Posted on Apr 27, 2014
Should the Army return to "sleeves up" on the duty uniform?
It has been more than a decade since the Army changed the wear of the duty uniform by taking away the "sleeves up" look that our sister services currently allow. What is your opinion on the presentation of a Soldier with sleeves up? Should the Army bring it back?
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 11
We kind of blew that when we shoved that huge hunk of Velcro onto our arms.. Rolling sleeves would require a redesign.. Either that or the roll would be really low on the arm, which looks sloppy.
Bring "suns out, guns out" back! I'll leave it to the CSM/SGMs to figure out how. Not worried about where to put my pens, the ACUs have enough pockets for me to figure something out...
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