Posted on Dec 17, 2014
Sgt Continuous Improvement Manager
Gunner hulbert
Gunner ruskewitch
In my (extremely biased) opinion, no military Rank or Occupational Specialty commands the same aura as the Marine Gunner. With that being said they seem to be a secretive bunch, and stories about them are almost impossible to find.

I want to hear your from anyone who has a favorite Gunner from history. My own two favorite are Gunner Henry L. Hulbert, the first to ever don the busting bomb of the Marine Gunner, a Medal of Honor recipient and WWI casualty who hailed from the same area in England as me, and Gunner Alexander P. Ruskewitch, a WWII and Vietnam veteran who began his Marine Corps career as I did, as a Parachute Rigger.
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Responses: 98
Joseph Poe
Hello, im a civilian but my favorite marine gunner is a guy named Joseph P. Poe mainly cause i'm his son.
Sgt Bob Riley
Sgt Bob Riley
7 y
Joe, was he a 46 pilot?
Cpl Harry Lang
Cpl Harry Lang
7 y
Glad I had the honor of serving under Gunner Poe
PO1 Owen McCormick
PO1 Owen McCormick
7 y
Joseph Poe your dad happen to be one of the best damn Gunners I have have served with. Learned a lot from him. Great man, better friend.
Sgt Bob Riley
Sgt Bob Riley
>1 y
I flew with Gunner Poe at Futema in 1974. He had been in a crash several months before.
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Maj Larry Adams
Dan Geltmacher (2/3 from 1996-2000) cursed at me more, hounded my every step as a Bn Training Officer and Company XO, and taught me more than any other Marine during my formative years as a Lieutenant. As a true measure of those to whom we aspire to emulate, in those days I would've gladly chewed off a limb rather than disappoint him. (Of course, had I acted upon that, I fear that I would've left the battalion without any arms or legs...)
Sgt Michael Runningwind
Sgt Michael Runningwind
7 y
Holy shizz...i remember him, you he cursed like no tomorrow
PFC Tom Tracy Clapsaddle
PFC Tom Tracy Clapsaddle
7 y
Buddy of mine was in 2/6 on Lejeune. I was in CSSD 21 on Cherry Point same time
Sgt Sergio Dominguez
Sgt Sergio Dominguez
7 y
A peek behind the scenes sir. Haha
GySgt Motor Transport Maintenance Chief
GySgt (Join to see)
7 y
Dan Geltmacher is a solid man. Learned quite a bit from him while enjoying the view at the K-bay range.
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GySgt International It Pmo & Portfolio Manager
So don't hold me to historical accuracy here.

The Marine Gunner as a rank , not just every warrant officer they call "Gunner," has come and gone and returned over history.

I can't remember his name, but I worked for the last Marine Gunner in the Corps in the early 80s before they resurrected the rank in either the late 80s/90s. I was in 2/6 at the time. He was a veteran with a gazillion years under his belt when he retired. EVERYONE respected him. All I know is that we thought of him in the same manner as Chesty, Smedley Butler, and the other illustrious Marines from our history.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
7 y
Cause you're born again hard Gene. Good to see you here brother.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
7 y
MSgt George Cater - Hank was a real hoot. He made life fun while we were there. Didn't get real spun up over little stuff and enjoyed a good laugh. I knew he'd been a hat but didn't know when. One of the other Gunners said he thought he's down around P-Cola now. All those guys were rock-solid and I learned a lot from the ones in 4th Platoon. After our Mess Night him and a few others got the WM WOs to donate their skivvies. Some of us ran interference near the Hawkins Room Bar quarterdeck while they hoisted them from flagpole in front of O'Bannon Hall. The Colors Detail delivered them to the CO of TBS the next morning. The CO was a Navy Cross recipient and had lost a lung in Nam to a .51 cal MG. We heard he got a laugh out of it. That was Hank to the core.
Sgt William Morris
Sgt William Morris
7 y
I was in 2/6 late 62 to early 65. They have a Facebook page you can follow
Sgt Charles Ford
Sgt Charles Ford
7 y
The rank of Gunner went to warrant Officers who commanded Gun Mount crews on Capital ships like battleships or cruisers
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