Posted on Sep 8, 2015
SSG Warren Swan
With the fact that he was part of the architects of the War in Iraq, was totally against rights for LGBT until his own daughter came out as a lesbian, and his company (although he "gave" up interests in) made billions of the wars should we trust anything this man says to include the deal with Iran? Or is this more politics as usual by someone who cannot let go?
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Responses: 23
PFC Old Biker
I wouldn't hunting with him
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MSgt Jim Bain
Isn't this the guy who shot his buddy on a hunting trip? He may be right about Iran, but I personally listened to him when Bush was the commander in chief, I'm retired now, don't have to listen to him anymore......thank the Lord!!!!!!
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PO1 Glenn Boucher
I think he has deeper motives than he is letting on and those include his business interests.
I don't like the Iran deal because Iran has never really been trustworthy and even after the announcement the Iranian leadership said they are going to do as they please anyway.
Dick Cheney though is a career political / business opportunist and he is only looking out for his own interests.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
I respect that. But if we tripped over every country that has said bad words about us, we'd never get off the floor. Iran is all talk and outside of it's sphere of influence which is very small, is no bite. They've said "death to Israel" for decades and Israel is still there. They're not trippin lol. I think he's just as much a hypocrite as those he's rallying against, if not more so.
PO1 Glenn Boucher
PO1 Glenn Boucher
9 y
I agree with you on his hypocrisy and also with Iran being a lot of talk, but how do you trust someone who has stabbed you in the back already and stands smiling in your face with a knife in plain sight?
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SFC Joseph Weber
Should you leap from a tall building while trying to tie your shoes?
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
SFC how drunk am I and do I have duty within the next few weeks? I kid I kid.
SGT Michael Glenn
SGT Michael Glenn
9 y
About as far as we can throw him...and the last I looked I have issues picking up a large beverage....
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SSG Avenger Crew Member
We should listen to anyone that opposes the Iran nuclear deal. When a country as a whole prays "Death to America" several times per day, do we REALLY want to let them have their way? I am all for a people doing their own thing, because it's really none of my business...but... when it could start another war and directly impact my family....then it is my business.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
Staff, how many countries have said that openly or indirectly? I'd much rather have Iran say it to me through the media and be honest about it, than how OPEC does it when they jacked the price of oil in a way to "hurt" America and raise profits. Do I want them to have it? Probably not, but they are a sovereign country we recognize and we can't go around invading everyone who says a bad word about the US. Wouldn't be too many countries left. Not to mention some of the signee's of this deal are directly responsible for Iran having the abilities they have now. We've gone to war with GE twice already. Are you ready for a third?
SSG Avenger Crew Member
SSG (Join to see)
9 y
SSG Warren Swan - That is a very good point. It is just so increasingly difficult to tell who maybe hates us just a little bit, but we can work with versus the ones that hate us and we could never coexist with.
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TSgt Kenneth Ellis
First Marriage is not a right. LGBT have the same rights of any Anerican. Even more. And these liberals and Democratic weenies who keep harping about Halliburton need to get a life. Do we need to rehash the Iraq war.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
How is marriage not a right? Are you saying it's a privilege? You lost me with that one. As far as whomever talks about Haliburton, would you tell that to those who lost their lives due to shoddy showers that were electrifying troops? We could rehash the war, but what is your end goal? I'm neither Dem or Repub so I'd like to hear this.
TSgt Kenneth Ellis
TSgt Kenneth Ellis
9 y
It is not a right, Driving is not a right. The Constitution says that you must recognize weddings from other states and countries. The Governent needs to get out of the business of marriage. I'm going to Rock and Brews for lunch. I wish the was a private messenger in rp like face book.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
TSgt Kenneth Ellis - Can you show me where marriage not a right? The constitution mentions life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If those aren't the inaliable rights, then what is? Marriage would come under that correct? Life to choose, liberty to do what you feel, and pursuit of happiness, which would mean I can marry who I want to. All the states have to do is furnish the piece of paper that makes it legal for tax and tracking purposes. If I didn't want to do that, I could do common law where the states recognize that. So in that case both forms of government have weighed in on what marriage is, and it would be a right between two consenting individuals. America does acknowledge marriages from other countries. Nowhere I've lived required someone to get "remarried" just because they came into the US.
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
SPC Jan Allbright, M.Sc., R.S.
9 y
TSgt Kenneth Ellis Are you suggesting that marriage is a privilege? Does that make the billions of pounds of legal considerations given to marrieds also a privilege?
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PO3 Steven Sherrill
His opinion, like that of anyone who is not an active part of the current process, is irrelevant. The problem is that the "news" stations all want a "expert" opinion that favors their viewership.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
Actually I'm no Cheney fanboy, but I acknowledge his name carries weight with anyone in the political realm. He's not a rookie and is well versed in the Washington game of politics. And technically still able to run for president! I'd like to see Cheney and Trump debate. It would be fun to watch who turns red the fastest.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
PO3 Steven Sherrill
9 y
SSG Warren Swan I agree with your statements about his political pedigree, I simply think that the opinions of those who are actually going to vote on the issue, and the sitting president who will take action based on that vote are the ones that really matter.
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LCpl Mark Lefler
I trust him about as far as I can throw an elephant.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
How about a Goat? I can't say without doubt I trust Hillary any more than Cheney. But at least with Hillary I know she won't be sleeping with any interns or shooting anyone directly in the face.
LCpl Mark Lefler
LCpl Mark Lefler
9 y
SSG Warren Swan - i might be able to throw a goat a few feet... which is too far.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
SFC James Sczymanski - Maybe Bill didn't want to share? I can't see one reason why he wouldn't, but that's just me.
LCpl Mark Lefler
LCpl Mark Lefler
9 y
SFC James Sczymanski - your right it was in poor taste.
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LCDR Vice President
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SSG Lloyd Becker BSBA-HCM, MBA
The real question is, should we trust Obama/Biden? They have lied so much, that they are more like tweedle die & tweedle dum. While insanity has run amok, it never stopped these two Goofys.
SSG Warren Swan
SSG Warren Swan
9 y
Staff I see what you mean, but in this case, neither of these two started a war that was questionable at best, laughable at worst. I firmly believe that any politician regardless of party is only as strong as the party will allow them to be. So if you're not the darlings or prodigal sons of the RNC or DNC you're more than likely not going to be around long.
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