Posted on Apr 19, 2014
CW2 Humint Technician
One of my biggest peeves about the NCOER system are people going by some weird metric that you can't get a 1/1 on your first NCOER, or your first NCOER as a SSG, so forth and so on.<div><br></div><div>That NCOER is about the CURRENT rating period. If that NCO is just awesome, then why can't they get a 1/1? Haven't people ever had a SGT that was better than all their SSGs, and so forth? I know I have.</div><div><br></div><div>They don't "need room to grow" (which I've also heard, and I'll address that). You sent them to the board presumably for a reason - you thought they could perform well as a SGT. If it's the "need to grow" thing then you better take a career NCO and give them a 5/5 because how in 10-20 years of being an NCO are they not going to get a 1/1 quickly?</div><div><br></div><div>Why do people say this? Where in the regulation does it say this? Why do people think that someone can't get a 1/1 on their first NCOER?</div><div><br></div><div>All of this being said, if you have seen my other NCOER threads or read my NCOER LPD you know that I think NCOERs are generally over-inflated. So you shouldn't just give a 1/1 because you like the guy. But it drives me nuts to hear "that's good for your first NCOER" or "you can't expect to get a 1/1 on your first NCOER".</div>
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Responses: 6
SGM Matthew Quick
Edited 11 y ago
Weak leadership that doesn't articulate HOW to earn certain marks during counseling...if what was required for evaluation marks it was explained during counseling, this should never been an issue.
CW2 Humint Technician
CW2 (Join to see)
11 y
If you aren't counseled, you should approach your rater and senior rater and explain the situation. 
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SSG(P) Casualty Operations Ncoic

There has been a misconception in the Army for the last decade or more that says that if you DON'T get a 1/1, then you are a sh*tbag NCO.

If you read AR 623-3, you will see that a 1/1 evaluation is given for those who truly excel and outshine ALL OTHER NCOs in the raters' unit.  Thus, every NCO CANNOT be a 1/1, otherwise a 1/1 becomes a 3/3 because it's the "new normal."

As a former BN S-1 NCO who has seen and reviewed hundreds of NCOERs, I have seen too many 1/1 evals for NCOs who truly did not deserve them.  I have seen 1/1 NCOERs that were "cut & pasted" and even got three of these cut & paste evals on the same day-- same grammatical and typo errors. 

If you, as a rater, are giving out 1/1 evals to everyone, then you are doing the NCO and the entire evaluation system a disservice, as you are watering down what a 1/1 stands for. 

It's kind of like an economy-- if you keep printing money with nothing to back it, then all that cash is worthless because everyone has it and it has no value.

If a brand new SGT comes in, kicks butt, volunteers, is a PT stud, is an awesome leader, and excels at his/her job, then by all means.  But just doing the job is NOT a 1/1-- coming in and doing your job without getting in trouble is a 3/3.  If you have new SGTs that are getting 1/1s (honestly) and your experienced SGTs are not, then your "more experienced" SGTs need to get on the ball!

SFC Founder
SFC (Join to see)
11 y
Well said SGT Unger.
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1SG Visual Information Operations Chief
I have to agree, if you perform and have true potential to excel in the next grade the soldier should get 1/1.

From my experience my first NCOER was 2/1 and I was rated for 6 months. However, during that rating period I filled the squad leader position for 2 1/2 months until my squad leader arrived to the unit. When it came to my EVAL he gave me what I earned a 2/1. I performed exceptionally well and had the potential to perform in the next higher rank. 
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