Posted on Mar 26, 2014
MSG Martin C.
In accordance with ALARACT 082/2014 States that all tattoos will be photographed and recorded with a memorandum for record and placed on your IPERMS and OMPF within 30-60 days from AR 670-1 release. 
Do you think Senior selections boards will discriminate against Soldier with sleeves or Tattoos ?
Will this become a tool to discriminate NCOs for MSG and above? 
What are your thoughts? 
Posted in these groups: Star PromotionsTattoo logo TattoosNo discrimination sign Discrimination
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Responses: 16
1SG Steven Stankovich
<p>I would hope that it does not become an issue during selection boards.&nbsp; Maybe they will be "unavailable" to the board?&nbsp; Who knows?&nbsp; I do believe that in the long run, for the young and coming NCOs, the bugs, and the "old school" mindset, will be worked out for their boards.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>On a side note,&nbsp;I am personally&nbsp;looking forward to my photo shoot and being able to view my "Tattoo Tab" in my IPERMS and OMPF.&nbsp; &nbsp; </p>
SGT(P) Motor Transport Operator
SGT(P) (Join to see)
11 y

You went there. Thank you for the much needed humor. I agree, it might be a hassle now, but in a few years, it would calm down.
MAJ Assistant Operations Officer (S3)
MAJ (Join to see)
11 y
Talking with other former Enlisted, we are brain storming how to award extra points for tattoos. Like the extended scale APFT.
1SG Steven Stankovich
1SG Steven Stankovich
11 y
My Tattoo Memo made it into my OMPF last Friday. Too bad cut-off for board validation was 29 May. I guess the board members will have to check it out next go around... ;)
SSgt Kevin Beckley
SSgt Kevin Beckley
11 y
I think should be awarded for design and layout. :-).
I have tattoos, after I got them I was told I could be disciplined for getting them. My NCO said I caught him on a good day so keep them covered and go from there.
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CSM Aircraft Maintenance Senior Sergeant

Why are we in such a rush over this aspect of the reg? It hasn't even been published yet and commands are in a hurry to enforce something that isn't even officially here yet.

As for discriminating against those people with tattoos? Absolutely this will be a discriminator. If you think otherwise you are naïve. If it was not supposed to be a discriminator, then this record would be filed in your medical records and screened by a medical professional. The fact it is going onto your OMPF means boards WILL have access to your tattoo file and will take it into consideration when not selecting you because you have tattoos. Of course this will never be made public because it would open the Army up to all sorts of legal trouble. 

I understand the no tattoos on the head neck and hands, but sleeves and legs? These areas are covered 95% of the time by your duty uniform. I still wonder where all this hate for tattoos is coming from; was someone picked on mercilessly by other Soldiers with tattoos?

SGM Sergeant Major
SGM (Join to see)
11 y
They mask PT, weapon and profile data during boards. I can't see them having access to this during a board. Not saying it won't happen but I just can't see it. I do agree with your comment about being in the medical file instead of OMPF.
SFC Cornelius Walsh
SFC Cornelius Walsh
11 y
Agreed, 1SG - putting it in the medical file makes far more sense to me, and prevents any anti-tattoo bias from slipping in.
TSgt Aircraft Armament Systems
TSgt (Join to see)
11 y
I don't know about you all, but my command is starting the documentation process on Monday. So thew update to AR 670-1 may not be "officially" published, but the entire 2ID is acting like it is.
1SG Steven Stankovich
1SG Steven Stankovich
11 y
I never thought about the medical section.  Great suggestion.  I like it.
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CSM Michael Poll
Well, I can speak only for myself. &nbsp;I will not discriminate as I have tattoos myself... &nbsp;I may have a borderline tattoo by location as well, we shall see what is to become of me.
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