Posted on Jun 4, 2016
San Jose Mayor Sam Licardo blames Mr. Trump for riots, but doesn't address rioters. Should he resign?
It wasn't until after he got the crap beat out of him on Twitter and Facebook that Mayor Licardo posted a statement that blah blah blah ... Prior to that it was all about Mr. Trump's rhetoric. In the meantime, men and women beaten (some were just walking downtown), damage, etc. I should mention that Mayor Licardo has already endorsed Secretary Clinton.
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 22
Resign? Impeach? We're talking about San Jose here, people. You seriously think the citizens of San Jose disagree with their mayor? They elected him. Birds of a feather and all that...
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CPT Jack Durish, I live in San Jose about 15 minutes from the location. I voted for the Libertarian who i knew would lose in 2014 as everyone running was a Dem or some other type of liberal. The incumbent, Mayor Chuck Reed decided not to run again though who I would have voted for again. I can only assume he got sick of trying to reform the SJPD and FD's pension deals which will as all others, eventually bankrupt the city.
Sheriff Clarke on violent anti-Trump protests
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke weighs in on the violent anti-Trump protests.
It blows my mind that the violent "protests" arent adressed at almost everyone single one of these conventions. These officials are telling the public that its ok to assault people and damage property.
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