Posted on Aug 12, 2014
TSgt Terry Hudson
Recently I heard that the MTI's aren't even allowed to yell at trainees any more. I've heard a lot more timeout cards, random base liberty and a lot more. What are your thoughts? Do you think this is affecting the people wanting to volunteer for MTI Duty?
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Responses: 34
SSG V. Michelle Woods
Air force
Airforce pt meme generator how army sees air force pt session 783fba
All jokes aside, the Air Force may be too soft in general to the rest of us but clearly they are doing something right.
In general,
they're happier
they have more freedom
they honor good ideas regardless of the rank of the person
they are well-mannered and polite
they have better...well...everything.
SSgt Accounting Technician
SSgt (Join to see)
9 y
SSgt (Join to see) - Still could have corrected him lol
SSgt Senior It Security Analyst
SSgt (Join to see)
9 y
SSgt (Join to see) - Unfortunately I don't feel it's my place any longer. It kills me too.
SSgt Pharmacy Technician
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
unfortunately most that I have seen personally do not have better waistlines...
SP5 Peter Keane
SP5 Peter Keane
7 y
MAJ Jim Woods - And in Viet Nam they had flushing toilets.
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MSgt Electrical Power Production
Edited 10 y ago
Yes the Air Force should tighten their reins and toughen up BMT. Quit treating everything like a business and more like a military branch. Then maybe there would be more es·prit de corps within the AF. Take some pointers from the Corps and yes I suppose the Army too.
TSgt Terry Hudson
TSgt Terry Hudson
10 y
SrA Kc 135 Crew Chief
SrA (Join to see)
9 y
I agree with you 100% MSgt. The pipeliners I saw while TDY at Sheppard AFB for tech school had absolutely no disipline. I think the Air Force BMT should pull the slack out of the reins a bit.
SPC (Other / Not listed)
SPC (Join to see)
9 y
Lmao @ I suppose the Army too, funny thing is I always hear soldiers and marines say " I shoulda joined the air force"...

Wheres this espirit de corps in the Army you speak of...still trying to find it...
Col Joseph Lenertz
Col Joseph Lenertz
7 y
Agree. The pride you feel in an accomplishment is directly related to it's difficulty. It has gotten too soft and the pendulum needs to swing back.
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A1C Cyber Systems Operations
I just graduated BMT in January 2nd of 2015, and I can guarantee that the "stress card" or the "time out card" are not real things. Also with the rumors of no yelling or cursing, yelling is definitely still a part of AF BMT. Fellow trainees and I were yelled at daily for the first 2 or 3 weeks, then its slowed down from there as we got more accustomed to BMT life and AF customs etc... AF PT was not as hard as I was expecting when I enlisted, but we were on mandatory PT 7 days a week, weather that was squadron PT or PT on your own (one by threes, pushups when waiting to go into chow hall, punishment PT etc). The AF BMT may be easier than some of the other branches, but it taught me how important a healthy diet, exercise, and respecting any rank above you, even if its AB to AMN. It may just depend on the mentality of the Airmen that go through BMT that causes disrespect, not the program itself.
TSgt Terry Hudson
TSgt Terry Hudson
9 y
Thanks for the input.
TSgt Joe C.
TSgt Joe C.
>1 y
I never even heard of those things. I worked w many a MTIs while at CBRN (Warrior Week/BEAST)...never remembered anyone throwing that out there. I certainly appreciate the honest feedback A1C (Join to see)!
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Is USAF BMT too soft?
SSgt Investigative Analyst
Edited 10 y ago
It was just a couple of years ago that the sex scandal at Lackland came to light, when thirty-one trainees came forward with allegations of sexual assault, rape, and misconduct. The Air Force must now conduct basic training under the specter of that impropriety. If BMT has gotten soft, you need not look any further for cause than the MTIs that abused their position of authority. BMT and the AF at large will be dealing with that fallout for years.
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SSG Robert Burns
I don't think it's too soft. You don't want to risk it becoming too much like the military.
SSG Robert Burns
SSG Robert Burns
10 y
Who me? ;-)
SFC Mark Merino
SFC Mark Merino
10 y
SGT Jerrold Pesz
SGT Jerrold Pesz
9 y
I was never in the Air Force but I went TDY to Air Force bases a number of times (usually Dover) and what I liked was that it was almost like not being in the military. Laid back, nice room, a great mess hall and a club that was open 24 hours a day. Almost made me want to change over.
SSgt Pharmacy Technician
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
it's been a while since I lol'd in real life off of one statement.
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MSgt Section Chief, Mission Defense Team
I talked to my guys recently. One of them said Basic was "insultingly easy," but they offered a lot of context. They said they were briefed early on exactly what the MTIs are and are not allowed to do and encouraged to report any deviation from those standards. Along with the microscope the MTIs are under, it creates an unspoken threat of pissing off a trainee and them reporting something to end your career.

From the outside looking in, the chain looks like they're extremely gun-shy of anything remotely resembling impropriety springing up, so they're ruthlessly squashing anything they see. This is probably what's having the biggest effect on people volunteering for MTI duty.

As for Timeout cards, this has been an urban myth for almost 20 years...

When I came in, MTIs were allowed to yell; they were not allowed to swear, they were not allowed to assault us, and they were not allowed to personally demean us. They didn't mean they didn't have an extensive bag of tricks with which to rattle us.
TSgt Stan/Eval Flight Chief
TSgt (Join to see)
10 y
I hear the same stories, and when I had the same experience you did when I went through. But there's an air of caution through the entire Air Force, what with the SAPR push lately. It's not a bad thing, but it certainly makes a lot of people less willing to risk anything, especially MTIs. I've seen the same caution in the "Real" Air Force, too, though, so I assume it's everywhere.
TSgt Services
TSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
When my older brother joined 12 years ago he told me the MTI's aren't supposed to cuss, but they do. When I went to BMT this year, the worst I heard my MTI say was "hell" and "damn". I even got disqualified from being eligible for honor graduate because I said the F-word and the trainee standing next to me complained. I ended up getting a 98% on my EOC for BMT, which apparently was unheard of. My MTI said if I had done better I would have been investigated for cheating. I probably would have been a definite honor graduate if I hadn't dropped the F-bomb.
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MSG(P) Michael Warrick
All the services are to soft now and the Soldiers are to pampered. We need to get back to the old school ways !!
MSgt Electrical Power Production
MSgt (Join to see)
10 y
When I went through boot in the Corps in 79 my brother -in law was going through Army boot. We compared notes and he had it much easier.
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COL Randall C.
Usaf bmt
Air force basic training
Of course not. How could you even think that?
TSgt Terry Hudson
TSgt Terry Hudson
10 y
Lmao!! If my wife would let me and I could keep my rank! I'd definitely switch to Marines or Army!
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GySgt Moses Lozano
Yes they are too soft a service. Think about it, they don't even call where they sleep barracks anymore they are DORMS! It is not the fault of the people who are in the Air Force it is the fault of their leaders who allowed it to become so lame.
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MSgt Jim Wolverton
Every generation says this, and in some ways they're right but if you want to instill discipline in your troops, it is YOUR responsibilty as an NCO/SNCO. BMT had VERY LITTLE to do with who I became as an Airman.
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