestingly, he reportedly produced plays while imprisoned. There’s no word on whether he dealt with a masked psycho killer in real life, though.

Lt. Alan Alda, US Army Reserve
It’s impossible to think of Alan Alda without thinking of M.A.S.H. After a decade of being on a show that produced the single largest viewing audience of all time, it’s easy to see why he was a bit typecast. However, he joined the cast of the show with a bit of his own real life experience serving as a gunnery officer in Korea after the Korean War.

Col. Frank Capra, US Army
Before making It’s a Wonderful Life, Capra joined the Army and taught during WWI. He would go on to start building an unbelievable career in film which included You Can’t Take it With You, It Happened One Night, and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, and even after massive success, he would return for WWII. He used his expertise to create educational films for the War Department (including what some believe is a masterpiece of propaganda filmmaking) with the next entry on the list.

Lt. Col. Dr. Seuss, US Army
If you got a chance to read my write up of The Dark Side of Dr. Seuss (or were fortunate enough to see it yourself) then you already know that Theodor Geisel joined the Army and worked with Capra’s First Motion Picture Unit. There, he made educational cartoons featuring a bumbling private named Snafu and, like Capra, directed propaganda films. So, yes, it’s safe to assume that the Cat in the Hat was anti-Hitler.

HM Bill Cosby, US Navy
The man who gave us advice, made kids say the darndest things, and sold us pudding was also a Navy Hospital Corpsman. He worked with soldiers, marines and airmen severely injured in the Korean War. That’s right, everyone. Ghost Dad was in the military.

Humphrey Bogart, US Navy
Not only was Bogart in the Navy, he may owe his entire career to it. The stories are not exactly clear, but several different accounts tell of how the actor was injured doing his duty in such a way that left him with a scar you might recognize and a lisp that developed. Of course, like most things with Bogart, that could all be tall tales, but his military service isn’t.

Airman Chuck Norris, US Air Force
It may or may not be true that, at one time, Chuck Norris was the U.S. Air Force.

Lt. Col. David Niven, British Army
David Niven was terrible at being in the military during peace time. He was insubordinate, got arrested for it, got his guard drunk, and escaped to New York City to send a telegram back home announcing his resignation. Of course, when WWII started, he paused his budding film career to rejoin the Army, took part in the Invasion of Normandy, and eventually won the Legion of Merit – the highest honor the US bestows on foreign servicemen.

Rod Serling, US Army Air Force
The master of science fiction and creator of The Twilight Zone was apparently so eager to get to war that he enlisted in the army the day after graduating high school. He’s another example of a talent that was born from serving – citing that his time fighting in WWII (and earning a Purple Heart and Bronze Star) made him turn to writing.

Audrey Hepburn, Dutch Resistance
Hepburn wasn’t in the military, so I’m cheating here, but I couldn’t leave her off the list because 1) she raised money for the Dutch Resistance in WWII by performing ballet routines 2) was a volunteer nurse in a Dutch hospital which received many Allied wounded and 3) it was getting a little dude-centric in here.

Sean Connery, Royal Navy
Bond, James Bond was not only in the Navy, but he enlisted when he was 16 years old and spent 3 years of service right after WWII.

Lt. James Doohan, Royal Canadian Army
What you may not know about the Chief Engineer of the USS Enterprise is that before he beamed anyone up, he was a complete bad ass. After joining the Army, his first mission was the D-Day invasion of Normandy and was shot six times by a machine gun (and saved by a silver cigarette case). He then trained as a pilot and went on to be called “the craziest pilot in the Canadian Air Forces.” I have no idea how one earns that nickname, but it’s clear that Doohan’s service was impressive – crazy or not.

Clint Eastwood, US Army
Like many men his age after WWII, Eastwood was drafted into the Army. Luckily for him, it was a major turning point in his life. He taught life-saving at Fort Ord where he encountered several film stars who convinced him to move to Los Angeles and become an actor. It was Chuck Hill, a man stationed at Fort Ord with Eastwood that would later introduce him to contacts at Universal.

Don Knotts, US Army
So you might have heard that Don Knotts was a hard ass drill sergeant in the marines, but that’s just an urban legend. In truth, Knotts was drafted into the Army in 1943, but he never fought. Instead, the military saw fit to use his special talents by having him entertain troops throughout the Pacific.

Lt. Alec Guinness, Royal Navy
There was no way I’d include someone from Star Trek without including someone from Star Wars. I couldn’t afford the fines. Fortunately, Obi-Wan himself was an officer in the Royal Navy during WWII. Before becoming obsessed with building a bridge on the river Kwai and becoming a Jedi Master, he commanded a vessel which took part in the invasion Sicily and Elba island.

Jack Palance, US Army Air Force
Modern audiences remember him as Curly but film fans know him as the scariest-looking villain to ever grace a Western. Unfortunately, that iconic, rugged look came from a tragic crash Palance was involved in while training with a B-24 Liberator. He was discharged in 1944, and would later head out to try his luck in show business. Luckily, he’d already changed his name from Vladamir Palahniuk to Jack Palance years before which undoubtedly helped his casting chances.

Michael Caine, British Army
After a giant career, Michael Caine has burst back into the mainstream spotlight helping out Batman, but before all of that, he served from 1952-1954, seeing active duty in Korea with the Royal Fusiliers.

Lt. Kirk Douglas, US Navy
The man who would later appear in Kubrick’s anti-war Paths of Glory (and, of course, The Final Countdown) was in the Navy during WWII. Douglas was with an anti-submarine patrol in the Pacific but was injured in 1944 and subsequently discharged. Of course, almost immediately after, he caught a big break in his acting career that would make him one of the best known stars of that generation.

Lt. Gene Kelly, US Navy
It’s hard to imagine the all-singing, all-dancing Gene Kelly storming the beaches of Normandy, which is good, because he didn’t. However, he did serve his country proudly by joining the Navy and writing/directing several documentaries while based in Washington, DC.

Cpl. Mel Brooks, US Army
This is the most surprising name on the list. Mel Brooks is the consummate comedian, a man who has made millions laugh with some of the funniest films ever made. But before writing “Springtime for Hitler,” he was in the Army during WWII. He joined up at 17 and was set to work defusing landmines. Later, he would fight in the famous Battle of the Bulge.

Lloyd Bridges: The incredibly prolific actor (who perpetually picked the wrong week to quit smoking, drinking, sniffing glue and doing amphetamines) had already begun a career at Columbia Pictures in 1941, but he took a hiatus to enlist in the Coast Guard during WWII.

Beau Bridges: Like father, like son. The younger Bridges grew up with movies — getting his first acting role in Force of Evil at the age of 7 — and went on to serve in the Coast Guard and Coast Guard Reserves while building his career.
Blake Edwards: Before Breakfast at Tiffany’s and the Pink Panther movies, Edwards served in the Coast Guard where he suffered a back injury that left him with chronic pain.

Tab Hunter: The heartthrob star of Damn Yankees lied about his age to enlist (he was only 15), and people apparently called him “Hollywood” because he spent so much down time watching movies.

Chris Cooper: When you see him as Norman Osborn in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, just remember he may be the only person in history to serve in the Coast Guard, study ballet, and then win an Oscar.

I got this from film school reject site.
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Outstanding rundown.
SPC Combat Engineer
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
James Garner US Army Korean War
SPC Robert Davis
SPC Robert Davis
>1 y
How about the real POW on Hogan's Hero's? Was it LeClerk?
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PO1 John Miller
SFC (Join to see)
Can't forget Audie Murphy. Medal Of Honor, two Silver Stars, 2 Bronze Stars; one with Combat "V", and 3 Purple Hearts. Along with a whole cluster of medals won for combat action.
SPC Gene Anderson
SPC Gene Anderson
>1 y
Don tickles Navy ww2
SPC Gene Anderson
SPC Gene Anderson
>1 y
PO2 Ford Lauer
PO2 Ford Lauer
>1 y
Murphy became a movie star because of his war record. He actually was a very good actor. He brought home demons from the war though, and there wasn't any VA help then. Men were expected to "tough it out." Murphy became an alcoholic and very violent man.
Capt Dwayne Conyers
Capt Dwayne Conyers
5 y
SPC Gene Anderson - Don Rickles portrayed “CPO Sharkey” on NBC I believe.
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Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Regis Philbin as well (USN Supply Officer).
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FN Charlie Spivey
Edited >1 y ago
Martha Raye made a lot of trips to Vietnam. She was in fact an Army Nurse at one time and I believe at one point was helping injured in Vietnam.
SPC William Jones
SPC William Jones
>1 y
Col. Maggie would go to Nam on USO tours and help tend wounded at specisl forces A camps. She was burried at Fort Braggs military cemetary with all honors
FN Charlie Spivey
FN Charlie Spivey
>1 y
Yes indeed and she was in fact a Col. Surprised me when I ran across it.
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Brenda Williams
Has anyone stopped a read all the resonses? Have you noticed that all rhe Celeberties listed are all over the age of 40. Just sayin'.
PV2 Glen Lewis
PV2 Glen Lewis
>1 y
Nope but now that you mention it....hmmmm.
SGT John Creager
SGT John Creager
5 y
Yes I have noticed it.
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PO2 Clayton Shotton
Thank You for Your service, all of You
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SrA Maintenance Management Analysis
Bill Cosby
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
I heard he was the reason SHARP started .... :)
SrA Maintenance Management Analysis
SrA (Join to see)
>1 y
What is sharp?
SFC John Smithman
SFC John Smithman
>1 y
In the Army we have a program called SHARP; Sexual Harassment Assault Rape Prevention.
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CPT Jesse Diaz
What aggravated me about Chuck Norris was how he never shaved his beard and cut his hair while in uniform in his movies. And no, Back in the 70's and 80's special forces didn't have beards and long hair like they do today.
SGT Russell Kiekhefer
SGT Russell Kiekhefer
>1 y
No exactly true. In the 80's, I worked with special forces, I wasn't part of them and I would never dishonor them by claiming I was, but I go to work with them once, and some of them had beards. It all depended on where you were, and what your mission and/or specialty was. Take care CPT. Diaz, and thank you for serving.
PO2 Ford Lauer
PO2 Ford Lauer
>1 y
In the 80s, SEAL Team Six had long hair and beards. Their existence then was classified, they were created purely for counter-terrorism. Much has changed since then.
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