Posted on Mar 4, 2016
Soldiers deployed to Africa receive the shoulder sleeve insignia(combat patch) should soldiers deployed to Europe be allowed it too?
Responses: 11
No, sorry SGT (Join to see) . Africa is a slightly different challenge than Europe. Spend a year worried about TB, Diphtheria, Malaria, poisonous snakes, and some nasty insects, not to mention a population that never knows who will be in charge next month, and you see just a few of the problems of serving in Africa.
PVT Robert Gresham
1SG (Join to see) - Yes, I thought I'd leave that out as a pretty obvious reason for getting a "Combat" patch. I just thought the generally terrible conditions would help the young Sergeant understand exactly why Europe is NOT Africa.
MAJ (Join to see)
Servicemembers receive imminent danger pay in several EUCOM AOR countries. "Bullets" don't define combat zones, unfortunately. The President does. SECARMY implements these higher-level characterizations through AR 670-1. Depending on what document you consult, there may or may not be current combat zones in the EUCOM AOR. There are certainly hundreds if not thousands of troops currently stationed in the EUCOM AOR who will finish their current tours with a combat patch.
The (very justified) awarding of Purple Hearts to those Servicemembers injured in terrorist attacks in Europe certainly muddies the waters a bit.
The (very justified) awarding of Purple Hearts to those Servicemembers injured in terrorist attacks in Europe certainly muddies the waters a bit.

A-1: Combat zones are designated by an Executive Order from the President as areas in which the U.S. Armed Forces are engaging or have engaged in combat. There are currently three such combatzones (including the airspace above each):
PVT Robert Gresham
MAJ (Join to see) - Good point, but one very often coincides with the other... A great reference !!
SPC Richard Canoles
What about those that were on the DMZ in Korea I feel they deserve a combat patch. 89-90 Imjin scout..
SPC Richard Canoles
Those that served in Korea on the DMZ deserve them Thay were on the front line of an enemy..When we went out on Patrol it was for combat..
Is there any Soldiers in combat in Europe?
Since the answer is no, I think you have the answer.
Since the answer is no, I think you have the answer.
LTC Jason Bartlett
Great answer. Service members are actively engaged with several different enemies all over the African continent on a daily basis.

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