Posted on Nov 9, 2015
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Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 15
A few thoughts:
- The UCMJ is administered for the following reasons: punishment, deterrence, rehabilitation, and good order/discipline.
- Bradley/Chelsea Manning received due process and was convicted of violations of the Espionage Act.
- PVT Manning's motives for his/her actions may be matters of extenuation and mitigation but are not a matter of guilt or innocence of the charges and therefore should not be the grounds for any appeal that he/she may initiate.
- If PVT Manning does not like the treatment that he/she is receiving while in prison then he/she should not have committed the crime in the first place.
- Therefore I recommend that PVT Manning sit down, shut up, and do his/her time. Any negative feelings that he/she has about his/her treatment while in prison are exactly that. His/her feelings. Grow up.
- The UCMJ is administered for the following reasons: punishment, deterrence, rehabilitation, and good order/discipline.
- Bradley/Chelsea Manning received due process and was convicted of violations of the Espionage Act.
- PVT Manning's motives for his/her actions may be matters of extenuation and mitigation but are not a matter of guilt or innocence of the charges and therefore should not be the grounds for any appeal that he/she may initiate.
- If PVT Manning does not like the treatment that he/she is receiving while in prison then he/she should not have committed the crime in the first place.
- Therefore I recommend that PVT Manning sit down, shut up, and do his/her time. Any negative feelings that he/she has about his/her treatment while in prison are exactly that. His/her feelings. Grow up.
SGM (Join to see)
COL Jason Smallfield, PMP, CFM, CM, Here! Here!, sir, Here! Here! I concur completely.
MCPO Roger Collins
I really like your style, Col. Kind of like the military communications I was used to years ago, where my specialty was telecommunications/electronics. Just the facts, with a bit of opinion. Keep up the good input. BTW, I particularly like the Manning name for a transgendered whatever.
Cpl Jeff N.
COL Jason Smallfield, PMP, CFM, CM . Agreed except he is a he, not a he/she. You are succumbing to the political correct language of the day. He is a man, always will be a man, even if at some point he is allowed to self mutilate.
Oh boo, hoo. I am so sad.
The prison is so mean to me for enforcing rules and confiscating contraband.
I will expose their inhumanities to the world on the internet!
Yes... that is the ticket.
Because being convicted of illegally copying and distributing classified materials is not the issue at all.
What a schmuck.
The prison is so mean to me for enforcing rules and confiscating contraband.
I will expose their inhumanities to the world on the internet!
Yes... that is the ticket.
Because being convicted of illegally copying and distributing classified materials is not the issue at all.
What a schmuck.
2LT Earl Dean To this I can only say, "quit your cryin'. You did the crime, and now you are going to do the time !!" What did he think was going to happen, that he was going to a salon and spa for 35 years?
You should sue because its the Governments fault that you gave up all that secret/top secret intel.
(for those that cannot tell, there is sarcasm in that comment)
(for those that cannot tell, there is sarcasm in that comment)
Col Joseph Lenertz
LOL, yes. And someday, he/she/zhe will "feel like a criminal," and sue the Army again. A steaming pile, by any other name, will smell the same.
he/she leeaked out all these classified documents and now is crying because of a hair cut!!!! Snithches get stitches or in this case a hair cut.
I see this and it makes my hair stand on end! I wanna slap him around. This man gave away US secrets and now wants to be a woman on the tax payers of this country and be treated as a woman! He/She is serving thirty five years for his/her crime. I think if he wants to do that sort of thing the Government should make him wait until he gets out of prison to do it on his dime. SO he is sick in the head! I don't think we should pay for his comfort! He should have been shot for giving away secrets in the first place!
When he gets his lady parts, paid by us the taxpayer, he can re file his lawsuits . The government should take 20 years to process the paperwork
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