Posted on Nov 8, 2015
SPC Benjamin Smith
We've all seen the parking spots at the Commissary and Exchange that say "Reserved for General Officer/CSM/CW5." I'm writing a paper for class that seeks to change this tradition by repurposing priority parking spots for expectant mothers, families with small children, and/or time-limited parking. I think any of these would be a better use for priority parking spots, especially since there are very few General Officers/CSMs/CW5s shopping at the Commissary. Most of the time, these reserved spots sit empty while the rest of the population has to park further away. There are lots of pregnant spouses (and service members), as well as families with small children that could benefit from having closer parking. Additionally, these spots could be designated "10 Minute Parking Only", for people who only need a few things or just want to grab some lunch to go.

I know this isn't a hot topic by any means, but I had to write about something I saw that needed to be changed. This seemed as good as any.

Please take the time to vote on my survey and leave any constructive comments below. I will use the results in the development of my paper.

*Note: This is in no way intended to be disrespectful to anyone. It is merely an observation that contributed to a college assignment.
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Responses: 35
CW2 Counterintelligence Technician
Edited 9 y ago
Are we really begrudging our most senior military members a parking spot? We serve in the military where a hierarchical structure exists. We honor and defer to those who have served with distinction. This is one of the most basic tenets that separates those of us who serve in the military from the rest of the population. If anyone does not like this, they can feel free to depart the military and seek employment elsewhere where all are considered equal. However, I doubt you will find it. I'm pretty sure the CEO of Microsoft probably has an assigned parking space after all…..
SPC Benjamin Smith
SPC Benjamin Smith
9 y
Thanks for voting! I wholly support assigned parking spots at duty locations, but don't think reserved parking at the Commissary/PX/gym is appropriate. I'm sure the CEO of Microsoft has a parking spot near his office, but I doubt he has one at the local grocery store. Of course, as you said, the military cannot be compared to civilian life. I would like to reiterate that this question is merely a product of an observation, and was asked to facilitate the completion of a school assignment.
SSG Audwin Scott
SSG Audwin Scott
SSG Audwin Scott
9 y
Good questions but truth be told this tradition will not change.
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CSM David Heidke
If I had a dollar for every E4 who complained that I got a parking spot close to the door, I'd be rich. When I was a young enlisted lad, I just dreamed of the time I could work my way up to get certain perks instead of trying to remove them from those who have earned them.
SPC Benjamin Smith
SPC Benjamin Smith
9 y
Thank you for offering your opinion.
CSM Carl Cunningham
MSG Louis Alexander
MSG Louis Alexander
>1 y
Interesting choice of subject matter. So not to react with any kind of prejudice, let me point out several things. First; It was mentioned that expectant mothers should have priority. Many doctors will tell you the more exercise and especially walking that an expectant mother does, the better the pregnancy will be. Second: Families with small children are always problematic, one would think if families were shopping, that both parents if not family adult members would be present to help control the children. They could control these little rascals by making it a game, and providing much needed physical exercise walking from any parking space to either the commissary or exchange, who knows they’ probably have fun. Third: To reserve a space even for 10 minutes for perhaps over weight arm chair warriors purging for food, or those who are lack of physical activity, exercise from their car providing Cardio Vascular exercise is a good thing especially when they don’t get enough exercise. No, I concur with CSM Heidke. In most part everyone mentioned would benefit with some exercise. For those who haven’t a slot, let them strive for excellence by climbing the rung of the ladder to success. Meanwhile, stop intruding on those who achieved their goal to claim such perks.
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LTC Kevin B.
Edited 9 y ago
I agree that those spots could be put to better use. They are almost always unused anyways. The old "rank has its privileges" mindset has mostly been shelved, and I think that's a good thing. Other people deserve them more (expectant mothers, families with small children, elderly retirees, etc.).
SPC Benjamin Smith
SPC Benjamin Smith
9 y
Thanks for voting! I've seen a few people comment that although some privileges increase with rank (BAH, PCS Weight Allowance, etc.), everyone is equally entitled to Commissary and Exchange privileges across the ranks.
SSgt Anna Lynda
SSgt Anna Lynda
>1 y
I’m not sure I would put it that there are others that deserve them more, but rather, need the spaces more. Deserving something means you did something to earn it, which would lend itself more to the rank based thought. I think that by taking away some privileges for working hard and achieving something we take away incentives too. Parking spaces are trophies though - some folks need them for the status it brings and others don’t.
CSM Mario Stadler
CSM Mario Stadler
>1 y
Thank you LTC Kevin for your response without any emotional input like the other „ranking“ soldiers did. We are living in a equally called world and should show this more and more to all. Not …I am better..I have rank or a Titel …I deserve more.
MSG Thomas Currie
MSG Thomas Currie
12 mo
I have to absolutely agree with OP's opinion that reserved parking might make sense at duty locations but makes absolutely no sense at places like the commissary.

Back when Fort Knox still had an army hospital there were two "General Officer" reserved parking spaces that were ALWAYS empty. There were only two general officers assigned to the entire post. Neither was in the chain-of-command for the hospital. If either was going to visit the hospital their driver would have dropped them at the door. They wouldn't have taken their POV.
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