Posted on Jul 18, 2015
Still like Trump after his attack on John McCain?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 69
Brought to you by a man who can not even face the 'hardship' of taking his obviously fake hair off. 5 years in the Hanoi Hilton refusing to accept an early release and enduring hell on earth to live by the Code of Conduct and embrace the suck alongside his fellow POW's. I am not a Sen McCain supporting flag waver since I live in AZ and have not always been impressed by his votes, but he is far more deserving of my respect than a man who would try to diminish his service.
Capt Jeff S.
You clearly haven’t read his complete bio. McCain cheated on his wife, who was involved in a car wreck and had health issues from it. What happened to his commitment to the woman who dutifully waited on him? He’s a selfish, self-serving individual who let his hatred of Trump cloud his better judgment when he gave the infamous thumbs down vote and sided with the Democrats to foist Obamacare on the public, the majority of which did not want it as it was implemented. There’s something obviously wrong when you have to pass a bill to find out what’s in it... and which was so good for the people that Congress exempted themselves and their staffs from it.
CAPT (Join to see) People and the general public will grow tired of Trump in my opinion! He is saying what he can to gain headlines for the moment, but he will be out of the race when it comes down to the republican nominated candidate.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Capt Lance Gallardo Well said with a lot of passion and thanks for information on the books. Trump will go nowhere fast the way he is going!
Capt Lance Gallardo
When I was struggling with my performance, and doubts were racking me in the lead up to Desert Storm in December 1990 (my socialist parents who opposed my commissioning in the Marine Corps were publicly protesting the Gulf War here in LA during my combat training as a TBS student during a time of war), I was given an photocopied article about Admiral James Stockdale and how he endured the unimaginable tortures and deprivations that his North Vietnam Captors could put on him and the other resisting Airmen, by my Staff Platoon Commander Capt. Robert Baggett, Hotel Company, The Basic School, (class 4-90), USMC Quantico. He saw I was struggling (Army verbiage here-"Packing too much trash in my Rucksack"), but he didn't give me a kick in the Ass or a Lecture or a Pep talk. Just that Article about Admiral Stockdale and what he endured along with people like John McCain. I still have that original photocopied article in my important papers. I graduated like John McCain at the Naval Academy, close to the Bilgeman (bottom) of my TBS class. But I did graduated with my class and I am and have always been proud of my service and decision to become a Marine Officer. I have always cherished the hope and inspiration to persevere I received when I needed it most from reading about Admiral Stockdale, and people like John McCain and our other Heroes in the Hanoi Hilton who resisted as long and as much as they could, and never accepted early release or favors from the enemy.
"I am an American Fighting man in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense. From Art. I Code of Conduct.
From Art III:
" a. If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.
b. The duty of a member of the armed forces to use all means available to resist the enemy is not lessened by the misfortune of captivity. A POW is still legally bound by the Uniform Code of Military Justice and ethically guided by the Code of Conduct "
These are not just words, but the heroic Standard that John McCain lived up to during his captivity at great personal cost. He can barely raise his arms due to the torture he endured and the injuries he sustained ( both arms and legs broken when he ejected) that were not treated by the North Vietnamese. He was also bayoneted in the groin when he was first captured. Even the despicable Jane Fonda has apologized numerous times for giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Though I don't blame the Vietnam vets who have consistently told her to stuff her apology. Donald Trump is dead to me for what he said about some of the Best and Bravest Men our Nation has ever Produced!
"I am an American Fighting man in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense. From Art. I Code of Conduct.
From Art III:
" a. If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.
b. The duty of a member of the armed forces to use all means available to resist the enemy is not lessened by the misfortune of captivity. A POW is still legally bound by the Uniform Code of Military Justice and ethically guided by the Code of Conduct "
These are not just words, but the heroic Standard that John McCain lived up to during his captivity at great personal cost. He can barely raise his arms due to the torture he endured and the injuries he sustained ( both arms and legs broken when he ejected) that were not treated by the North Vietnamese. He was also bayoneted in the groin when he was first captured. Even the despicable Jane Fonda has apologized numerous times for giving aid and comfort to the enemy. Though I don't blame the Vietnam vets who have consistently told her to stuff her apology. Donald Trump is dead to me for what he said about some of the Best and Bravest Men our Nation has ever Produced!
COL Mikel J. Burroughs
Capt Lance Gallardo I ran out of "thumbs up" my friend, but know that I appreciate every word you have written here on this subject!
Capt Lance Gallardo
Thanks for the kind remarks Sir. Courage and the will to succeed are found in the strangest places, sometimes a story or an article or book about someone who was in a much worse place than you find yourself in.
So I am guessing that should Trump reach any position of political power, all POWs and MIA will be forgotten except by the families and civilian forensics teams that continue the hunt. I also expect targets on the VAs and the Wound Warrior Program to come out of his mouth because by the "soldiers weren't good soldiers because they didn't manage to not get hurt or get captured theory" he used for McCain, the only "good soldiers" came back intact. Forget all those Purple Hearts and Medals of Honor; they weren't "good soldiers." I've read McCain's autobiography and he makes it quite clear he was not the best and brightest along the way. We also don't know the long term effects that molded McCain into the man we see today. With that said, do we really want someone who dismisses military service so casually and quickly condemns it? There are plenty of other issues regarding McCain to be used for mud slinging. POW goes beyond. I usually refrain from getting in too deep in political discussion but this one irked me. (I will step down from telephone book soapbox for now.).
CAPT (Join to see)
It was beyond the pale, but ultimately, and most importantly, it was extremely undignified and unpresidential.
Capt Lance Gallardo
I found Trump's remarks given his Vietnam Service Evasion to be personally insulting given my family's history and service in the US Military . . .my mother's father KIA in WWII fighting the Japs in the Philippines, my Step-grandfather a badly PTSD lifelong alcoholic who battled his demons after surviving the Kamikaze Attacks on his ships during WWII in the Pacific War on three combat navy ships, the USS Gridley (Tin can), the USS San Diego (lt Cruiser) and ending the war on the USS Guam (heavy Cruiser) in the Battle for Okinawa, or my father who volunteered for the Navy for four years between 1954-59, and my step-father who accepted his draft notice in 1966, after getting two deferments to complete his Bachelors and teaching Credential, and served honorably in the US Army from 66-68, Numerous Uncles and Cousins and extended family have served in Uniform too many to count during WWII , Korea and Vietnam and the peace in between, both draftees and Volunteers like myself and my father. Like Donald Trump my step-father did not believe in the Vietnam War, but he did his duty by God, and I will see that he gets the final "fringe benefit" when he dies, and despite being the anti-military lefty socialist that he is, he will get an Honor Guard and a Headstone that shows his final Rank (specialist), and dates of service in the US Army 1966-1968. What will Donald Trump's headstone say- "I made a ton of money and never apologized for anything stupid and insulting and hurtful I said to anyone in my life?"
Trump is an egotistical blowhard that would do more damage to this country than ANY of the current candidates on the board. People will figure that out soon enough once they stop being enamored with his unflinching style.
What an ass clown. With luck, this will hasten his departure from politics.
I enjoyed your comment about searching for a picture of D.T. in uniform, SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.. That's a good one!
I enjoyed your comment about searching for a picture of D.T. in uniform, SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.. That's a good one!
This is not what a Commander and Chief should be saying. It draws the line.
SFC Stephen King
No, although he is a businessman and our country needs this perspective. The BLUF is he has no filter.

Suspended Profile
Donald Trump bravely avoided capture by staying stateside via deferment 5 times over. That kind of courage is needed in the Oval Office.
Only notsomuch.
Only notsomuch.
Trump's attack on McCain is deliberately mixed and classic manipulative info war. He mixed insulting McCain's political record with his military record. He did this on purpose to make people sound like if they were supporting Trump, they were also degrading his time as a POW and other points of service. But if they come out more in support of McCain then it looks like they support some of the questionable calls McCain has made as a politician. Montel Williams had a great response to Trump regarding the issue.
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