Responses: 5
AR670-1 para 3-7
f. Bags, handbags, purses, and backpacks are authorized, but must adhere to the following criteria:
(1) Hand carried bags will be conservative and professional in appearance. Bags (to include civilian gym bags, civil- ian backpacks, or other similar civilian bags) must be carried only in the hand if they do not meet the criteria outlined in paragraph 3–7f(2). DA Pam 670–1 provides additional descriptions and wear occasions for handbags.
(2) If Soldiers choose to wear a shoulder bag while in uniform, the bag must be black or match the camouflage pat-
tern uniform being worn, and may not have any commercial logos. The contents of the bag may not be visible; therefore, see-through plastic or mesh bags are not authorized. Soldiers may carry authorized bags by hand, on one shoulder using a shoulder strap, or over both shoulders using both shoulder straps. Soldiers may not wear a shoulder bag in such a man- ner that the strap is draped diagonally across the body, with the bag resting on the hip opposite the shoulder holding the strap.
f. Bags, handbags, purses, and backpacks are authorized, but must adhere to the following criteria:
(1) Hand carried bags will be conservative and professional in appearance. Bags (to include civilian gym bags, civil- ian backpacks, or other similar civilian bags) must be carried only in the hand if they do not meet the criteria outlined in paragraph 3–7f(2). DA Pam 670–1 provides additional descriptions and wear occasions for handbags.
(2) If Soldiers choose to wear a shoulder bag while in uniform, the bag must be black or match the camouflage pat-
tern uniform being worn, and may not have any commercial logos. The contents of the bag may not be visible; therefore, see-through plastic or mesh bags are not authorized. Soldiers may carry authorized bags by hand, on one shoulder using a shoulder strap, or over both shoulders using both shoulder straps. Soldiers may not wear a shoulder bag in such a man- ner that the strap is draped diagonally across the body, with the bag resting on the hip opposite the shoulder holding the strap.
It is not, because it has the product inscription on it...it should be all black. Seeing what LTC Mackay commented, regulations have changed since I left the military ten years ago.
You've certainly received several good answers in this conversation. I would like to take a moment to commend you for taking the time to make sure your backpack is within regs, I see far too many Soldiers with non-compliant bags.
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