Posted on Dec 1, 2014
SGT Graduate Student
I urge others who are not Ph.D. or Ed.D holders to please join in and (I assume) ask questions or provide insight. While my preliminary questions may seem specific and tailored, I believe that making this a public engagement and a transparent inquiry has a better benefit for other veterans who may be deliberating whether or not to go for a doctorate. Think of this as COA Development, COA Analysis, COA Comparison are to MDMP. Without further ado here are my starting questions:

1. What is your testimony in achieving your Ph.D. or Ed.D? (Difficulties? Anything you would have done differently?)

2. The focuses I seem to have been gravitated towards in my journey so far have been innovation (in the arts) in leadership and intelligence analysis. My aim is to engrave my Ph.D. as means to contribute to research rather than (to what seems to be the blatant) ambition to become a college professor one day. Are my options limited to a list of Ph.Ds or do I have the freedom to be very specific?

3. As I previously mentioned, I am an advocate for innovation so I envision a unique approach to my presentation. Would a video production (documentary) be considered as a supplemental part of my work?

I hope these questions and others develop into a fruitful discussion.

Thank you
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Responses: 3
LTC Retired
SGT Oliver,

Nice timing on your question. I started my PhD a few years ago at Walden University, Minneapolis, MN and have had to take several breaks due to work conflicts which I am doing right now. So far this seems to be my biggest challenge, balancing school with Army responsibilities. I love to learn and since I can use the GI bill and not pay any additional money I will continue to expand my education. Of course I have not figured out what I will do with a PhD once I leave the Army. When I started looking at Walden, I was able to meet with a recruiter in person and learn about the program and school before applying. They conducted recruiting events all over the country and their residencies, 4 in total, are conducted around the world. So far I have enjoyed the program but I need to figure out what I want to do with the PhD once I am done. Good luck.

COL Lindenmeyer,
Since I am just down the road at Ft Leavenworth, maybe I could meet you sometime next month and discuss my question on continuing my PhD journey. Thank you.
COL Vince Lindenmeyer, Ph.D. (Retired)
COL Vince Lindenmeyer, Ph.D. (Retired)
>1 y
Carla, sure thing. Please drop me a note and we can dialogue on email? My school, Northcentral University, significantly curtailed "military leave of absences" over the course of my 7 year doctoral journey. It become military "unfriendly" at the end. Yes, balancing deployments/intensive work situations with the deep thinking required for a Ph.D. is difficult. Looking forward to hearing from you, Carla.
COL Vince Lindenmeyer
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COL Vince Lindenmeyer, Ph.D. (Retired)
SGT Oliver, thank you for your questions. There are books on the Ph.D. journey and articles on whether to pursue Ph.D. or Ed.D., so I will try to provide a framework for continued research, study and questions.
I encourage all considering a terminal degree (Ph.D., Ed.D, or DBA) to consider “KNOWING THEMSELVES” first. You have begun the process in your desire asking a series of questions. Why do I want to pursue a terminal degree? To teach, job security, lifelong learning goal? Second, not only what are you interested in for a field of study, but what has your body of work (masters degree) brought you towards in terms of a field of study? For me, it was Training Development and Leadership due to my Masters in Education in College Development and Counseling. I found a Ph.D. in Education with Northcentral University with an emphasis in training development and leadership, essentially “corporate training and development.” Third, what school can support your chosen field? Fourth, what type of school fits your learning style? 100% distance learning, blended, or brick and mortar? Finally, the decision to pursue an Ed.D or Ph.D. should resolve itself with the above questions.
Your second and third questions are difficult to answer for a large group of readers. I will simply comment that you are not trying to “solve the word’s problems” with your terminal degree. You are not producing a documentary. This is follow-on work that “may” occur, but will certainly not be part of your doctoral journey.
I hope this helps and happy to continue to monitor this thread. Contact me with any additional questions.
COL Vince Lindenmeyer, Ph.D.
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SGT Graduate Student
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