Posted on Oct 29, 2015
PV2 Scott Goodpasture
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Responses: 50
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
What was the purpose of the event and how did the Muslim community interpret it?

We are thinking in terms of the way Western man thinks and views the world and events. If you want the real answer read the book The Arab Mind.

I'd also begin to develop a library and fill it with books and literature that covers the Muslim Brotherhood and the Muslim Religion to include its prominate figures.

For me; we are at war. Our political leaders have failed to acknowledge this to the American People. Read Osama Bin Laden's fatwa ( 1-3), and it will become clear to you. If not just go over and check out an airport. That security is not set up to stop illegal Halloween candy.

Also for the conspiracy theorist you could look up and read about the documents that were discovered in Manchester England in an Al Quaeda safe house or look up the Dawea Doctrine for the United States. These documents are the blueprints for establishing and dominating a new land.

Long non answer for you to discover for yourself exactly what is happening and to determine why something is important in the Islamic world which may appear mundane in our world.

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PO3 Electrician's Mate
well ... as long as the prayer true translation is nothing like "you infidel will go to hell" or "death to America" or "Those that disrespect Islam will burn in hell" blah blah blah. I see no problem with that. It is the 1st Amendment :).
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SFC Platoon Sergeant
It’s being politically correct to say islam is just like all other religions. It’s a chicken shit position to take. We all know damn well there’s only one religion(cult) today that has millions of followers committing horrible acts in the name of that religion. Yes, the bible has passages that promotes violence, but I don’t see a huge numbers of Christians acting on what those passages say.
SFC Platoon Sergeant
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COL Ted Mc
Prior to this attack do you think he spent his days walkiig around campus shouting "Death to the infidels"? They always seem moderate until they attack.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) - Sergeant; I am the least "tolerant" person you would ever like to meet. If you smell, I will tell you so regardless of whether it is "politically correct" to do so or not.

On the other hand, I am probably a lot more "accepting" than many of the "tolerant" people are.

I recognize who the "enemy" is - it's anyone who is attempting to force their religion/morals down my throat.

FYI, the Qu'ran DOES NOT encourage "its followers to deceive the infidel if it furthers the cause of islam (sic)". The Qu'ran does, however, permit Muslims to dissemble about whether they are Muslims IF THEIR LIFE IS IN DANGER BECAUSE OF IT. Strangely enough Catholics dissembled about being Catholics when their lives were in danger simply because they were Catholics and Protestants dissembled about being Protestants when their lives were in danger simply because they were Protestants and Jews dissembled about being Jews when their lives were in danger simply because their lives were in danger simply because they were Protestants.

I have no doubt that you do not trust any "practicing Muslim" but do wonder what you intend to do about the 1.3 Billion of them that there are in the world today or the 2,770,000 (roughly) Muslims who are already in the United States of America. Surely you don't propose to make Islam illegal (as that would be unconstitutional) so I suppose that the only real solution (as far as you are concerned) is to simply liquidate them and thus effect a final solution to the Muslim problem.

Posting the questions to you is an effort to see how much you actually understand about the religion which you profess to believe in. I already know how much you actually know about Islam.

I have no idea what he (Faisel Mohammad) did in the days prior to the attacks and neither do you. However, if you want to bet that he went around campus muttering "Praise Allah" while I get to bet that he went around campus cursing the people who had kicked him out of their study group, I'd be glad to oblige you.

PS - I already know the answers to the questions, I just want to see if you do.

PPS - Faisel Mohammad also thought that "petroleum jelly" was a form of plastic explosive and that it would be possible to kill two people with a single bullet fired from his non-existent gun.
SFC Platoon Sergeant
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COL Ted Mc
"so I suppose that the only real solution (as far as you are concerned) is to simply liquidate them and thus effect a final solution to the Muslim problem."
Well it didn't take you long to make a nazi comparison. On that note, I'm done with you. No doubt you feel intellectually superior. You WERE a colonel at one time and I’m merely enlisted. I’ve run into your ilk before and you’re not worth my time.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
SFC (Join to see) - Sergeant; I'm sorry that you feel that way. I have this nasty habit of telling people who say idiotic things that they are saying idiotic things (and I tend to do so regardless of rank).

If your solution to the 1.3 Billion of them that there are in the world today or the 2,770,000 (roughly) Muslims who are already in the United States of America isn't to liquidate them - what is it?

Forced conversion to Christianity?

But you already know that you can't trust them, so how could you trust a forced conversion to Christianity when the Qu'ran is quite specific in allowing Muslims to lie about things like that if they feel that telling the truth will put their lives in danger?

So, if liquidation or forced conversion aren't the solution (as far as you are concerned) - what is?

PS - Please address yourself to the questions concerning the religion which you know all about that I have asked you previously. I am eagerly waiting for your theological revelations. (BTW - I already know the "theologically correct" answers, I just want to see if you do.)
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SPC Luis Mendez
Edited >1 y ago
O M G! Well, when it comes to the matter of Prayer there's much to be said by men of all creeds. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the Son of God however said little.

He Taught about prayers to be done in the PRIVACY of our homes, in SECRET. So to me at least that's an indication that Public prayers were NOT his Favorite prayers. Prayer according to Jesus, is a PRIVATE doing by a believer, semi-private when in the company of other Believers. Prayer is NOT a Spectacle to be seen by other men, but a PRIVATE affair between God Our Father and the believer, His child. Now, let's see what Jesus said about the subject in the Gospel of Matthew.

Matt. 6:5-8
5 And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.
6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.
8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
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Suspended Profile
It is unfortunate that some of or service members do not take to heart that we serve or have served to protect the rights ingrained in the Constitution. This country is great because of our diversity and dedication to the rule of law. That is what I was willing to lay down my life for during my 26+ years of service; Muslim son of a veteran, veteran, and now father of a veteran. May God, Allah, La Dieu, or by whatever name, protect us all.
SGT James Hastings
I guess nothing surprises me these days. I've been waiting for the 8 year debacle to end. I pray that the next administration at least considers themselves American.
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TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA - Sergeant; Strangely enough the Institute for Jewish and Community Relations no longer provides a link to anything other than the PR piece on "The Trouble With Textbooks" and the only thing that that PR complains about is how badly "Jews" and "Judaism" is treated.

PS - There is solid historical evidence that Columbus did NOT "discover" America - since he never visited it at all. I'm likely to give you "Columbus 'discovered' Puerto Rico for the Europeans but the Puerto Ricans already knew it was there.".

BTW, I'm sure that you were aware that a large percentage of Columbus' crew were likely Jewish and there is some (reasonably well founded) speculation that Columbus might well have been a " converso" himself. Of course that would be somewhat easier to determine if anyone actually knew, for a fact, who "Christopher Columbus" was.
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TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA
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SSG Avenger Crew Member
"In GOD we trust" comes mind.
Capt Whitney Davis
Capt Whitney Davis
>1 y
That's a big if there SSG (Join to see). That said, the phrase "In god we trust" was became the country's official slogan in 1956. It was printed onto coins as early as 1862 though. Either way, hardly the same time period as the founding fathers.

Furthermore, it has been upheld numerous times, by the various courts to not be religious in nature. For instance, in Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow, a 2004 case on the Pledge of Allegiance it was allowed to stand for the following reaspon: These acts of "ceremonial deism" are "protected from Establishment Clause scrutiny chiefly because they have lost through rote repetition any significant religious content."
SSG Avenger Crew Member
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
If one believes in GOD and it is subsequently printed on our currency, that makes it all the better. Some may like it or not, but even those who don't believe use and touch money.
Capt Whitney Davis
Capt Whitney Davis
>1 y
I'm glad that you're a fan, but what I was trying to say is that, "In God we trust," on our currency does not establish any religion as a state religion.
SSG Avenger Crew Member
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
It does for me. But that is my own opinion.
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PV2 Scott Goodpasture
Hmm I can't respond to any comments Thanks Captain M way to cherry pick who gets to enjoy the 1st. Amendment and who does not. Hypocrite is the word that Seers through my brain right now. I wasn't insulting you we just had a different opinion... Get over it
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