Posted on Jan 14, 2015
SSG(P) Instructor
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We have seen many things about our POTUS that many do not like about him, and while we have all had leaders we did not like, we could usually pick out a few things, or traits/characteristics you could use or emulate.

So, list the things you do like, keep it professional as always. What did momma say? "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say nothing all."

I'll start:
(1) President Obama broke the racial barrier. He earned an education, became a Senator and a lawyer and is now the President.
(2) He has given millions a hope that one day they can do something great, especially those from under privileged areas.

(3) He has largely supported the military until as of recently with the downsizing, which is inevitable in every decade, our leaders have to make cuts...we keep only the best and brightest, right?

(4) He is a very supportive husband and father, and we need strong father role models in today's society where fathers are as rare as a long term-marriage.

I believe he honestly wants good things for America...I don't necessarily agree with the way he is going about it.

(5) He authorized the killing of Osama Bin Laden.

I know there aren't many fans on RP, but if there is something you like, share it if you dare.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 345
SGT Bryon Sergent
That he has only 2 yrs left!!!!!!!
MSG William Wold
MSG William Wold
9 y
Roman Empire wasn't built in a day; but it burnt down in one.. as someone fiddled...
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SSG Small Group Leader
Here's my Top 10:
SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
WOW!!! Another extremely long list.
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SMSgt Senior Enlisted Leader, Religious Affairs
He did what he said he would do. I think that's very rare for politicians these days. I find it hard to understand why so many people are upset with him when he's doing exactly what he said he would do and he won both elections in a landslide. He said he would end DADT and he did. He said he would get affordable healthcare for everyone, and he brought you the Affordable Care Act. He said he would bring combat troops out of Afghanistan and that has started. He said he would continue to hunt terrorists and has done so to include the mastermind of 9/11 Osama Bin Laden. He also said it would get worse before it got better, as America is a big ship to turn, we have found that that is also coming to pass. I'm not saying I'm his biggest fan, I'm just saying the man ran on a platform and his been checking things off the list since he's been in office. A list that the majority of the country approved of when he proposed it in his campaign. You really can't be mad at a man for doing what he said he would do. You at least got to respect that. It's not like he lied to you about WMD's and sent you to war over them where you lost a bunch of friends.
SGT Jim Filey
SGT Jim Filey
>1 y
He did not win by a landslide, 51% of the vote is a long way from that. Reagan won 49 states, that is a landslide. As far as the ACA, most people are waiting on the affordable part of it. I for one dont mind some of the things he had in his bucket list, what I mind is the way he did it, bypassing congress, changing laws, ignoring laws, ect..
SMSgt Senior Enlisted Leader, Religious Affairs
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>1 y
Cancer touches everyone and I think it's a slap in the face to tell cancer patients that it's their own fault that they have cancer. What about children dying from leukemia?? Did they do something in their short lives to cause their cancer??? The Affordable Care Act wasn't as much about healthcare costs as it was about insurance. It was about stopping hospitals turning away the uninsured. It's easy for us in the military to say people's healthcare is their own responsibility when the rest of the country is paying the bill for our own. The Affordable Care Act was about ending real life John Q situations. More Americans now have Health insurance. That's good news period. That means more people are at least being treated and not turned away. Why should only the wealthy be seen, and the less fortunate have to die? If you truly believe that if you are sick then it's your own responsibility, then why do you have health insurance? Why not just pay for it yourself?
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LTC Herman Valentine
Things I like about President Obama? Hmmmmmm....NOTHING! No President who truly loved the country, the constitution or the constituents would do or proposed the things this President has done or proposed!
Cpl Software Engineer
Cpl (Join to see)
>1 y
If you don't believe in the US Constitution as it's written, you don't like the country. The US Constitution is the foundation of our country. The US Constitution has within its language the means to amend it.

How does he put it in the video? What I hear him arguing is that the Warren Court wasn't radical enough to break free from the founding principles and that the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties that limits redistributive rights of the government.

Never go socialist!
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
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You tell em Kirk!!!
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Sgt Packy Flickinger
Sorry can't think of one
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
So, you didn't like the fact he reviewed MOH nominees that were denied and upgraded them years later when the military previously demonstrated a precedent of denying this prestigious award to deserving men of color?
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
...or that he gave $15 Billion to the VA as of July 30, 2014
Sgt Packy Flickinger
Sgt Packy Flickinger
>1 y
He didn't give money to the VA after the public blasted him for it. The VA had been crying for money for a LONG time prior, he ignored.

MOH was good but did you notice it happened right before elections? Strange coincidence isn't it.

I'll counter with Benghazi and releasing of terrorists, one of which a 9/11 mastermind.
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MSG Vp And Co Owner
I would love to see you write about the things you liked about President GW Bush.
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
He loved the troops and his country.
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
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...and still does.
SGT 94 E Radio Comsec Repairer
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He is unquestionably patriotic, among other things.
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SGT James Allen
What do I like? He will be out of office on 1/21/17.
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SFC Jeff L.
In response to the orignal, slobbery, syrupy, twinkle-in-the-eye post I just have this to say - you have to dig deep to find positive things to say about someone who is an abject failure on so many different fronts. Sure, he has accomplished great things personally - good family man, lawyer, personal success story - but there are so many rotten things intertwined in that success story and even more in the time since he ran for President. I agree with LCpl Steve Wininger that the thing I like the most about Barack Obama is that his presidency has an expiration date.
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Maj Walter Kilar
"I fully support my Commander In Chief". I have practiced saying that line with a straight face, and that is my answer here as well. Just in case the NSA is monitoring this message, I will say it again. "I fully support my Commander In Chief".
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Supporting and liking are entirely two different are perfectly clear with that statement. Heard, Understand, Acknowledged.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Bet he was blinking his eyes and twitching his lip when he said that...
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CDR Commanding Officer
List of everything:
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Wow! LOL
SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
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>1 y
LT, that's an extremely long list.
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