Posted on May 10, 2016
MSgt Security Business Analyst
I was thinking about this after reading some hateful and spiteful things in what could have been decent debates and threads. Would it truly help?
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Responses: 23
MSgt C Madd
MSgt (Join to see) how about we leave the current RP alone, and set up a safe space RP for people that get offended by words. Just a thought.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
9 y
MSG Christopher Chouinard - Supersweet. My plans for world domination are coming to fruition. Baby steps. That way no one really notices. Now just to get my hands on some sharks with laser beams attached to their heads.
MSG Mechanic 2nd
MSG (Join to see)
9 y
if you dont like the then leave you put it out there
LTC Psychological Operations Officer
LTC (Join to see)
9 y
Rainbows and unicorns together? That's disgusting! It's rainbows, lollipops and sunshine. I thought everybody knew that! But clearly, there are way too many anti-rainbow people on RP! :)
SP5 Retired
SP5 (Join to see)
9 y
Don't forget to provide a tear off pad of Hurt Feeling Report forms and directions to the nearest chaplain.
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CPT Ahmed Faried
This topic made me laugh out loud. Welcome to RallyPoint, for RallyPoint XTREME please go to our other site.
SSG Carlos Madden
SSG Carlos Madden
9 y
"RallyPoint XTREME." Submitting the request to the software engineering team now...
CPT Ahmed Faried
CPT Ahmed Faried
9 y
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CPT Mark Gonzalez
Some of the misunderstandings are due to the poster putting out bad info, but you also have some people with a lack of reading comprehension ability or the reader placing their own emotions into the posting. I don't use it, but the block function can handle this. However, even if some people have low emotional maturity they may prove valuable on a specific issue and benefit us all.
PV2 Violet Case
PV2 Violet Case
9 y
that is very true some of us have had TBI, strokes or other health issues that make it harder to comprehend what is read or what we have seen on the internet and we simply rely on asking about a subject and show our concern in the questions. And we trust other military trained people would have our backs on a subject instead of stab us in the back over asking it. I once experienced that and still get tagged in fields that concern that question from yrs ago. And now to this day the question I had asked has been proven by the government to be a true thing and others made comments of giving me a tin hat. So I left RP for a long time because of it. Due to my service connected disabilities I already deal with enough depression without ones I thought were brothers to have my back to do that to me. It took awhile to pull out of it and each year I get sicker and so do not come here that often. And no one should feel that way or be treated that way. If we were all out at war against an enemy I would want to no my back is covered. No matter what anyone may say, think or do to me I would have their back and set my emotions to the side and take a bullet for anyone.
CPT Mark Gonzalez
CPT Mark Gonzalez
9 y
PV2 Violet Case - The comment wasn't meant as a dig at people with injuries or disabilities. It was for some that may rush to judgement when reading a post or people acting like a jerk. We all have our own individual issues, but can still be value added. Thank you for your service and still being on RP, despite some previous bad experiences.
PV2 Violet Case
PV2 Violet Case
9 y
CPT Mark Gonzalez - Thank you Sir, also for your service, I guess I may have went a bit long there. I was just trying to say we all should have each others backs no matter what and understand some have disabilities. I was very happy to read that you felt peoples comments or add in can be of value. That touched my heart thank you.
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