Posted on Mar 7, 2015
Jobless Rate for Post 9/11 Veterans Hits Record Low . . .
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 3
Thanks for posting this, GySgt Wayne A. Ekblad. It's still disturbing to see that our post 9/11 GIs are more than a percentage point higher than the average, but it's encouraging to see the rate continuing to decline!
SSG (Join to see)
i'm a visual person so here's IAVA's take on it for a 2 year period:
I know VA gets a bad rap so I overly cautious when I link an article or finding from the VA. So I did a little digging into the sources for the report and they seem to jive. I just haven't dug deep into the weeds because as always percentages, stats, demographics is all subject to interpretation.
I know VA gets a bad rap so I overly cautious when I link an article or finding from the VA. So I did a little digging into the sources for the report and they seem to jive. I just haven't dug deep into the weeds because as always percentages, stats, demographics is all subject to interpretation.

2014 Unemployment Rates Decline for Post-9/11 Veterans, but Still Higher than the National...
Overall, unemployment trends in 2014 have shown a positive trend for our nation. There has been a net decrease in the unemployment rate from January to December for the nation as a whole, veterans, and Post-9/11 veterans specifically. However, there is still much work to be done, especially in light of the service members now returning from Afghanistan who will need to transition to civilian jobs. While there was a net decrease in unemployment...
While it's a positive move, I don't know why you wouldn't prefer to hire a veteran, someone proven to be a productive member of a team....amazes me that veterans are not the most in-demand population.
LCDR Margaret Trombley
Something I'm struggling with is the company I transistioned to touts being Vet friendly yet being a Vet is continually thrown in my face. Anything I say or do I get "well this is not the military..." Trust me I don't ge the two confused. It's almost as though it's a new form of discrimination. Anyone else having this issue?
CSM Michael J. Uhlig
I'd like to know the company or the products LCDR Margaret Trombley as to avoid them.
Considering the training and discipline required to succeed in the military it is very surprising that veterans would not be in higher demand. Unless of course the numbers are reflecting veterans being more selective in the jobs they are willing to take?
I have several friends that have separated or retired in the past year that stayed unemployed a long time because they were not willing to take a job they felt was beneath their station in life.
I have several friends that have separated or retired in the past year that stayed unemployed a long time because they were not willing to take a job they felt was beneath their station in life.
SPC(P) Jay Heenan
I think that this is a huge part of it...we live in a entitlement era and I have met Veterans that 'expect' that they should get certain jobs or that they can't start out at the bottom end of the company after being at the top end of the military. Maybe it is also that we can be a bit more selective (if retired) because of the income already coming in...
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