Posted on Jul 18, 2015
Still like Trump after his attack on John McCain?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 69
Yeah you couldn't find pictures of Trump in the military because he was only a Military School Cadet. Here is his picture.
Yes The Donald said these things and yes I think he was wrong to attack CAPT McCain's war record. BUT... at the same time he was responding to personal attacks from McCain against himself. McCain called people who showed up in Phoenix to listen to Trump speak "crazies."
So while it wasn't in the greatest of taste, Trump did attack McCain's war record but he also attacked his policies.
I couldn't find the full speech but I did find a good 3 minute clip of it that MAY shed some new light on the controversy:
So while it wasn't in the greatest of taste, Trump did attack McCain's war record but he also attacked his policies.
I couldn't find the full speech but I did find a good 3 minute clip of it that MAY shed some new light on the controversy:
PO1 John Miller
Sgt Kelli Mays
Aren't all politicians (and wanna-be politicians) loud mouthed, boisterous, and egotistical? :D
Aren't all politicians (and wanna-be politicians) loud mouthed, boisterous, and egotistical? :D
PO1 Brian Schletty we have the first meme of the day. Politician = spin-doctor = exaggerator = stand-up philosopher = bs artist.
PO1 Brian Schletty
PO1 John Miller - and remember, when they are using one hand to shake yours, the other is stealing babies' candy...
Sgt Kelli Mays
PO1 John Miller - most, but not all. I did not find that Reagan was this way...of Bush the older...
One of the many reasons why Trump is a bad idea for the GOP. He speaks before he thinks. There are other pro business candidates and I don't think an ego centric Billionare has the patience to consider 2 & 3 level affects.
As far as being a "Conservative ", I have to agree with Mr. Trump, regarding Senator McCain being a sham...
SSG Gerhard S.
I would not take away from his service, or his sacrifice, but that does not make him immune to criticism regarding his political actions.
SSG Gerhard S.
To be clear I am not judging him on his service, or his sacrifice, I have the utmost respect in this regard. Respectfully though, one does not have to be a POW to judge a politician on his politics.
Some great comments here. But anyone who received draft deferments who in turn disparages anyone who served, is fighting to attain a new low. It's especially face-palm-inducing for the leading Republican candidate for president to do so.
I understand those who say you are not a hero simply for being captured, but what our Vietnam POWs went through - in McCain's case, for five years in the Hanoi Hilton as the son of a four-star admiral prosecuting the war - is unmatched. To compare John McCain to Bowe Bergdahl and Jessica Lynch is inconceivable to me, CPT (Join to see). He is a retired Navy captain and sitting U.S. Senator who resisted exceptionally grave torture in captivity and kept others alive through the bravery of his example.
I think McCain has become an angry old man now who knows he is in the twilight of his life and career, but Donald Trump's current popularity continues to amaze me. Regardless of his "willingness to speak the truth," I don't believe he is worthy to be the bearer of conservative ideals in this election. If the GOP continues to let his poisonous messages steal all the oxygen from their narrative, they have no one to blame but themselves.
I understand those who say you are not a hero simply for being captured, but what our Vietnam POWs went through - in McCain's case, for five years in the Hanoi Hilton as the son of a four-star admiral prosecuting the war - is unmatched. To compare John McCain to Bowe Bergdahl and Jessica Lynch is inconceivable to me, CPT (Join to see). He is a retired Navy captain and sitting U.S. Senator who resisted exceptionally grave torture in captivity and kept others alive through the bravery of his example.
I think McCain has become an angry old man now who knows he is in the twilight of his life and career, but Donald Trump's current popularity continues to amaze me. Regardless of his "willingness to speak the truth," I don't believe he is worthy to be the bearer of conservative ideals in this election. If the GOP continues to let his poisonous messages steal all the oxygen from their narrative, they have no one to blame but themselves.
A1C Markus Frank
Great post..please be so kind and provide references for John McCain's behavior during imprisonment.. .
I'm voting for Trump. I'd rather someone with a back bone in office. McCain is an idiot. Trump could have said it nicer but he's not wrong.
Sen John McCain just killed a Senate amendment that would have allowed the military to carry on and off base.
There is no doubt that he really crossed the line with his remarks on Sen McCain on his time as a POW, but what do you expect for someone who avoided serving in the military ? On the other hand, Arizona's VA system is the worst in the US and McCain has done very little to change it.
CDR James Kasler
He's a Clinton operative leveraging his celebrity status
If he goes independent it will be to elect hillary
If he goes independent it will be to elect hillary
That's a low blow for Trump. He should be going after the bleeding hearted liberals that are currently destroying our country, not someone who has fought and endured a living hell for it.
Trump has no scruples. He has no humility. He is not humble in anyway...but then again neither is our current potus. We need someone in office who holds him or her self to higher standards...who'll put the needs of the many/constituents/citizens before him/herself... Someone with Honor and dignity and is bi partisan....looks at the big/whole picture and not just their party. Trump doesn't come any where near this...he's not even in the same ball park...Doesn't seem like anyone who is running posses all of these qualities, but hopefully some of them posses some of the qualities and can dig us out of our hole/slump we are in and we can once again be a proud nation.
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