Recent Activity -
Retired US Army officer having served over 26 years of commissioned service in the Infantry, Logistics and Strategist career fields at the platoon leader to combatant command levels. Currently, retired in the Deerfield Beach, Florida, area. Open to mentoring others, in pursuing education or entrepreneurship goals. Contact me.
Military Experiences
Jul 2015 - Jul 2016
Battle Watch Commander
Commander's (Four-star) representative for all things current operations nuclear, space, and cyber.
Aug 2012 - Jan 2016
J35, Lead, Regional Adversary Team
Senior Strategist (FA59) and Lead, Future Operations and Crisis Action Planning Team of a future operations, cross-directorate planning team integrating and synchronizing US Strategic Command capabilities in support of other geographic combatant commands. Responsible for training and leading a cross-functional operations planning team that includes intelligence, deliberate plans and expanded contingency-oriented, subject matter expert team members.
Jun 2011 - May 2012
J35 & Lead, Professional Military Education
Strategist, Professional Military Education, & Force Manager in J3--Operations working on requirements, force structure and force modernization issues in standing up the new Office of Security Cooperation--Iraq. Iraqi International Academy Advisor & professional military education planner assisting the Iraqi's in physically moving their strategic education institutions to a new campus and the curricula aspects of developing a faculty, curriculum and engaging in academic partnership and outreach.
Jul 2009 - Jul 2011
Strategist, Leadership Development
Director, Joint Operations, Operations & Gaming Division, Center for Strategic Leadership, US Army War College, Carlisle, PA, 2009-present
Director, Strategic Leader Staff Ride Program: Through the Strategic Leader Education Program, provide the means to communicate Army-level themes and messages to citizens and political influencers increasing the awareness exchange insights on the important strategic issues facing the Army, academia, the government, and the business community.
Assistant Instructor, U.S. Army War College
Director, Strategic Leader Staff Ride Program: Through the Strategic Leader Education Program, provide the means to communicate Army-level themes and messages to citizens and political influencers increasing the awareness exchange insights on the important strategic issues facing the Army, academia, the government, and the business community.
Assistant Instructor, U.S. Army War College
(2 years, 6 months)Aug 2011 - May 2012

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Strategist, Professional Military Education, & Force Manager in J3--Operations working on requirements, force structure and force modernization issues in standing up the new Office of Security Cooperation--Iraq. Iraqi International Academy Advisor & professional military education planner
Aug 2006 - Feb 2007

Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) - Afghanistan
Secretary to the Joint Staff, United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) forward deployed to the Contingency Forward Headquarters to ensure command and control for Commander, Deputy Commander, Chief of Staff, Deputy Chief of Staff and Special Staff consisting of over 200 joint personnel in direct support of Operations ENDURING and IRAQI FREEDOM.
Jun 2004 - Jun 2005

Deputy Commander for 300 Soldier Logistics Battalion with aviation, medical, maintenance and supply assets supporting over 3000 members of the Multi-national Force & Observers.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Sep 2014 - Nov 2014
Joint Forces Staff College (JPME2)
Individual & Special Skill Schools
national board of certified counselors
Foreign Language Skills
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
2009 - 2011
MSS, Masters of Strategic Studies, US Army War College
2006 - 2013
Ph.D., Education, Northcentral University, Prescott, AZ
2000 - 2001
M.Ed., Long Island University
Personal Information