Posted on Jan 14, 2015
SSG(P) Instructor
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We have seen many things about our POTUS that many do not like about him, and while we have all had leaders we did not like, we could usually pick out a few things, or traits/characteristics you could use or emulate.

So, list the things you do like, keep it professional as always. What did momma say? "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say nothing all."

I'll start:
(1) President Obama broke the racial barrier. He earned an education, became a Senator and a lawyer and is now the President.
(2) He has given millions a hope that one day they can do something great, especially those from under privileged areas.

(3) He has largely supported the military until as of recently with the downsizing, which is inevitable in every decade, our leaders have to make cuts...we keep only the best and brightest, right?

(4) He is a very supportive husband and father, and we need strong father role models in today's society where fathers are as rare as a long term-marriage.

I believe he honestly wants good things for America...I don't necessarily agree with the way he is going about it.

(5) He authorized the killing of Osama Bin Laden.

I know there aren't many fans on RP, but if there is something you like, share it if you dare.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 345
SSG Drill Sergeant
Fun memes
We both like fruit.
1SG Rick Davis
1SG Rick Davis
9 y
That's funny
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CPO William Zaczek
Nothing at all
SGT Rick Ash
SGT Rick Ash
>1 y
Absolutely nothing good. Remember the "apology tour"? He just plains sucks and I can hardly wait until his term is up.
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PO3 Mark Streit
Let me think...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Nope can't Think of any thing
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1LT Chaplain Candidate
He is my Commander-in-Chief./.
1SG Rick Davis
1SG Rick Davis
>1 y
A true Commander in Chief would wear a US Flag pin on his lapelle and wouldn't grab his crotch when the National Anthem is played. In name only is he the commander in chief, in realityhe is a disgrace.
SGT Paul Zinder
SGT Paul Zinder
>1 y
Dam right nuff said. We all need to share that more military , ex military or civilian. When we call him the Anti Christ or worse we lower ourselves or our nation. I always think its kinda funny that Democrats got it hard. If many want to get real , How many Republicans were ever killed? Yea i know there were some Attempts. But I will get real. I get tired of it all. JFK< MLK, and many others that seem to spread peace, even John Lennon end up dead. Look at the Congress Women IN Arizona a few years back. When is enough enough. Respect the leaders. I did not agree with a lot of what Some Presidents did or how they were but I respect Bush Sr, and Jr for there Service and many things Reagen did. When you talk bad or go to far over board calling Obama the Anti Christ, or He was not born here, or he Does not love America its wrong on so many levels. We should not as Americans or Vets get away with such things. It lowers the office , and the rest of the world looks at us like were a Joke.
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SFC Ait Platoon Sergeant
You load these questions and some active duty Soldier is going to shoot theirself in the foot...
SSG John Erny
SSG John Erny
>1 y
That is one of my greatest fears when people start talking about the POTUS and other elected officials on this site. We have seen troops get the big green weenie for abusing social media sites before, please do not it let it be this one. The folks with R or V in their profile have nothing to fear but they can sure as hell get the SM's in hot water. It would really suck to see some one retired at a lower pay grade or simply shown the door before they could retire.
CC: CPT Ahmed Faried
CPT Ahmed Faried
CPT Ahmed Faried
>1 y
SSG John Erny - Agreed. Great topic to amass points and get the anti-Obama frenzy going but SMs should exercise some tact in their social media etiquette.
CPT Wallace Dunn
CPT Wallace Dunn
>1 y
Thank God I'm retired and can speak freely...
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COL John McClellan
I like many things about our President! I like that he kept his pledge to end our active combat role in two conflicts that he felt were no longer in America's best interest. This may not have been what you or I would have done, but he was elected to lead and that was his judgement as to what is best going forward. He actually did what he said he was going to do. I like that he had strongly repudiated torture and ended some very dubious practices, despite any results they may have brought - this is NOT who we are. And I like that he is circumspect about the use of the American military, and in particular, MY ARMY. He has continued to combat terrorism, yet heeded for example, his CJCS on putting "boots on the ground" in Syria.
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SGT Dwain Inman
I got nothing... really... nothing at all. He has been the worst Commander and Chief ever..
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SSG Instructor/Writer
I like the way he looks past all the negativity cast upon because he is a black president, he did create jobs for a good number of people, he is a positive role model in terms of being a father and husband. Im sure there are some that will continue to piss all over the President but thats your right. There are a few things I dont quite agree with that he has done but that is as far as I'll go with that.
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SGT Scott Bailey
What I like about the President is his putting middle class Americans as his priority. He wants to lower our tax rate, while making the rich pay their fair share. No more, no less.
I like that he has tried to raise the minimum wage to a live able wage. If some of you were around before the minimum wage law, you remember how an employer could pay you next to nothing and if you wanted a job, you'd do it. Bottom line, to ME, the President is trying his best to put policies in place that are good for everyone, not just a few. He is my CIC and I would take a bullet for him as well as President Bush or any other living President. That is how I feel. Stand together. Division will be the death of this country. All American Presidents are the cream of the crop. And I would give my life to save ANY officer in our military. Even the ones on here that don't care for me, because, bottom line, I am and will always be a soldier and I have the HIGHEST respect for the importance of a secure chain of command. I don't see an R or D or an I. I se an American officer that may lead men into battle and I want him to know that his soldiers will protect and respect them. I would hope that duty, honor and Country, we're not exclusive, but inclusive. Drive on! I respect each and every one of you, regardless of the topic. Lol
1SG Rick Davis
1SG Rick Davis
>1 y
Making the rich pay there fair share is the oldest trick in the book. Sounds good for a politician to say but the rich pay over 80% of the taxes now. How would you like to take home 20 % of the money your earn. You must be listening to MSNBC He talks about the middle class with a smile and stabs them in the back. He told the middle class you can keep your doctor, NOT TRUE. You can keep your insurance plan, NOT TRUE. You will save $25,000 a year on your insurance, NOT TRUE, nationwide average is insurance is costing middle class 30% more than before and the deductibles have quadrupled. The minimum wage scam is favorable to the big unions and they get behind it because there wage goes up a minimum of $2.00 minimum. That's why the unions pour millions and millions of dollars into the Dem party. Union power and wages are huge. You mention he is trying so bring us all together but since he was elected the country has become more divided . However Sergeant Bailey I applaud your military stature, you sound like a dedicated and courageous soldier and I salute you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SGT Scott Bailey
SGT Scott Bailey
>1 y
1SG Rick Davis
I don't know where you get your information,top, but it is just full of untruths. If the rich only took home 20% of their earnings and the rest to tax, we would have an amazing budget surplus. Let me explain some of what you wrote. The fact that the top 1% pay 80% of the taxes is not 80% of their money, they are paying 80% of the annual budget for the US. And, though it sounds terrible, the top 1% pay a less proportion of taxes to income than we do. If the budget, for instance, is $100, the top 1% contribute so much money, it covers 80% of the budget, which would be $800. The rest of the Country pays the remaining 20%, or $200. It really does look like the rich get a bad deal, when in fact, they made so much money that, even at the lower rate they pay than us, It's enough money to cover 80% of the budget. Now, please explain to me why it is fair that someone who makes billions of dollars, needs to pay a less rate than you or I? YOU pay more of your hard earned money percentage wise, than a billionaire, that's just not right. The more YOU make, the more taxes you pay. No matter what the billionaires make, they pay less tax percentage wise than you. I don't know about you, but that's not ok with me. Every American should pay the same rate, accross the board. Why do you think this is not the case? Because of one word. Greed. Instead of making 2 billion after tax, they would make more like 1.5 billion after tax. Yea, a half billion less. Since when cannot one family make it on 1.5 billion? Greed. Workers in America are now slaves to corporate giants. We have no more rights in the workplace and every big Country other than ours, gives their workers way more rights than we do here. I'll leave it at that. No, I don't watch MSNBC and I damn sure don't watch FOX. I know how to do my own research so I can have more information when I vote. I don't follow the good ole boy mentality, because they are blind sheep following blind sheep. I can speak for myself. And when I do, I will have facts on my side, not a brainwashed mind from FOX that thinks how FOX wants them to think. Case in point, if you follow FOX (news), I bet you agree with almost all of their statements. Another FACT. FOX viewers are the least informed Americans. And, I am not against you 1SG, you are as American as I am and I appreciate your service and engagement in civil conversation
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Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
Oh, and did I mention, he won the Nobel Peace Prize!
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Ha ha ha, oxymoron isn't it? Little did they know what they were voting for...
SSG(P) Instructor
SSG(P) (Join to see)
>1 y
Oh boy, they don't want this to get out
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