Posted on Jul 14, 2014
SSgt Robert Clark
To all Texas veterans. I am a member of the Civil Air Patrol and have recently found out about the Texas State Guard. My questions are: 1. Are there any cost/membership fees like in CAP. 2. If accepted, how quickly are you expected to have uniforms? 3. Are at least limited base privileges granted to make uniform purchases, or are there other means to purchase uniform items? 4. What is the recommended inventory of uniforms? 5. If any are in both CAP and TSG are there any conflicts? 6. Would you recommend joining the TSG? I have asked these questions via the TSG web site, but have yet to hear anything.
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Responses: 13
SFC Thomas Howes
I was in the Maritime Regiment there was now fees other then uniforms and most of the guys went to camp maybra to the px there to get uniforms or to a good surplus store. I had a ball with the State guard and if I get transferred back to TX I plan on going back in.
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SPC Javier Maldonado
As a former member of the Texas State Guard, when I was serving, you were required to have two sets of fatigues, a pair of boots (two preferred), a duffle bag and underwear/toiletries as a minimum. All items could be purchased at the local surplus store (used) or if you have privileges, the local PX clothing store (new).

The cost to join is the cost of your equipment/uniforms. Some equipment is donated and passed to members, but that is not always the case.

The only conflict with service had to do if you are a current member of the USAR or TXANG (you cannot join while in service status).

As a TXSG member, you have some State privileges (as far as I remember, subject to change). Reduced driver's licence cost and free hunting/fishing license, reduced cost on your TX CCW permit and others I cannot remember.

More than likely, you will be required to take FEMA (IS) courses (available free, online).

You will enter one rank above the rank you were discharged while in federal service (RA, TXANG/USAR). If you were enlisted in the federal service and you have a college degree and approved by the guard you can join as an officer candidate, pass OCS (TX) and get appointed. If your education and skills are needed you can come in as an officer without the OCS requirement (with prior military service only).

Although mainly a volunteer (no pay) service, some members are paid $125.00 per day when in State Active Duty (Operation Border Star??? I forgot the name, sorry).

In the Texas State Guard you have the option of Air, Marine, and Army components.

Drills are one Saturday a month (sometimes the whole weekend). The summer drill will be about a week.

Again, I am no expert and no recruiter, but hope this helps a little.
SPC Javier Maldonado
SPC Javier Maldonado
>1 y
I forgot, you have to pass a background check...
1LT Michael Murphy
1LT Michael Murphy
6 y
Benefits also include: Toll Road fees are paid (if you go through cash lanes and show ID), eligible to purchase "State Guard" Licenses Plates.
Annual drill is multi-force collaborative mission "Operation Lone Star".
Highly recommend consideration for prior military.
MAJ University Recruiting Liaison
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
1LT Michael Murphy - OLS is annual training only for Med BDE. Not sure it will still be used for AT with the TXSG reorganization.
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SSG Christopher Parrish
Edited >1 y ago
SSG Clark,

Did you ever get your questions answered, from another source than RP? Just in case, I'll answer what I can (as a current member of the TXSG).

1. No membership fees for the TXSG. We do recommend joining SGAUS and NGAT, who have membership fees, but it is not mandatory.

2. You are expected to have at least 1 complete set by the time you swear in at drill. We have a package deal with the Army/Navy Warehouse on I-35 and Valwood so a complete set is reasonably priced, plus whatever you want to spend on boots.

3. We have privileges at Camp Maxey in Austin. We are not allowed on federal installtions, unless you still have your prior card or are under orders. For example, I attended BNCOC at Lackland a few months ago, so I was allowed on base at that time.

4. This question would be better answered by whatever unit you wind up going to. Basically 2 to 3 changes of uniforms, double the undershirts and socks, basic toiletries, 3 day ruck and a larger bag for longer deployments, etc, etc.

5. We have some in both CAP and TXSG and from my understanding you have to let each know about the other. Keep in mind that TXSG is state military service and when under orders we are legally obligated to make movement unless cleared by our CoC.

6. I absolutely would recommend joining the TXSG. We have a good bunch of people, many vets and also combat vets, who are always willing to teach others and share experiences. We get to serve the greatest state in the country and can rest assured knowing we can't be federalized and sent outside of TX by whomever occupies the White House.

Let me know and I can get you in touch with a recruiter, and will make sure you hear back to get more "official" answers to your questions.

I should add that we have options of where to serve, Army component, Air Wing Component, Medical Brigade, and the Maritime (Navy/Marine) Component.
SSgt Robert Clark
SSgt Robert Clark
>1 y
CPL Parrish,
Thank you for the information. I have been able to gather most of the information I need, the only outstanding question I have now is pay verification. I know when called to deploy members are paid and my company treats TXSG the same as National Guard when called. They allow up to one year LOA and pay the difference between my normal income and TXSG pay whden I return back to work. They need a copy of deployment orders and LES. I have been told that TXSG does not use LES's and there in is the problem. I need to know how to provide proof of pay to my company otherwise I am taking a cut in pay that I can't afford.
In all honesty, I am not sure how I can swing getting uniforms etc. Not going to go into detail but this has been a rough year financially and I just don't see where I can pull the money together to purchase all that I will need. I don't want to make a commitment I can't keep, that's not fair for whatever unit I may end up in.
There have been several people who have reached out via RP, email, phone calls etc. and I have been pleased with those I have communicated with. It seems the TXSG is an outstanding opportunity that I hope will work out.
SSgt Robert Clark
SSgt Robert Clark
>1 y
Also, are you working the Alliance Air Show this weekend? I will be there both days with the Civil Air Patrol. It would be an honour to meet you, or any other TXSG folks.
SSG Christopher Parrish
SSG Christopher Parrish
>1 y
Holy cow, you have a nice company. I have to take PTO for any Guard stuff during the work week or if activated.

We get paid on a monthly basis, like regular state employees, but only if activated. We do get paid one day of AT each year. Just like the federal military there is always some paperwork snafu, but they always get worked out.

I will not be at the air show, I am with the 19th RGT in Dallas so our stuff is on the East side of the DFW rivalry :-)
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