Posted on Feb 2, 2015
LTC Operations Officer (Opso)
Chris kyle portrait
As another post on here stated that the state of Texas declared today as Chris Kyle Day. There is a petition being launched to try to get Chris Kyle awarded the Medal of Honor. Should he be considered?

One of the petitions state he should be awarded, posthumously, “For his four tours to Iraq which saved hundreds and possibly thousands of US soldiers lives.”

What are your thoughts?
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Responses: 122
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For what? Yes he was an amazing sniper who was awarded 5 Bronze Stars and 2 Silver Stars. But, he was killed tragically as a civilian, not a Seal. As far as I know none of his actions merit the MOH. Maybe a Navy Cross, but not the MOH...
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Sgt Eric Perez No one is taking away (at least most of us aren't) from what SOC Chris Kyle of blessed memory accomplished as a Seal.

The point is that the CMOH is for a SINGLE act of conspicuous gallantry in the face of extreme danger. His actions, neither individually nor cumulatively, meet those criteria.

A Navy Cross? A Defense Superior Service Medal? Sure, but not a CMOH - he didn't do anything that meet the criteria...

It's an objective thing - not an emotional one...
CWO3 Retired
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LCDR Rabbah Rona Marlowe,
I for one totally disagree with you opinion on what you said about a Single Act of conspicuous gallantry in the face of extreme danger. My question to you is an obvious one. Were you ever in Combat to close with and destroy your enemies? Were you ever been shot at in face of danger? Were you ever while in the face of danger, you held one of your squad members in your hands while he was dying? And last but not the least of this Marine Corps Combat Officer put in harms way and watch as two CH-46 Marine Helicopters run right smack into a mountainside during an operation for a night assault on the enemy? I didn't think so and I really don't care if you did or not. The point of this matter is this, did he choose to defend himself from his enemies or did he choose to defend his buddies from harms way? That question is up to his C.O. and his Seal Team OIC to make that call. Remember it was a Marine who killed this Seal for whatever reasons he had at that time, but I'm sure it was for self gratification and news worthy than anything else.

Semper Fidelis.

James K. Kaupe, Jr., CWO3, USMC, (Ret)
Combat & Disabled Marine
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CWO3 (Join to see) - Gunner, you are correct that I'm not a combat vet. But notwithstanding that, there are rules about the MOH. Kyle was highly decorated for his combat gallantry, but his acts just did not reach the level of MOH. Navy Cross - probably...

Semper FI
MSgt Jeff Vaughan
MSgt Jeff Vaughan
>1 y
Totally agree with the Navy Cross.
LTC Paul Labrador
Chris Kyle did an outstanding job downrange as a sniper, but his actions do not merit the MoH. His BSM and SS quite adequately recognized his contributions downrange. Quite frankly, this petition is only going around because of the popularity of the movie. People need to realize what the criteria for the MoH is. Just becuase you do amazing things downrange, none of what he did was "above and beyond the call of duty."
Cpl Mark McMiller
Cpl Mark McMiller
>1 y
SGT Joseph Jones
SGT Joseph Jones
>1 y
Well said sir. You said it with perfect tact I try but I'm rough around edges so it may sound mean. He has confirmed kills because he's a sniper and people use that and his book to say he deserves it. But if we wrote about April,2004 in NAJAF then Fallujah they would say we deserve it. And I don't feel we do we were doing our jobs we volunteered to do.
SFC Indirect Fire Infantryman (Mortarman)
SFC (Join to see)
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I concur.
TSgt Christopher D.
TSgt Christopher D.
>1 y
"For conspicuous gallantry above and beyond the call of duty..."
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1SG Frank Boynton
No absolutely not. People are nominated by the people who witnessed extreme acts of bravery, and then the nomination is moved along his chain of command. Evidently, no one directly involved with Chris, or anyone in his chain of command thought he did anything to merit the award. To be awarded this honor by petition would make it a political award and cheapen it for everyone who has ever earned it. But not only that, I don't think Chris would want it. Awards are not what people like Chris join the military for. I don't know a lot of Seals, but I know a whole bunch of Special Forces and Rangers. I don't know one of them that do what we do for the awards. Texas is right to be proud of him, he was good at his job, and it's always nice to see civilians recognize soldiers (remember, I come from the Vietnam era) where our service wasn't so honorable or appreciated by the civilian community. But in this case, I do not believe the award of the Medal of Honor is appropriate.
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
What was he? A Boy Scout? Oops. Mistake, like you guys have never made one. -;)
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad
>1 y
SGT (Join to see) - No worries, my friend . . . as you say, we've all been there!
SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
Thanks Gunny. I'm old and have PTSD and I also have CRS. -;)
PO3 John Jeter
PO3 John Jeter
>1 y
I still like the idea of the Congressional Gold Medal. It would be for the totality of his life achievements not only his military feats. Each Gold Medal is unique to the individual it is awarded to. Unlike the Presidential Medal of Freedom, it's not awarded at the whim of one man, but by the acclamation of Congress. I believe we have honored the warrior with the warriors honors. Let us now honor the man who made the warrior possible. I would encourage everyone to send their senators and congressmen/women an email urging them to support the Congressional Gold Medal for Chris Kyle
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