Posted on Mar 12, 2015
MAJ Senior Observer   Controller/Trainer
Sub 116 1000
According to Navy prosecutors, a group of male submarine Sailors aboard the USS Wyoming traded illicit videos of female Officers in various stages of undress "as if they were Pokemon cards."
1.) Does this news really shock or surprise any of you? Why or why not?
2.) Is this a problem unique to this one boat, or does it represent a broader
problem across the Silent Service?
3.) What actions can be taken to prevent future occurrences of conduct such as
this? Who's responsibility is it to fix this?

Just as I did last week with my discussion with the Air Force, I am posting this discussion not to air the Navy's dirty laundry or to point a finger and laugh, but to learn from those of you who are closer to this situation what the reality is and what lessons you are learning that may be beneficial for the Army. I will not tolerate disrespect on this thread, and it is not my intent to see it sink (no pun intended) into a battle of mud-slinging, service-bashing, name-calling, or meme warfare! We are all professionals, comport yourselves accordingly.
Just a little bit about my background, I am a Military Police Officer, one of the few Army Branches that has integrated both genders and places them both equally into positions in which they can be expected to lead Soldiers into direct combat. I have served my entire career alongside women, including combat in Iraq. In my current assignment, I am trained in the Army's Sexual Harassment/Assault Response Prevention program, serving as my Unit's Victim's Advocate. Therefore, this story holds a professional interest for me.

Thank you!
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Responses: 38
COL Charles Williams
This does not shock me, as the submarine world is much like tankers or infantry in the Army; no woman...

Clearly it is unacceptable.

I think this typical of what happens, or will happen when women are allowed to serve in jobs that were previously all male; "the he man woman haters" society.

This needs to be zero tolerance, and it needs to be clear that woman are allowed.

So, get over it.
SGT Jim Z.
SGT Jim Z.
>1 y
I concur COL Charles Williams they need set the example early and often and the punishment should be hard to persuade the practice going forward.
PO1 Michael Writer
PO1 Michael Writer
8 y
PO1 Harry Champagne
PO1 Harry Champagne
8 y
the part i do not understand is how did these men have access to the female berthing area? never served on a sub so i have no idea how the berthing is arranged i assume its like on a surface ship( segregated ).some one please set me strait on this.
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Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
1) Surprised? Yes. I'm shocked actually. That anyone can actually think this is acceptable anywhere. I don't get it. I understand erotica, porn, etc. But non-consensual videos, I just don't get it. When the first guy showed the second guy... how did the burn fest not begin.

2) I hope it's isolated. Because if this is endemic, we just need to scrap the entire sub fleet and start over.

3) There will always be idiots. When we catch them, we burn them, and we burn those who tolerate them. As for who's responsible. It's always the individual, but like an unsafe condition, if you see it report it.
MAJ Senior Observer   Controller/Trainer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS , for the sake of the submarine service, I do share your hopes that this is an isolated case!
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
>1 y
MAJ (Join to see) sometimes "it" needs to roll uphill too.
MAJ Senior Observer   Controller/Trainer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS , you're damned right it does; so long as it's rolling upwards in the interest of proper accountability and not Politically-Correct window dressing!
PO3 Donald Murphy
PO3 Donald Murphy
8 y
Well again, its going to be difficult. Not just in the sub community; any community. Theres kids in high school upskirting girls on the bus. Yeah they shouldn't be doing it and yeah its wrong, but unless you ban cell phones you're fighting a losing battle. And to be fair to you and me, as "wrong" as it is, and as "punishing" as the perputrator will be dealt with, it won't be strong enough to deter others.

My comments earlier are due to government allowing girls to believe that the environment is going to be civilian sterile.
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SPC Counterintelligence Agent
Surprised? No.
Disappointed? Yes.
MAJ Senior Observer   Controller/Trainer
MAJ (Join to see)
>1 y
SPC (Join to see) , take a number and get in line, my friend!
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