Posted on Jul 27, 2014
SrA Ronald Schwenk Jr
Should the commander in chief have military experience
This is just a question and not meant to disrespect anybody.
While I was in the Military (1980-88) I served under the Presidents unquestionably.
As a Veteran I often sit and think.
Being Commander in Chief and asking our soldiers to put their life on the line. Shouldn't you have served before asking our Military to do something you never have?
With all due respect. I just believe we should have a Military Requirement before you can be Commander in Chief.
What do you think?
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SFC Military Police
I feel it should be law that all political office members from president on down should have to have served in the military before they can be voted into office. If these people are going to have the power to decide who and when we go to war they should know what it is like to lead in the military. Far too many of our leaders have never served, and neither have their children yet they vote to send ours to war.&nbsp;<div>I recall at the height of the war in 2006 when politicians were considering a draft or mandatory conscription service. However they were silent when asked if their own children would be subject to the requirements of such a requirement.</div><div>A doctor must go to med school before they can legally practice medicine so the president should have to be a veteran before they can be commander in chief.</div>
Responses: 76
LTC Stephen F.
Not necessarily LTC Jason Bartlett. While military experience can be beneficial, unimpeachable character and wisdom in terms of international affairs is much more important.
LTC Yinon Weiss
Edited >1 y ago
I agree with the others, military service is a plus, but the American voter should be allowed to vote for his preferred candidate and not be limited to a small subset of the population. President FDR did just fine guiding our country through WWII, as did President Woodrow Wilson in WWI. One of my favorite Presidents, Thomas Jefferson... author of the US Declaration of Independence, and contributor to some of our most preciously safeguarded rights, had no military service other than an effectively honorary commission. Meanwhile, Richard Nixon served in WWII and I don't know if that helped him in Vietnam. In short, I believe the American voter should have the freedom to vote for who he or she feels can best lead this great nation.
CPT Battalion Fire Direction Officer
Civilian control of the military was designed on purpose in the Constitution. Military experience is not necessary, that is why there are advisors (JCS) who are experts. Otherwise as soon as military experience became necessary, then it would turn into a degree of how much and what type of experience. Does a 2 year E3 have enough experience? Does a 6 year O3 have the right credentials? What branch is important? What job or positions of experience.

No, military experience is not important. The same reason officers don't need to have enlisted experience because they have enlisted advisors.
SGT Robert Donaldson
I think the President should have been an Executive-business owner, employer, Governor, Mayor, veteran or related aspect. If you don't have this experience, you don't know how to lead, or motivate people. True there are advisors-in the end, they are just that, the President has to make the final decision. Also there are far too many Presidents, who cannot simply provide the objectives and strategy and let the military do their job-but insist on micromanaging everything. You get less of this type of personality with an experienced leader than with someone without this experience.
SrA Ronald Schwenk Jr
SrA Ronald Schwenk Jr
10 y
My whole thing is the President will send you out with a possible bad ending. When did he put his life on the line for anything. The current one want's to disarm us. As veterans we all know that wont be a good outcome especially since ISIS. If he was a veteran "I think he would have a whole different outlook on Home Land Security". Thank you
SGT Journeyman Plumber
No, I do not think it should be mandatory. To set up such a requirement would be the creation of a martial oligarchy, and I for one think that would be contrary to the most basic fundamentals that make me proud to be an American. Any natural born citizen who wants to run for office should be entitled to do so, and the people will be the decider of whether they are fit for the job.
Cpl Don "GUNNY" Miller
Cpl Don "GUNNY" Miller
>1 y
Yes but they should WILLINGLY prove they are a natural born citizen.
SPC James Fie
SPC James Fie
9 y
Say, there, Cpl Miller... just how many times do you think someone should have to show his birth certificate, before you believe it's real?

And in what way are Hamas and Hezbollah "not messing with" Israel? I guess they must figure they won't drop a few kilotons on places that close AND upwind, eh?
PFC Chris Hemingway
PFC Chris Hemingway
9 y
Sgt. Robertson you realize that though we claim to be a democracy we are a monetary oligarchy the president is not chose by the popular vote but by the electoral college yes they listen to who we want but if they disagree they can vote for the other candidate
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
This is the conundrum I have with this question, How can you have the authority to order military personnel potentially to their deaths - granted that when we signed on the dotted line we knew this could be a possibility - without having any knowledge of what SMs face day in and day out? SCPO (Join to see) you cite some great examples and have an excellent point as do you SSgt (Join to see) - Leadership is not solely defined in the military.

In many respects POTUS has advisors in all aspects from finance to policy to military, but inevitably, POTUS's military decisions seem to take the forefront followed very closely by domestic economics and foreign policy. When all is said and done, our orders come from civilians, POTUS being the head one. Personally I'd feel "better" knowing they had some military in their background. Lord knows none of them have been financial wizards. The atomic bomb was ordered dropped by a former Artillery officer turned men's suit salesman so at least that keeps my nerves calm.
SrA Ronald Schwenk Jr
SrA Ronald Schwenk Jr
10 y
I understand what you're saying and agree. But the actual point I think I'm trying to make is. If you are making the final decision on sending in troops,Yes they signed the blank check, but I don't think you should ask somebody to do something you wouldn't. I also realize there's alot of Presidents with no military experience. Maybe? It's time for change? Just thinking.
LCDR Naval Aviator
LCDR (Join to see)
9 y
Most 2Lts don't have prior military experience, but infantry PLs are given immediate life-or-death authority after they've been taught how to lead, and briefed on a situation. I see the President similarly, on a much larger scale, but with the benefit of a cabinet and JCS which total several hundred years of exemplary military leadership at his disposal. You get that much experience in a room, it becomes hard to think one man's inexperience makes a difference, so long as he - like that young PL with his NCOs - listens to the men around him who are doing the advising.
CMSgt Operations Group Superintendent
Edited >1 y ago
This question seems to come up a lot, and while I absolutely agree that the president should have some form of military service in his background I would go one step further and suggest our congressmen, senators and governors should as well.

Our country was a much better place when those that had actually served for the country populated the legislative floor expected to lead this country.
CPO Culinary Specialist
CPO (Join to see)
>1 y
He should at least be aware that is the "role" he is playing.  Maybe not being part of the documented Alzheimer crowd.  He was a great guy in his day, sadly, by the time he was in his 3rd year of his first term, he had already been documented as showing effects of the illness.  
I guess they should at least know the difference between a hollywood role and a real job.  ;)   
SPC James Fie
SPC James Fie
9 y
Assuming you mean Reagan, he should also have more than a vague notion of what constitutes ECONOMIC THEORY.
LTC David S. Chang, ChFC®, CLU®
It would be nice to have a POTUS with experience but we shouldn't be a pre-req. There are many countries that have generals who became Presidents and essentially had a military run government. What separates the US from these countries is the civilian control over the military.

Having said that, since the military plays such a large role in the world, experience is paramount. What I believe is that the POTUS have experienced people around him. His Chiefs of staff, top generals, SecDef, SecAd, etc are there to help.

The POTUS is still one person, and even if he or she has all the experience in the world, if the person around are not, it won't make a difference. The best leaders have smarter people around him or her.
SSgt Dave Dierking
SSgt Dave Dierking
>1 y
I Agree. We do need to elect a President that will appoint / select competent advisers, not ideologically selected parrots.
LCDR Strike Warfare Officer
LCDR (Join to see)
>1 y
Yes, that was the problem with the duty shirker, GW Bush.
SGT Squad Leader
I think most of us in the Military will agree on this one. For anyone that thinks this could somehow lead to some flawed bias, I think that is really something that we do not need to worry about, most servicemembers do hold themselves to a higher standard in some sort or fashion, I am convinced that this would make itself present in the professionalism and ethics of someone working in Office.
SSG(P) Motor Transport Operator
Wow, that was a long time ago, but my answer to your current question. I do believe that as a President you should have served in the military. Otherwise how can you have any kind of experience in leading others. Knowing what discipline is, and knowing that what decisions you make will affect thousands of men and women in the military. While on this particular subject, I serve my country, I follow all orders given to me without question. While at times it can be very frustrating. It has always allowed me to learn to adapt, to be flexible and learn a more efficient way of accomplishing my assigned tasks and duties.

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