Posted on Jul 26, 2021
Once the COVID-19 vaccine becomes mandatory within the military, what type of separation will those refusing receive?
This has been a topic a few of my coworkers and I have had, regarding COVID and the inevitable mandate for the vaccine within our ranks. While I understand the likelihood of the vaccine being mandatory currently, as an emergency approval, is unlikely... eventually that will not be the case and it will be mandated. What type of separation do you think those resisting will receive?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 39
Discharge may vary depending on individual service record. Here is a June 2021 Military Times article on what happened decades ago when some troops refused the anthrax vaccine.

Troops who refused anthrax vaccine paid a high price
An unknown fraction of service members who were punished for refusing the anthrax vaccine in the late 1990s and early 2000s have sought to have their records corrected, but only a few have had success.
SSgt Thonas Daly
Service members separated from the military for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine receive a general discharge under honorable conditions WHICH MEANS they NOT eligible for GI Bill EDUCATION benefits.
Maj Robert Larkowski
SFC Robert Falco - Yeah things can be a bit confusing but this is an evolving situation where the info you get is not exact but this is the best science has to offer right now.
P.S. The vaccine and wearing masks works,
P.S. The vaccine and wearing masks works,
MSgt Mike (Lobo VNV Original) Morrow
Maj Robert Larkowski - Sorry Maj., the "vaccine" is not a cure, it is a preventative that moderates the COVID symptoms.
Maj Robert Larkowski
MSgt Mike (Lobo VNV Original) Morrow -
Maybe so but it is working to keep people alive like other vaccines that preceded it,
Maybe so but it is working to keep people alive like other vaccines that preceded it,
It has already became quasi mandatory when commanders demand and publish policies and memos that you get it of suffer, lockdowns, loss of leave privileges, exclusion from NCOES and assorted other get or else pressure incentives. On some sites you can actually see these directives when shortsighted commander allow copies to be taken and posted. As for separations, I thing Big Army will have a hard enough time meeting retention requirements sooner if not already with the uptick of deaths in barracks, Toxic leadership running around unchecked and lack of true leadership and mentoring in the ranks. The cycle of manpower shortages is rolling around sooner than expected and any acceleration of discharges for these social experiments will just empty the ranks sooner.
1SG Dennis Hicks
SFC (Join to see) - anyone in for a length of time can see all the "SOCIAL Experiments, SPC Manning for one, in addition for the witch hunts for right wing extremists , the new name for conservatives. Now the Military is giving GOMARS to lower and senior enlisted of the vaccine and then booting them, so yes Social experiments. The definition of what constitutes a Social Experiment is out there.
1SG Dennis Hicks
TLDR, not in keeping with the Great Military Social Experiment that has been going on for decades, sounds like you ignored the rest of the post to virtue signal.thanks for playing.
Texas hospital chief: We're fighting two wars — One against Covid, the other against stupidity
Dr. Joseph Varon, the Chief of Critical Care at United Memorial Medical Center, describes what it is like on the front lines of the fourth wave of the Coronavirus pandemic. Texas and Florida combined account for more than one-third of new hospitalizations nationwide. [login to see] 52?cid=sm_npd_ms_fb_ma&fbclid=IwAR1UnsKL9noRMzgCT20UuxcP_K7rN0TpTWGCis78nT3m5rdJuSUZPXLALY4
Dr. Joseph Varon, the Chief of Critical Care at United Memorial Medical Center, describes what it is like on the front lines of the fourth wave of the Coronavirus pandemic. Texas and Florida combined account for more than one-third of new hospitalizations nationwide. [login to see] 52?cid=sm_npd_ms_fb_ma&fbclid=IwAR1UnsKL9noRMzgCT20UuxcP_K7rN0TpTWGCis78nT3m5rdJuSUZPXLALY4

Texas hospital chief: We're fighting two wars — One against Covid, the other against stupidity
Dr. Joseph Varon, the Chief of Critical Care at United Memorial Medical Center, describes what it is like on the front lines of the fourth wave of the Coronavirus pandemic. Texas and Florida combined account for more than one-third of new hospitalizations nationwide.
Maj Gail Lofdahl
“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'”--Isaac Asimov
My sister-in-law is a doctor at a noted medical center. She and 98% of the doctors there are vaccinated for COVID-19. (The small unvaccinated percentage can't receive the vaccine for one reason or another.) Unless you believe all doctors have a "death wish," why would most of them self-vaccinate if it were harmful? Don't be stupid--get vaccinated.
My sister-in-law is a doctor at a noted medical center. She and 98% of the doctors there are vaccinated for COVID-19. (The small unvaccinated percentage can't receive the vaccine for one reason or another.) Unless you believe all doctors have a "death wish," why would most of them self-vaccinate if it were harmful? Don't be stupid--get vaccinated.
MAJ (Join to see)
The experimental SARS-CoV-2 shots (vaccines) do not prevent the spread of the disease, and do not protect people from it. This is evident from studies in multiple countries, not anti-intellectualism. If the medical community was actually making decisions based on the data, they would stop the mandatory shots. Unfortunately, getting the COVID shots is now just a symbol of loyalty to leftist political indoctrination.
MSgt Mike (Lobo VNV Original) Morrow
MAJ (Join to see) - You right in that the COVID shots "do not prevent the spread of the disease, and do not protect people from it" but, they do mitigate the symptoms and more than likely will keep you out of the hospital and off a respirator.
MAJ (Join to see)
The shots do not stop infections from any of the mutations of SARS-CoV-2. That is why they didn't reduce hospitalizations during the Delta variant surge. Also, the Omicron mutation is too mild to have severe adverse symptoms, so there is no reason to get the shots for it or any subsequent mutation. Furthermore, There is now evidence that the shots will have long term adverse effects due to them compromising the natural immune system.
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