Posted on Jun 11, 2019
PFC 94 Foxtrot
I’ve been dating this Solider from another base for about a year now and I recently proposed. What will happen if we get married? Will the Army move us together? Will we be separated with BAH? Just curious about the process and what We need to do
Posted in these groups: Rings MarriageBah calculator BAH
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Responses: 6
LTC Jason Mackay
You could try looking at the topics you tagged.
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SGT Javier Silva
SFC(P) Palmer U. - I do believe SFC(P) Palmer U. is joking, but may be serious.

No, getting stationed together is not automatic. You will have to apply to MACP. Yes, you both can receive your respective BAH if there is no dependent (child) involved. However, if a there is a dependent the higher ranking service member receives the BAH w/ Dep, while the other received BAH w/o Dep. There are other actions that will need to be done. Get a hold of anyone in your leadership for more advice on the matter. Talk to other married Soldiers.
PFC 94 Foxtrot
PFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Thank you for the advice.
SGT Nicholas M.
SGT Nicholas M.
>1 y
PFC (Join to see) - This is incorrect information. If you are not co-located (Different commands may have different interpretations of that word) then you would only be considered for BAH at the "without dependent" rate if single Soldiers of the same rank as you are also allotted BAH. So if you live at Base X and she lives at Base Y and your single E1-E4 buddies do not get BAH, then you will not get BAH.

This is never a simple topic because so much of it can be left to different interpretations, but here is what you could possibly shoot for... How close is this "other base" where she lives? You could run this through your CoC and see if they would authorize you BAH since you two are relatively close to each other and therefore may be considered "co-located"? If all else fails, there is nothing stopping you from applying for an Exception to Policy through your Commander requesting to be granted BAH so you two can live off post together and split the travel distance to your respective Posts. (All of that was based on if you two live like an hour apart.
SGT Javier Silva
SGT Javier Silva
>1 y
SGT Nicholas M. - The information comes directly from DFAS.
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
You two most likely won't get stationed together until one of you is in their reenlistment window and reenlist to move, triggering the other to receive orders to the same place, and requiring them to reenlist to accept the assignment.
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