Posted on Jul 27, 2014
SrA Ronald Schwenk Jr
Should the commander in chief have military experience
This is just a question and not meant to disrespect anybody.
While I was in the Military (1980-88) I served under the Presidents unquestionably.
As a Veteran I often sit and think.
Being Commander in Chief and asking our soldiers to put their life on the line. Shouldn't you have served before asking our Military to do something you never have?
With all due respect. I just believe we should have a Military Requirement before you can be Commander in Chief.
What do you think?
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SFC Military Police
I feel it should be law that all political office members from president on down should have to have served in the military before they can be voted into office. If these people are going to have the power to decide who and when we go to war they should know what it is like to lead in the military. Far too many of our leaders have never served, and neither have their children yet they vote to send ours to war.&nbsp;<div>I recall at the height of the war in 2006 when politicians were considering a draft or mandatory conscription service. However they were silent when asked if their own children would be subject to the requirements of such a requirement.</div><div>A doctor must go to med school before they can legally practice medicine so the president should have to be a veteran before they can be commander in chief.</div>
Responses: 76
Sgt Adam Jennings
Call me OCD, but look at that nasty looking salute the Airman is giving the POTUS. Even Reagan's salute is more crisp than that, lol.

But yes, in the perfect world I would expect the POTUS to have military experience. Head coaches have to have experience in their respected sports. CEOs have to have experience in their respective fields, eye. So if POTUS wants to be CiC, then he should have experience in the military.
CPT Battalion Fire Direction Officer
CPT (Join to see)
>1 y
The President's salute is no better. Not touching the eyebrow. Now, perhaps this snapshot didn't capture the exact moment of perfection in both salutes? Perhaps it captures the moment before or after both hit the salutes just fine?
Sgt Adam Jennings
Sgt Adam Jennings
>1 y
I doubt that Airman's salute was ever fine as his head is bent to meet his hand and not his hand held up to meet his head. Just an observation. Last I checked the head never moves during a proper salute.
SPC James Fie
SPC James Fie
>1 y
Salute   dubya the dolt
You ever see someone salute right after he's been a drill sergeant for several years? They get TOO used to the brim of that campaign hat.

On the other hand....
SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
Yes..however, we'd have to change the requirements for President. And we'd have to better define "experience". Actual combat experience--where someone is trying to kill you and you try to kill them instead sounds more legitimate than being a desk jockey at camp podunk. Similarly, serving in a combat zone might have more credibility than working at the PX or entertainment services. At a minimum, some form of national service--service beyond self is what I look for...
SSG Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Operations Specialist
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
So Jimmy Carter would get high marks?
SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
SGM (Join to see)
>1 y
Not by my count.
Cpl Don "GUNNY" Miller
Edited >1 y ago
It should be MANDATORY for the Commander in Chief to have Military experience!!!!!!!!!!!!
So he or she would have some military bearing and a sense of how the military operates, but should heavily rely on his or her top military advisers, and let them do their job WITHOUT micro managing them!!!!!!!
SPC James Fie
SPC James Fie
>1 y
Here's the FLAW in all of that way of thinking:

The President of the United States does a lot more than decide who we go to war with. In fact, that's really pretty LOW on his daily To Do List.
MSgt Chris Adams
Would I prefer they had some experience, sure. But I do not expect it. We are a volunteer force and have built ourselves into an elite military because of it. By expecting others to join just so they can fill a box for future endeavors leaves a bad taste in my mouth. The military has a hard enough time screening out folks who can't cut it without adding others who have no care other than to have the bullet on their resume.
Capt Jeff S.
Edited 9 y ago
Not a Constitutional requirement, but highly recommended that voters step in and factor the candidate's military experience in with their decision making... All other things equal, you would want to pick the candidate with the military background.
LCDR Strike Warfare Officer
NO, but there should definitely be a moral and intellectual test since C-in-C is basically an officer. Such a requirement would have spared the US from the likes of Reagan and GW Bush nearly destroying this nation, its economy and its society.
PO1 Glenn Boucher
I feel that military service in leadership roles will help the potential President deal with military matters as well as non-military matters, but even those who never served can make the critical decisions.
I think more than anything else a President needs the best advisors that he can find and lately our Presidents have not had the best advisors.
The President ends up making those decisions, just like in WWII to drop the bomb on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, I am sure he got more advice than he could ever use on that decision but ultimately he made that decision and it worked out to end the war at a supreme cost of lives.
I don't like how President Obama conducts business but I do applaud him on giving the green light on the bin Laden mission. Many people think it was a no brainer but there are more factors to decisions than the average person who has never served can imagine.
LCDR Sales & Proposals Manager Gas Turbine Products
I think it is important that the President be well-versed and well-invested in the American experience. They should have lived long enough to have gained wisdom through experience, worked hard not only to achieve goals, but maintained a level of success, and yes...spent enough time in the uniform to understand and appreciate the challenges therein.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
NO! While I love some of the Military Men that have become President I am well aware of how easily that can become a Fascist Military Dictatorship. We need not look further that our neighbors in Central and South America to see how that can turn out and we are dealing with the Ramifications of that with the "Illegal" Aliens fleeing there to here to escape the Turmoil that created.
SSG Budget Analyst
Thought: No Presidents served in combat in Korea, Vietnam, and so far, in the Middle Eastern Wars.

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