Posted on Mar 11, 2014
SPC Christopher Smith
I take the time to look back on my personal growth as a reflection and a learning tool. Did I use the right words, was that a battle worth fighting, why did/didn't my message get across to the receiver? 

Has anyone else reflected on their Rally Point growth, and seen how it has positively changed your views of situations, how to engage them, or even if you need to. Has your time here helped shape your presentation of debate topics? Do you reflect on earlier postings often?
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Responses: 5
SSG Robert Burns

I can say there is a notable difference in my threads and responses.  I will identify them as Pre and Post edit button feature. 

But I have grown in my "tactics" in this forum, although I do someitmes let my hard-headedness get the best of me.

SPC Christopher Smith
SPC Christopher Smith
>1 y
SSG Burns, we all get hot under the collar, seeing as though many of these topics are hot button topics, and many of us (not myself) were developed in a "do as I say without question" enviroment. Think RP allows us to step back and realize that not every junior person who is asking a question or giving their insight is trying ot challenge you but help make everyones life a bit easier. The edit button has helped save my life a few times as well I might add.
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MSgt Manpower
This is a great post...I am a firm believer in positive reflection.  I use it quite alot, and encourage others to as well. 
SPC Christopher Smith
SPC Christopher Smith
>1 y
MSgt Collins, since this is the perfect thread for you, share with us how you've seen yourself develop with this method, either on RP or outside of RP. I think it is great for other people to understand why self reflection is important in development, and healing.
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SPC David Wyckoff

I got a slow start. Started mostly as a thread creeper. Just didn't feel like I had much to say that would add to the conversation. In all honesty, I was a little intimidated to speak up. So I guess I can say that being on RP has shown me that senior ranking NCO's and Officers...well they are actually real people underneath it all. They have feelings (well some of them do), they have goals (many similar to my own), they have families and some of them are pretty damn funny. My first thread ever being on, MCPO Young broke out with a one liner that I would have never expected.


I have been reminded and re-motivated concerning my attitude towards being a warrior because of CPL Fittizzi, I have learned that I am authorized to wear a Cav Stetson and spurs from SFC Lopez, and lots of other people in all the services and at all ranks have made small impacts on my outlook, both personally and professionally. My only wish is that I could meet a lot you in person some day.
I probably spend more time surfing and roaming the open plains of RP than I ever spent on FB.

SPC Christopher Smith
SPC Christopher Smith
>1 y
SPC Wyckoff, I think we all start off as thread creepers, may of us are still afraid to be reprimanded of speaking our ideals. I'm happy to hear you have grown as a person, and learned from people from every otganization. Seeing how RP is still pretty new, maybe one day the developers will host an event for people to come out and meet in person, I wouldn't mind using some leave for that. Let alone being able to speak to some top Brass and SGMs and converse in an atmosphere that is mostly positive.I wish you well on your journey and developments with RP.
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