Posted on Jan 12, 2014
SGM Matthew Quick
DoD proposals are suggesting scrapping the "with dependents" rates under the current BAH program, moving instead to a simpler, flatter benefit that makes no distinction between single service members and those with families.

What are your thoughts about a universal BAH (based on locality) for single/married service members?
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Responses: 24
SSG Robert Burns
just to clarify, BAH isn't based off of marriage or single, it's whether you have dependents or not. &nbsp;But the proposal makes no sense what-so-ever. &nbsp;What exactly does that accomplish? &nbsp;It is an allowance, not a salary. &nbsp;To be honest I think it should be based on your number of dependents. &nbsp;Meaning a newly married couple with no children does not need the same housing than a single mother with 4 kids. &nbsp;Nor for just a 20 year old with no kids. &nbsp;Giving everyone a flat rate will only create problems and solve none.<div>The same for on post housing. &nbsp;Why should an E8 with no kids be living in a detached 4 bedroom home while an E4 with 5 kids is in a 2 or 3 bedroom townhouse?</div><div><br></div>
SSG Network Operations Chief
SSG (Join to see)
11 y
I couldn't agree with you more. I think there should be a "cap" so to speak on how many dependents you would get paid for but I have a large family and when I see other Soldiers with the same housing as I am afforded with one child or maybe none at all based on that individuals rank it really angers me. It's never happened to me but I have known people to PCS and housing was not available for their family size so they were forced off base. With our BAH rates being published there is no benefit to living off base because it has become increasingly difficult to save money. 
Lt Col Instructor Navigator
Lt Col (Join to see)
10 y
Because that employer regularly uproots the employee, and regularly takes them away from the family for months at a time.
Maj William Gambrell
Maj William Gambrell
>1 y
I don't agree with your philosophy. One problem with this country as a whole is the Gov't continuously increasing entitlements to those who can't afford additional children continuing to have children.
CW3 Network Architect
CW3 (Join to see)
8 y
Except with a civilian employer, the employee has a choice on whether to live in a higher cost or lower cost area. The military don't have that choice.
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1SG First Sergeant
I believe BAH should be based on the number of dependents. Bottom line is, how is it possible to think a change to a flat rate without regard to number of dependents would be beneficial to the Soldier? It benefits the DoD's pocketbook, but not much else.
1SG First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
10 y
SFC James Sczymanski I'm not advocating for Soldiers to have more dependents, but what I am saying is if the BAH rate is "for the dependents" it should take into account how many there are. It is ludacris to believe I can house my 7 member family for the same money it costs to house a married couple with no children. Yes some will say having kids is a choice but we are Catholic so it's not really a choice we get to make.
SSG Intelligence Analyst
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Yes, it certainly is a choice you make-this is 2017, not 1600. If you don't believe in contraceptives for religious reasons and want to control the size of your family, you can certainly do so. Blaming personal decisions on religion, while saying the military should pay you for them, seems oddly unethical and counter to military values.

BAH is designed as a stipend for servicemembers to have equitable housing in their geographic locations. You choosing to have more kids should never be at the government's expense, but at yours. You are already paid more as you increase in rank and have dependents. The with dependent rate allows you to purchase larger housing with more rooms to accommodate a larger family.

Back to the original topic - a flat rate seems terrible for the force, and as you said only serves the bottom line.
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CPT Engineer Officer
To be fair, I have a married with dependents. I recognize that receiving additional money at the with dependent rate bah costs the Army more money in the short term and is more than what single Soldiers recieve. Point taken. For everyone who believes there should be only one bah rate, please hear me out.

1. For those who state" you never see that in the civilian world" we are not civilians. You can not compare apples to oranges. It is true not all of our MOSs see combat up close but all serve to support the Soldiers who do . This responsibilty is unique and requires the institution charged with executing it, arm its Soldiers with the necessary tools to be successful. Soldiers perform better when they know their families are well taken care of while they are gone. A distracted mind is a dangerous mind downrange.

2. For those that state " it is not fair that someone received more money than me just for having dependents" well,I have many friends who are single and I would gladly trade their budget and extra savings per month with mine. Not to mention that roommates and small one bedroom apts ( more sq ft per person space) allow for them to spend under their bah rates and pocket that money. More money does not equal more disposable income. To me this is ignorant to the financial realities of others and comes across as self-centered.

2a. Additionally, marriage and marital values are consistent with and support Army values. Loyalty, duty, respect are all championed by both institutions. What does this have to do with bah you ask....well the additional bah encourages and supports developing and living those commitments in all aspects of a Soldiers life. Succesful military families require balance in our Leaders and Soldiers. I'm not saying you can't have balance as a single Soldier but being married forces you to split your time. Have you ever been lead by someone that was single and had nowhere else to be, so he or she spent all of his time between sleep at work. How did that work out for you?

2b.Financially,I propose lowering the with dependent bah rates will cost the Army more money by driving quality families and Soldiers from the military. The military will have to spend more money to continually train new personel after families realize they can not support a reasonable anf standard lifestyle. The cycle would repeat over and over with each new families departure costing the military significantly more money in the long term than the extra bah given each month. This does not invlude the cost of inexperience and its effect on the affectiveness of the force.

3. Written in every Army creed, it mentions taking care of Soldiers and those we lead. Being selfless and sacrificing for others on our team is what we are all supposed to live. I am surprised and saddened that in our own military there are so many people that can't see these types og perspectives are directly opposed to these values.

If I have bread on my table and my friends do not I will invite them over to eat. What it sounds like to me is that those people who think it should be equal are saying, I have enough so you should too. What kind of answer is that?

Our society depends on us as Soldiers to take care of one another. We should only look in others bowls to see if they need more not to say we didn't get enough.
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